Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 8 Mysterious Message

[Energy transformation, unlocked successfully]

[Initiate new research and development]: i-level battery energy technology!

Energy storage technology analysis progress 0.1%!

Solar technology analysis progress 1 percent.

The progress of energy conversion technology analysis is 0.5 percent!


At the same time, Fang Che curiously picked up a wire on a cat-shaped body and invested in the research and development of the light screen panel in front of him.

All of a sudden, the wire in my hand disappeared miraculously.

[You initiated a new research and development. 】

[Analysis of wire progress 0.1%...]


It was not too late to discover, and it would be a real loss to discover these later.

Fang Che stopped dismantling the invisible cat-shaped body after dismantling nothing.

At the same time, the energy item in his attribute, [Energy]: i-level battery (5/100).

The world seemed to turn red at this moment.

Blinking continuously.

It was a reminder that he was about to run out of energy.

In fact, it's just that his eyes flashed like red lights!

Daily battles consume exponentially more energy. If you simply walk, you will naturally consume 9-11 hours.

But fighting, the energy will warn once in half a day.

Fang Che was lying on a hill in the grassland, biting a piece of dogtail grass, quietly listening to the sound of the wind.

Waiting patiently for full energy...

It was another night full of stars.


【Ding! Sign in successfully, sign for six days in a row, and reward the five tigers with a sword! 】

Suddenly, a message was sent to the flame in the core of Fang Che's head.

A set of Shaolin knife skills, cold weapon knife skills!

This reward is very good.

Even if you use hot weapons now, you can still use melee fists and kicks.

Not as useless as imagined.

What's more, he now hunts and kills beast-shaped mechanical warriors with an ordinary-grade alloy long knife, but he still only knows how to fight blindly.

Dragon country national art, a routine that was fought in actual combat.

Although in the era of peace, it is reduced to flamboyant fists and embroidered legs, but on the battlefield is the place where Chinese martial arts should show their prestige first!


Seventh day!

Since the left hand has not been repaired, I don't know where to repair it.

The progress of Fang Che's transformation of the steel body was much slower.

The transformation of the iron body into a steel body is 45% in progress!

[Your hands have been transformed into steel materials! 】

At the same time, Fang Che saw the prompt.

Miraculously, his left hand recovered as before during the process of changing it into a steel body!

It should be a process of remodeling, reconnecting the wound fusion lines.

These two hands are no longer as easy to break as iron that has not been smelted!

It's a new discovery.

If needed one day, the injury is serious, but the injury can be recovered by means of transformation.

But the first transformation was so difficult...


Fang Che took advantage of the opportunity to open the world channel that must be watched every day.

The chat information sent by the same kind of world channel can collect the information of this world as quickly as possible.

Fang Che has almost made this a habit.

"Take a selfie! Guess where this is? Yes, the sea!"

"Crab model body? Hahaha, I laughed so hard."

"Hehe! Try it if you were born in the ocean! Guaranteed you won't survive a day."

"Sorry, I was born in a city!"

"City? Where?"

"Guess! You're so mad! Call me that crab, and I'll tell you!"

"Pity those who were born in the mechanical world and live in the wild!"

"Do you know what faction I belong to? You wild species!"

What! ! !

Fang Che looked at the chat messages from all over the world today in surprise.

Wild species?

Are they mechanical warriors born in the wild?

And there are cities in this world!

But if there is a city, it is impossible to be so barren with the technology shown in the mechanical world now!

"how come!"

Fang Che gritted his teeth, and couldn't help typing a line towards the world channel, "Brother, can you tell the city what it is like?"

"I'm sorry! I can't tell you! All I can say is - the city has everything you wild species want!"

"Don't brag! Oh! It's so comfortable, it's great to be born in the city. How come it's so good to be born in the city!"


What is the city like!

Fang Che stopped talking and turned off the world channel.

Everyone has secrets, and after seven days someone has started to know that the world represents the right to rummage!

Naturally, such smart companions will not tell them the advantages in the early stage!

In this case, you can only rely on yourself.

Go find the city!

But why with the technology of the mechanical world, how could it be so?

This kind of grassland half a meter high and stretching as far as the eye can see, there are no people!


"These beast-shaped mechanical warriors are the figures of the mechanical world! Life forms!"

I made an ideological mistake myself!

Not without people!

But these guys who resemble wild monsters are the natives of the mechanical world!


Thinking about it this way, Fang Che understands!

But there is no law in the mechanical world, and the aborigines are all attacking each other!

However, who is in charge of all this.

There are more and more mysterious places in the mechanical world.

Fang Che became more and more interested in the back of this world.

"Strive to increase the steel body transformation progress to 60 today!"

Fang Che took off on the spot with great motivation.

His body has already broken through the previous limit of human beings.

A casual jump is three or four meters high!


ps: I will have the motivation to say 0.0 if I have data

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