When the waiter finished, everyone was stunned and stared at him in horror.

1.5 million? These bottles of wine are so expensive!

As the waiter said, the normal foreign wine is not so expensive, but they open the room decorations.

This room is the best private room in the whole KTV, decorated with collectibles and vintage wine.

this wine is the same as red wine Baijiu, once the year, the price will rise exponentially, a bottle of wine more than ten million, is also normal.

A few girls look confused, they know this is a disaster, looked back at Yu Qiang, he is still very devoted to singing, we are very speechless.

"Yu Zong, Yu Zong?"

Yu Qiang sang a few more words and found that many people were staring at him, so he stopped.

"What's the matter?"

Several girls look very embarrassed, "Mr. Yu, this wine The waiter said it was expensive

Yu Qiang frowned, "where can a head horse cost? KTV's wine, you know. "

With that, Yu Qiang puts down the microphone, pauses the music and comes to ask.

"How much is the wine?"

The waiter said with a smile, "a total of 1.5 million, sir."

"Ha ha, it's only 1.5 million How much? "

Yu Qiang suddenly a face muddled force, wide eyed, gaping at the waiter.

The waiter reconfirmed, "it's 1.5 million, sir."

Yu Qiang was stunned, "1.5 million?! You're kidding

"Sir, I'm not kidding you. These bottles of Remy Martin are vintage wines. You can check them on the official website. Moreover, these wines were purchased when we opened our business and have invoices."

With that, Yu Qiang quickly picked up the wine bottle and began to check. He knew more or less about high-grade wine and had some contact with it.

Seeing this year, Yu Qiang's pupils suddenly shrank. Then he took out his mobile phone and checked it. He found that it was really the price!

A bottle of more than 100000, more than ten bottles of Remy Martin on this table, all opened.

After that, Yu Qiang's face was as pale as ashes. He drank more than one million yuan of wine in a KTV meal. Didn't it kill him!

Yu Qiang grinned and said to the waiter, "OK, I see. You go back first."

The wine has been opened and there is no room to return.

Yu Qiang sat down and had a few drinks with everyone.

"Drink first, and I'll get you some fruit plates."

Yu Qiang went out of the door and pretended to ask for the fruit plate. When he arrived at the front desk, he took out his mobile phone and made a fake phone call.

"Hello? Why are you here? OK, I'll go down to meet you now!"

With that, Yu Qiang went downstairs and drove away.

I didn't take the clothes. The BMW is parked at the door of the hotel. I'll pick it up tomorrow.

No coat. Compared with 1.5 million, a coat is a fart.

Today's deal is his treat. Naturally, the 1.5 million will be counted on his head.

Although Yu Qiang made a lot of money, 1.5 million is not a small number for him, and his total savings are not so much. If he really wants to pay off the 1.5 million, I'm afraid he will have to sell his car.

Pretending to be a bully in front of his classmates is just for fun. If you lose more than one million yuan to pretend to be a bully, then Yu Qiang will become a fool?

Even if you run this time, you are scolded by your classmates and your reputation is bad, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the wine was opened by those girls who didn't know the heaven and earth. Whoever opened it paid for it!

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