Li Hao silently hid his login status. He also noticed the abnormality in his personal space. It was a complete mistake. He had originally intended to close it, but the excessive enthusiasm and attention made him feel a bit uncomfortable. However, after reading so many friendly messages, Li Hao decided to leave it there. As long as everyone was happy.

Blee27's 3000-point mission had already been completed. In EMP, there were no longer any restrictions. Unless necessary, he only wanted to quietly train and enjoy his own time.

Li Hao shared his first-person perspective with Ayouyou so that she could have an immersive experience while watching the match.

"Senior, I was just joking. You can choose whatever you're good at." Ayouyou said. She didn't want Li Hao to lose.

"Hey hey, I can do everything. I just can't lose. What should I do?" Li Hao teased. He probably only acted like this when facing Ayouyou.

"Hmph, you're just bragging all the time." Although she said that, Ayouyou still really liked Li Hao's confidence.

Li Hao smiled and entered the team battle ranking with a swoosh.

The team formation began. With Li Hao's current EMP score, he belonged to the top segment. The teammates and opponents in the team battle were all high-ranking professional players, random kings, and experts. They were all well-known figures.

In simple terms, there were no unknowns here.

After waiting for a while, they entered the selection page and five teammates appeared.

"Damn, why is it so slow? Is the system afraid of me? I am Karl's little super, give me the medium-sized mecha, don't mess around, watch me!"

"Hey, Super Bro is here, this match is stable. I'll take a sniper shot, precise strikes, steadily gaining points!" Krait laughed. He liked playing with S-class players the most and took it seriously.

Karlft Military Academy, a North American powerhouse, T2 rated by the Solar System Federation, one of the top ten military academies in USE. The player known as Little Super was a member of the team.

"Hey, isn't this Snake Bro? It's stable, it's stable!" Little Super said. Krait was considered a senior, although he had retired, his overall level remained very good.

"Little Super, stop showing off. Give me the medium-sized mecha, you choose a light mecha as my wingman, I'll take you guys flying." A hoarse voice laughed.

"Haha, isn't this Old Han? You're even more fierce with a light mecha, and I can command."

The one who took the position was Han Lie from Heiyan Military Academy, also a top military academy in USE.

"Old Han, Little Super, you two take a light mecha and a heavy mecha. I'll take the medium-sized mecha."

Another person spoke. It was Kuen from Okanman Military Academy, a T1 level player. Okanman Team was currently selecting for the finals. He was a real big shot.

Just now, Little Super and Han Lie were competing for positions, but now they revealed their light and heavy mechas.

Krait also laughed, "Brothers, I'm going to win lying down. With three S-class big shots, even my grandma could win. And there's one more brother, what do you choose?"

The last player used stealth mode and hid their personal information. This was very common in high-ranking matches. They didn't want the opponents to predict or understand their tactics.

"Hey, what do you want to see?" Li Hao asked.

Ayouyou thought for a moment, "Anything, you choose randomly."


Li Hao's interface started spinning, Armored Dragon... Armored Tiger... Armored Leopard, after spinning for a while, it stopped at Armored Dragon.

Krait couldn't help but say, "Brother, don't mess around. Give the medium-sized mecha to Kuen."

The selection was done, and Krait could only complain. If it weren't for him being a popular streamer now, he would let him experience the power of trolls. This person was obviously also affected by the Puppet's curse. The rise of the Armored series was not only in the lower ranks, but also in the higher ranks. Some even said that using the Armored series was the way to improve one's skills, but it was a bit of a waste to practice with EMP scores.

"Forget it, let's play steadily. Armored Dragon can still fight. Listen to my commands." Kuen said. Among the five, his rank was the highest, so it was normal for him to command.

The five quickly selected their mechas. The battlefield was Kepler Red Flag Base. Overall, everyone's mentality was still relaxed. Although there was an Armored Dragon causing trouble, their lineup was very strong. They were the blue side.

"Brothers, let's win steadily. Such a strong lineup, it feels like S8 again. With such a fierce Trident Assault, combined with my sniper..." Fuck!

When they saw the opponents, Krait's titanium alloy dog eyes almost went blind.

The opponents were actually NUP's West Comet Academy, a team of S-class players!

Krait was just bragging a moment ago. West Comet Academy, currently ranked ninth in NUP, had undoubtedly entered this year's NUP mid-season tournament. How could their score match up with a five-man team from an S-class team?

"Mother... Mother... Mother-in-law, give me a cigarette to calm down." Krait shouted loudly, and soon, a hand appeared in the video, inserting a cigarette into Krait's mouth.

Krait took a deep drag.

"Brothers, it's time to show our true skills!"

The viewers watching the live stream were all shocked. This was definitely the position of a family emperor.

In the team voice chat, Kuen was also a bit stunned. How could their casual personal ranking match up with a professional top team's team practice?

"What the fuck is going on? Is the system retarded? How are we supposed to play? We're just giving them points."

"Fear my ass, let's fight them!"

"I'm not scared, I just don't want to embarrass myself. When I play with a nanny, I always give it my all. Brothers, let's all get serious. Fuck, I forgot, we still have a Armored Dragon God here..."

Kuen, Little Super, and the others were definitely not afraid and found it exciting to spar with top players. But this was based on having a complete lineup. This Armored...

Whichever side discovered the Red Flag Base first would gain a certain advantage.

Blue side:Okaman. Kuhn: Dragon God

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Karl. Xiao Chao: Dragon God

Heiyan. Han Lie: Dragon God

Viper: Gray Death God

Anonymous: Armored Dragon

Red side:

West. Moore Silver Fox Fighter

West. Leipzig Tornado Zero

West. Zhuo Yi Alliance Silver Fox Fighter

West. Manta Silver Fox Fighter

West. Augustine Eagle Eye Fighter

"Listen to my command, they are typical NUP lightning warfare. It is crucial to find the Red Flag Base. If we can't find it, we're done for. We still have a 50% chance of discovering them first. Brothers, prepare for battle~~~" Kuhn shouted. This was a rare opportunity to encounter a top team.

The West Comet Academy on the other side also found it strange. They should have been matched with a five-person team, but how did they end up with such a disorganized group?

Although some of them were still powerful, the lack of coordination and teamwork made their combat effectiveness much weaker.

Without much thought, accompanied by the roar, ten mobile warriors parachuted into the Kepler Jungle.

Kuhn, as the captain, saw that everyone was relatively close and breathed a sigh of relief. "Xiao Chao, Lao Han, Snake, follow my lead. Armored Dragon, explore the southwest direction. Once you find the enemy, try to engage them as much as possible without directly confronting them. If you find the Red Flag Base, don't rush in recklessly, and stay in contact."

No one had any objections. The only chance of winning this battle was to rely on luck. With equal opportunities, the opponent's chances of winning were as high as 90%.

Xiao Chao, Han Lie, and Viper quickly gathered around Kuhn. The opponents were too strong, and everyone became serious. If they could defeat NUP's top team, it would greatly boost their confidence.

Li Hao was left behind, but he still followed Captain Kuhn's orders and headed southwest alone.

"Senior, it seems like you don't have much chance. Your lineup has no chance of winning," Ayouyou's sweet voice sounded, making Li Wu feel like he wasn't on the battlefield.

"You won't know until you fight," Li Hao replied as he continued on his way.

"Are you planning to show off your marksmanship with Armored Dragon?" Ayouyou, as the spokesperson for EMP, had watched many matches and understood some of the details of combat. Generally, non-sniper mechas were equipped with laser guns, which were more for gaining advantages. It was difficult to rely solely on lasers to end a match since mechas were equipped with shields and had strong defense. In addition to the mecha's own defense, lasers were unlikely to quickly resolve a battle unless extreme circumstances occurred.

On the other hand, sniper-type mobile warriors were equipped with more specialized and powerful weapons.

"Well, in battle, anything is possible."

"But, Senior, won't chatting with me like this be distracting?" Ayouyou's voice had a playful tone.

"Of course it's distracting. If I lose later, I won't even need to find an excuse. Oh, it's just so great," Li Hao laughed.

"You're so bad!"

While the two of them sweetly conversed, the other side was on high alert. Following the voice from the mechas, Kuhn's voice came through, "Spread out, spread out. Armored Dragon, come over immediately. We've encountered them, damn it, they're sticking together. Retreat, retreat, retreat. Snake, provide cover fire!"

Immediately after, there was a burst of laser roars. It was clear that their temporary team was in a state of panic.

The encounter battle was because the randomly chosen landing points for both sides were very close. In such a temporary encounter, it all came down to raw skill. The West Comet team was obviously experienced and knew that the other side was a temporary combination of "ragtag" members. They wouldn't miss the opportunity to crush them with their superior advantage.

At this moment, NUP's mainstream mobile warfare formation, with its strong mobility, began to relentlessly pursue the advantages of medium and light mechas. They didn't rush to catch up; this wasn't a race. Catching up wasn't the goal. The powerful mobility and skilled team cross-cover attacks, layer by layer, made it seem effortless.

On the other hand, Kuhn's team had already lost their formation. Because of the burden of heavy armor, it was difficult to give up, but their overall speed was slower. With four against five, there was no possibility of winning.

"Kuhn, Xiao Chao, Snake, you go ahead. We may lose, but we won't lose our formation. Charge!" Kuhn and the other three no longer ran away. Damn it, they drew their laser swords, and Dragon God C and Dragon God E intercepted the enemy's mobile warriors.

Viper focused on capturing the position of the Eagle Eye Fighter, aiming to at least achieve a one-for-one exchange.

Augustine noticed the Gray Death God and a playful smile appeared on his face. The Eagle Eye Barrett Heavy Sniper had already aimed at the opponent.

Finally, when Viper aimed at the opponent, he suddenly saw the opponent in his scope. It was over!Just as Augustine was about to blow up the enemy, a warning appeared. He instinctively dodged, avoiding the laser attack.

The Viper seized the opportunity to attack. At the same time, Kuhn and Xiao Chao on the battlefield were having a blast.

"Snake bro, you're awesome, your skills are still sharp!"

Here, it was two against four, with no chance of winning. However, the continuous laser support from the jungle managed to turn the tide, the enemy's shooting was incredibly accurate.

Moore's Silver Fox fighter was hit. He knew how he was hit, even though he had dodged it. Kuhn's laser machine cut in without mercy. Zhuo Yimeng wanted to rescue him, but was forced back by the matrix point shooting. The problem was, this damn sniper kept switching positions at high speed in the jungle. How could he shoot so accurately?

Zhuo Yimeng dodged the matrix point shooting. He had undergone countless training and had completely formed a muscle response. Just as the mecha was pulling back, he felt a chill on his neck, and then...

In an instant, he raised his shield.

But with a roar, the Silver Fox's legs were hit and it lost balance instantly. The moment the round shield moved away, another laser came.

The cockpit exploded.

"Damn it, there's an expert on the other side, that damn sniper. Manta, you deal with the dragon, I'll take care of him!"

Leipzig, piloting Tornado Zero, rushed into the jungle. This damn sniper was putting a lot of pressure on them. Every shot was predicting his actions, it was disgusting. If he was only targeting him, it would be fine, but this damn sniper was targeting everyone?!

Got you!

Leipzig gritted his teeth, the mecha roared, and Tornado Zero shot up into the sky. He had also been tracking the enemy's position, let's see where you can run!

At this time, Armored Dragon was still supporting the sniper. Tornado Zero had already killed from the side, the engine roared, and the mecha instantly flew backwards. Tornado Zero wouldn't let it go and immediately followed with a flash attack.

Armored Dragon retreated---retreating spear!

Boom boom boom...

Tornado Zero blocked accurately, the laser sword reached Armored Dragon, and suddenly Armored Dragon disappeared.

Arc flash attack---360-degree surround attack.

In an instant, Tornado Zero exploded. On the other side, Viper took out the enemy's Hawkeye fighter and helped Xiao Chao deal with Manta.

The Wester team was wiped out.

A huge golden victory flashed, Kuhn and the others hadn't recovered yet. This encounter under such circumstances could be called a sudden death battle.

When they were entangled by the Wester team, they had already given up in their hearts.

They didn't know what happened, they just won while fighting???

That anonymous Armored Dragon?

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