"Is there more than one civilization on earth? What do you mean by that? " Qin Jun is confused by the heron's words. Isn't Atlantis their ultimate opponent“ Your idea is too simple. The earth has existed for billions of years. Do you think our 5000 year human civilization can represent the whole history of the earth? Atlantis is just the epitome of many historical civilizations. It is also the closest historical civilization to us. Before that, we found more strange unknown civilizations, which are quite different from the current civilization of our earth, and may be a fatal blow. " Said the heron“ So we have to learn to prepare for a rainy day. You think we have only one opponent, but I tell you, there are at least three. This is still a conservative point. It's no secret that human civilization existed in history. Moreover, Atlantis can be called a hegemon in the underwater world, competing with us, Do you think there is no other civilization? "“ Our responsibility is not only to protect China, but also to protect the development of human civilization. Your strength is very strong, and you can touch these things. Many people have poor strength and can't touch them at all. Even the experts on the tiger list are not qualified to know these things. They still know little about the world. Only those who really stand at the top of the pyramid have this right. " Qin Jun can't help smiling“ Are you praising me? Can I understand that? According to what you said, are we not in danger now? "“ What do you think? Otherwise, what do you think the Pentagon is studying? What are we studying in China? Taking precautions is always the best way to solve problems. Atlantis is also smart enough to dominate the undersea world. With our current technology and strength, it is not enough to reach several thousand meters below the seabed to fight against them. That's why human civilization has a symbiotic relationship with him. Otherwise, the plane and artillery will hit him, and it will be finished every minute. " The heron said with a smile“ What you can understand is just a drop in the ocean, and what I can tell you is not much. I can only tell you that there are three major historical civilizations besides human civilization, which also coexist in the world. Atlantis is one of them. Another is the Maya civilization, which is commonly known as pyramid civilization. The last one is the Sanxingdui civilization in China. " Qin Jun frowned tightly, and there was a big shock in his heart. Atlantis civilization, Maya civilization and Sanxingdui civilization are the civilizations that many people are curious about and want to know. However, no matter in the current science and technology or in the ancient books and records, they know little about them. There are not many traces left. No one knows when they appeared, What kind of earth shaking things have you done. The appearance of Atlantis has shocked Qin Jun, but now no one knows whether the Mayan civilization and the Sanxingdui civilization will change the world. The Mayan civilization and the Sanxingdui civilization are unknown to Qin Jun at all. As for who else exists in the world, or what different civilization and technology they have, it is very puzzling. Heron's words, give Qin Jun great inspiration, but he can understand things, still very little. It can only be said that the world is too big for him to grasp“ Every civilization's emergence, rise and fall, and honor have their reasons for existence. Even after so many years, they still exist. They are our biggest rivals. Whether you admit it or not, we or they have only one purpose to make our civilization grow. But then again, they have become the past tense, and our human civilization is the master, and contradictions are born at this time. "

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