Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 80 You Are Different

"Corporal Fang Che, report here!"

Fang Che came to the huge city gate that looked like a mountain.

at this time.

He already knew his worries were unnecessary.

【Number 1638125906!】

【Go to the city gate to report!】

at the same time.

Text prompts are sent out.


He has!

Can enter Xingyue City.

Fang Che walked over.

And is this a pick-up? It's like a pick-up.


Just put up a pick-up sign.

But the virtual light screen panel on the city gate indicated that he should report there!

Report what!


as well as!


be yourself.

"Welcome to officially become a member of the Fighting Sect, number 1638125906, this is your lifetime number in the Fighting Sect, and now you are an official member of the Fighting Sect

Just arrived at the gate of the city, a humanoid female form without eye organs?

But her eyes seem to be a kind of science and technology eyepiece goggles!

Fang Che was stunned! It turns out that silicon-based life can also be beautiful?

Is it right to just remodel like this? Silicone skin, cold metal to block the body, imitation carbon-based life, high heels, little black dress, and……

"It's Earth 940!"

Fang Che couldn't keep up all of a sudden, it looked like a human on the outside, but inside it was still a mechanical body.

What made him even more unbelievable was that the bodies of the mechanical warriors inside and outside the city were no longer the same!

But it is absolutely impossible to be a human from Earth! The size of the body does not determine the strength of a mechanical warrior, and the small body does not mean that it is weak. No one knows what modules that surpass the technology of the times are hidden in other people's bodies.

If it's Earthlings? That's amazing!

He used to completely think that no silicon-based life would study silica gel materials, but he never expected that the skin of bionic carbon-based life would be white and tender.

This.....The appearance, technology and feeling have surpassed themselves!

However, Fang Che stood still while receiving the information.

The long sword and cold weapon beside her? What kind of technology is it, suspended beside her machine!

She saw a Japanese long sword floating in the air beside her.


Is it maglev?

"You seem to be surprised by me?" The voice of the female mechanical warrior in front of him made him feel quite familiar, "Do you think my voice is very familiar, the intelligent AI of the egg base is managed by my system."

"Don't be surprised by my body! You new species, do you think that the body is the one you see? But the mechanics? Transformation is a big project!"

It was still the warm, yet clearly recognizable female voice synthesized by a computer.


Is the female mechanical warrior in front of me the manager of the chemical base?

However, Fang Che agrees.

Mechanics is inherently an esoteric subject.

But what about the blindfolds on the eyes!


He doesn't think it's an ordinary blindfold, anything on a mechanical life is lethal, and in the past forty days [this is how the mechanical world feels to Shi Che.

Including the little black dress and high heels on the female robot in front of me!

But in any case, he likes the hard feeling of metal, and the metallic luster...

He's not going to be idle... to work on silicone!

Moreover, Fang Che couldn't see the soul flame in the head of this female mechanical warrior, and couldn't see how many levels of silicon-based life the other party was.


Why didn't I think of hiding the eyes, the eyes are the windows to the soul, it is true, and it is also useful for silicon-based life.

After all, the eyes directly see the level of life!

Since the Fang Cheiii-level life forms are so exposed under the city wall, most of the silicon-based life forms of the aborigines, the seemingly extremely powerful mechanical warriors, will hide (cbce).


The female mechanical warrior in front of me [does the eye generation mean it belongs to the defense device technology?

This female mechanical warrior has been stared at by Fang Che all the time. She is as if nothing happened. What looks like a blindfold is actually several technologies, such as radar, scanning, tracking, energy defense device activation, etc.

All-in-one technology modules are expensive to say...

After all, this module is the favorite of small and medium airframes.

Of course Fang Che didn't know.

But the charming female mechanical warrior pointed to her face, which can only be seen by others, "New species, you are indeed surprised, it seems that you are not different!"

"The beautiful appearance of the body can also paralyze the judgment of the opponent and the enemy. This is also applicable in the mechanical world!"

"No, you don't have a soul flame!"

Fang Che What does she mean tomorrow? Wouldn’t the silicon-based life transformed from carbon-based life like them be confused?

"Soul flame? In your head, someone calls it fire! Soul fire! Life crystallization! Soul! Flame!......"

"You can call it whatever you want!"

There was no fluctuating voice, as if the female mechanical warrior was in a good mood, and answered Fang Che's question, "You put the fire of your soul in your head, this is a dangerous behavior, new species!"


Fang Che earnestly studied the transformation ideas of the aborigines.

Why not study!

His thoughts on the transformation of soul fire have also changed.

Can one's own soul fire be placed in the abdomen of the body.

When Fang Che forgets where he is, try, put the fire of his soul in his belly.

He is so stupid!

It turns out that the fire of the soul can be placed anywhere.

It was all misleading by the mechanical warriors on the prairie, and he was born in the mechanical world, and the soul fire in his head was in his head.

Hence his rigid thinking.

"It seems that you really don't deserve me to pick you up, I really don't understand! Maybe only death can tell you the truth, your wrong behavior. But it's really strange..."

Fang Che listened, "Aren't all the mechanical warriors who came out of the egg base picked up?"


That female robot seems to say - what are you thinking!!!


"Of course not! No silicon-based life would care about a new species."


"You are different! You..."

ps: Ask for everything, diarrhea is here, poor amount.

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