"Well, you wait!"

With that, Yang Wei winked at the people below, and a staff member led a dog up.

It's a golden hair. It's very big, but it's dull and a little low spirited.

Yang Wei said with a faint smile, "how about this patient ahchoo! How about this patient? "

Yang Wei is allergic to dog hair, so as soon as the dog comes up, he sneezes a few times.

With Yang Wei's words, the audience immediately burst into flames.

"It's an insult to us

"If there is a real patient, we are traditional Chinese medicine, not veterinarian!"

"Can't you afford to lose! If you can't afford to lose, go away! "

"Experts are great. Can they insult people?"


All the Chinese medicine practitioners under the stage are very angry. This is clearly insulting them.

We're all doctors. What do you mean by bringing up a dog?

Yang Wei said with a faint smile, "don't get excited. Although I haven't studied traditional Chinese medicine, I heard that traditional Chinese medicine is omnipotent. I know all about internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and pediatrics. Of course, it's no use treating diseases with animals."

"In ancient times, we didn't have a veterinarian saying. When animals got sick, they were all treated by traditional Chinese medicine. Why, in ancient times, traditional Chinese medicine would treat animals, but now it won't?"

When Yang Wei finished, everyone still glared.

It's very unreasonable. It's insulting to get an animal to come here!

Yang Wei looks at Qin Jun with provocative eyes and says.

"Well, if you can't, you can admit defeat, on behalf of your TCM

Yang Wei's words, completely ignited the fire between Chinese and Western medicine, originally everyone is on the surface of harmony, Chinese medicine and Western medicine family.

As a result, it has now been completely divided into two groups, and no one will accept it.

Qin Jun light smile, "there is a saying you are right, Chinese medicine, is indeed omnipotent."

With that, Qin Jun went to the golden hair.

Yang Wei laughed and said to the people under the stage.

"This is a golden opportunity ahchoo! Everyone quickly took out their mobile phones to shoot this classic painting A Xiao Picture

When Yang Wei finished, all the Western doctors in the audience rushed out their mobile phones to take pictures of them. It was a scene of watching the excitement and seeing the doctor for the dog. If it came out, it would be very interesting.

Ye Wan'er and others clench their fists under the stage, which is too bullying. These people are really too much!

But Qin Jun didn't care. He came forward and touched the dog's head.


Golden hair suddenly sneezed, and people sneeze almost.

But sometimes people sneeze not because of illness, but because there are things in the nose, dust, hair and so on. Because of the instinctive protection mechanism, they sneeze and spray out those small things.

But the dog will not, the dog's nose in general rarely into debris, and the dog will keep licking their nose, there will be no hair debris and so on.

So once a dog sneezes, it's sick.

This golden hair is depressed and looks sick.

Qin Jun picked up one of Jin Mao's paws and began to feel his pulse.

As soon as this action appeared, the audience burst into laughter, and all began to take out their mobile phones to take photos. This is really a famous scene. If this picture is spread, there will still be people looking for a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine!

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