Lin Yueyao thinks it's fake, but Tang Min thinks it's real.

The second aunt and the second uncle were enthusiastic about Su Wenqi. After all the outsiders left, there was only his family left. Tang Min also began to ask those routine questions.

There are several people in my family. What do parents do? When do they get married? Do you want to have children

Asked Su Wenqi a blush, although seen all kinds of world, but Su Wenqi has not experienced this.

We have to work hard on how to answer.

Although Su Wenqi is the queen of heaven, she is just like a little daughter-in-law when she comes to Qin Jun's house.

Lin Yueyao knew that they were pretending, so she lost interest and said to Qin Jun.

"Cousin, do you remember that you told me last time that you would show me the folk prescription book?"

Qin Jun smiles, "well, I brought it for you."

Qin Jun had treated several difficult and miscellaneous diseases before, and Lin Yueyao saw them. She couldn't explain them. The cure was a folk prescription in an ancient book. Lin Yueyao always wanted to borrow this book.

Qin Jun is also ready to write a few folk prescriptions at home, and some theories of combining traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine, which should give Lin Yueyao knowledge.

After getting the book, Lin Yueyao frowned.

"What is this, manuscript? How mean of you

Lin Yueyao rolled her eyes and took the book back to her room.

In the evening, after su Wenqi and Qin Jun left their second aunt's home, they were relieved.

"I'm so tired. I pretended that my girlfriend was so tired!"

Su Wenqi easily took Qin Jun's arm, a coquettish look, Qin Jun also did not refuse, two people so leisurely walk up.

"Are you still tired? I'll take you to eat something delicious to make up for it. "

"Good, hehe!"

Su Wenqi and Qin Jun spent the afternoon shopping and eating. Now Su's acting skills are becoming more and more exquisite. She is carrying Qin Jun's arm and skipping all the time. No one can recognize her with a pair of sunglasses.

While they were having dinner, they suddenly received a call from Lin Yueyao.

"Hello! Cousin, where are you? Something happened in our hospital! "

Qin Jun frowned, "what's the matter, please speak slowly."

They just came out of the second aunt's house for a few hours. What happened to the hospital?

"I had been reading the book you gave me at home, but the hospital called me for an emergency, so I went there quickly."

"the patient as like as two peas in the book you showed me, I treated him according to the prescription, and now he is unconscious."

Qin Jun's brow is locked. He wrote the book himself. Everything is simple and clear. The symptoms and prescriptions are very accurate. If the symptoms are judged accurately, there is no possibility of misdiagnosis.

"Which disease?"

"It's the first one in this book, colon disease."

Qin Jun frowned, "OK, I'm going to have a look."

With that, Qin Jun greets Su Wenqi and takes a taxi to the hospital alone. The life of the patient is the most important.

After arriving at the hospital, Lin Yueyao was waiting in the emergency room, where there were two foreign doctors.

"Dr. Lin, you should take full responsibility for the patient's accident in your hospital!"

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