Li Hao had some private matters to attend to after the afternoon compulsory class. He planned to take a long nap, but before he could leave, he was dragged by Zuo Xiaotang to buy flowers. "Ah, who are you buying them for?"

Suddenly, Li Hao felt that he owed Ayouyou too much. He had never given her flowers or a proper gift. He always carried a red heart-shaped gem with him, although gifts didn't have to be expensive, valuable and unique gifts were often expensive. Even though he didn't understand, Li Hao knew that this gem must be valuable. He had no idea what kind of gift to give Ayouyou, although he knew she probably wouldn't mind.

In this aspect, Zuo Xiaotang seemed to be more enlightened than him.

"Lu... Lu Ying," Zuo Xiaotang said a bit embarrassedly. "Shh, don't tell anyone else. I'm still working on it. I'm having dinner with her tonight, and she agreed. Wu Ge, I really like her. She's gentle and generous. Being able to be with her is my dream!"

Zuo Xiaotang's face was glowing with joy and anticipation.

Li Hao patted Zuo Xiaotang's shoulder. "Good luck. Sister Lu's charm is quite powerful, and the road ahead is long."

Zuo Xiaotang nodded. "I feel like Sister Lu has some interest in me. She was very nice to me during training recently. Yesterday, I invited her to dinner, and she agreed. Haoge, do you think she might be interested in me? Otherwise, she wouldn't have accepted such a personal invitation, right?"

Li Hao rubbed his nose. "You should ask Teacher Ma about that."

After buying the flowers, Zuo Xiaotang took a deep sniff. They smelled really good.

"Alright, you do your best. I'm leaving."

Just as he was about to leave, Zuo Xiaotang grabbed him again. "I'm a bit nervous. Can you accompany me?"

Li Hao rolled his eyes. "You need company for this?"

"I just asked Sister Ziyuan. She has an off-campus activity today and won't be in the dorm. I bought the flowers and will wait for her at the entrance, giving her a surprise. Teacher Ma always says we should create romance."

Search "pawread dot com" for the original.

"Why do I have to be involved in your romance? It's too stimulating for me!"

"Come on, bro. At this critical moment, you have to cheer me up and chat with me. Otherwise, I feel like I'll pass out from the heat before she arrives. You can leave once she's here." Zuo Xiaotang said.

Li Hao was speechless. What a tool.

"By the way, I've been thinking about something. Why do you keep bothering the dean about seeing my girlfriend, who is on the moon? Where am I supposed to find her?" Li Hao had a headache. The dean had been talking about this recently, asking him to take her to see his girlfriend on the moon.

How could he see her when Ayouyou was on her way to Kepler? Even if she wasn't on Kepler, they were...

"It's not my fault. The dean asked me. I can't just tell her. Either you explain the situation to her, or find a substitute to act."

"Get lost. You always come up with useless ideas. There are so many tricky spirits at home, and it never ends after the first time."

Beep Beep Ge

"Or you can say you've been used. Forget it." Zuo Xiaotang laughed.

"Go away. I'm still here. I haven't given up. I need to prepare a gift for Ayouyou." Li Wu was actually not better than Zuo Xiaotang in this aspect. Recently, he had regretted not beating those people up and running away with Ayouyou.

As for where to run, who cared? Now, Kepler was really the ends of the earth.

"In this aspect, you should consult Teacher Ma. Oh, right, Ma Long mentioned that your situation is called 'entangled lotus roots.' As a man, you must break the deadlock and take the initiative. If the feelings are still there, the other person will definitely respond. Of course, you must find a good reason and be sincere." Zuo Xiaotang imitated Ma Long's tone.

Li Hao scratched his head. It made sense. He had to be sincere.

The two chatted and time flew by. A luxurious hovercar stopped a few meters away from the school gate. Of course, it wasn't too surprising at Tianjing Mech Academy. Lu Ying got out of the car, wearing shorts and a small vest, with a small waist and a well-endowed chest. She looked really hot.

Although they were far away, both Zuo Xiaotang and Li Hao had excellent eyesight and recognized her at a glance. Li Wu patted someone's shoulder and quietly left.

After a while, the car door opened, and a bespectacled man in a suit stepped out. He opened his arms to Lu Ying, who smiled and gave him a hug. The bespectacled man then closed the car door, spun around, and the hovercar roared away.

Zuo Xiaotang saw this scene clearly and his face turned pale, and his hands trembled.

Zuo Xiaotang took a deep breath. No, it might be a friend or relative. What was he thinking? There must be a misunderstanding.

Lu Ying walked lightly, and it was clear that she was in a good mood. For her, life was as colorful as a stage. With her beauty and education, she could attract many people's attention. She enjoyed this fulfilling life.

Zuo Xiaotang hid behind a tree and never had the courage to approach her.

In the evening, Zuo Xiaotang had dinner with Lu Lai. Sister Lu changed into a white T-shirt, a short skirt, and white shoes. She looked clean, neat, and conservative. It completely captured Zuo Xiaotang's soul. Was this a sign of her valuing him?

Several times, Zuo Xiaotang wanted to ask, but the words stuck in his throat. It seemed that asking would be a disgrace to the goddess. He was also worried that his gossiping would make Lu Ying unhappy. After all, he was just a pursuer.

Zuo Xiaotang was cautious in finding topics throughout the night.

"I heard that Ma Long awakened the Golden Zone?" Lu Ying asked, her voice a bit sour. "Sheng Man is really lucky."

"Yes, Ma Long is very talented. He's usually not serious, but when he is, he must be amazing." Zuo Xiaotang proudly said.

"What about you? When will you awaken?" Lu Ying smiled.

Zuo Xiaotang scratched his head embarrassedly. "I'm a bit slow. Maybe I'm the slowest one?"

"That won't do. I have high hopes for you, Zuo Xiaotang. You have to work hard!" Lu Ying said with a smile.

Zuo Xiaotang lifted his head, his eyes wide open, looking at the dazzlingly beautiful Lu Ying with great excitement. She actually thought highly of him?

Suddenly, Lu Ying took a sip of her fruit juice and touched her rosy lips, "Hmm, your orange juice is quite sweet. Would you like to try my mixed fruit juice?"

She then put the orange juice back on Zuo Xiaotang's side. At this moment, Zuo Xiaotang's heart felt as if it had been hit by a bullet.

Meanwhile, Li Hao was riding his electric scooter through the city. After delivering an order, he stopped by the roadside and opened Sky Message.

"Kevin, have you found out anything?"

"Big bro, where did you get this? This is the Heart of Flame, a precious gem unique to Mars. Usually, one carat is already astonishing, but yours seems to be three or four carats. It's not just about the price, with such quality and size, it must have been auctioned off in the interstellar auction house. Did you rob a bank?" Kevin said.

Li Hao was speechless. He knew it wouldn't be cheap, but he didn't expect it to be this expensive.

"Oh, right, it's not about the price. The Heart of Flame symbolizes eternal and passionate love. Big bro, did you hook up with a rich woman?"

"Get lost. This was a gift from your sister-in-law. The problem now is, I've upset her and need to prepare a gift. Help me think of something!"

"Holy shit, you're planning to live off a woman, huh? You're indeed my idol in every aspect." Kevin teased.

"I asked you to help me, not to mess around. The gift needs to be unique, thoughtful, and preferably valuable. Of course, I'm broke." Li Hao said.

Upon hearing this, Kevin's eyes rolled back. Anything that met these criteria and could match the Heart of Flame would be astronomically expensive. Sometimes, he would even have to compete with a bunch of rich people for it. As a homebody who spends all his time online, he had no idea about these things.

"I can't help with this. Why don't you ask Ye Tong? Girls know more about this stuff, and Ye Tong is a rich and beautiful girl."

"Huh, right. You can go now." Li Hao laughed.

Kevin was a prominent figure in the online world of Anwang, even leading an organization. After all, he was able to get tickets to an Arths concert. Li Hao's codename on Anwang was FSS, but it was more than just a codename. Kevin's current status in the dark web wasn't solely due to his technical skills, but also Li Hao's execution.

Li Hao dialed Ye Tong's Sky Message, but after a long time, no one answered...

A few punks came over and surrounded Li Hao, their butterfly knives flipping in their hands. This old scooter should be worth a few thousand, and the delivery guy should have some tips on him. Seeing these three people, Li Hao turned off his Sky Message, a bright smile on his face. By the time Ye Tong called back, Li Hao had already gained a few things, including a knife, some parts, and a decent rivet handguard, which could be recycled at a second-hand shop.

"Ye Tong, haha, long time no see. How have you been in North America?" Li Hao asked enthusiastically.

"Isn't this Captain Li? I'm flattered that you still remember me. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not doing well. I'm bullied all the time." Ye Tong was angry. Of course, she saw the Sky Message, but she didn't answer. She thought he would call again, but he didn't. He had no patience. He didn't even care to check on her after she had been in North Carolina for so long.

"Haha, how could that be? It's good enough that you're not bullying others. I didn't want to disturb your training. North Carolina is a star in our USE military academy. You've joined a team, right?"

"Of course, don't you know who I am? Now, what do you want?" Ye Tong's mood improved slightly.

Meanwhile, Ye Tong's teammates were all dumbfounded. This cold, ruthless, and inhuman girl also had such a lively side?

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