Chen Yuan just wants Qin Jun to play an ordinary rich man, not such a super rich man.

The performance is too exaggerated. It's easy to be exposed.

Qin Jun is helpless. Chen Yuan's request to him is really a little difficult. How can a multimillionaire play? He's a 10 billion dollar millionaire. I don't know.

Only Lao Fu believed in Qin Jun, because Mr. Tian agreed to take a look at his car whether it was real or not.

Old Fu made up his mind that even if he went to the 4S store to lose face, he had to ask.

After a few mouthfuls of food, Dou Mingyang said suddenly.

"Let's meet brother Qin for the first time. Have a drink?"

Chen Yuan looks at Qin Jun with questioning eyes. She doesn't know whether Qin Jun can drink, so she doesn't dare to promise.

Qin jundao, "yes."

Chen Yuan quickly said, "drink less. My boyfriend is average in alcohol. Don't drink him."

"Ha ha, don't worry. It's all right."

has several bottles of Baijiu, we have one small cup.

Dou Mingyang took the lead to stand up and said to Qin Jun.

"Brother Qin, you can find such a beautiful girlfriend as Chen Yuan. It's a great blessing. Can't you say it without a few more drinks? Come on, here's to you. "

Dou Mingyang's attitude of toasting is not bad. Qin Jun takes a drink with him.

Later, Deng Jia also stood up and said, "come on, brother Qin, Chen Yuan is my best friend. You just took my best friend away. Can't you make a drink with me?"

Qin Jun smiles, "OK."

I also had a drink with Deng Jia.

Chen Yuan frowned and said, "Hey, you don't want to irrigate him. He doesn't drink very well. How can he stand up to you?"

Dou Mingyang stood up next to a fat man, said with a smile.

"Don't worry, we have a sense of propriety. We must have a good time at our first party. We are all old men. We can't say we can't, can't we, brother Qin?"

Qin Jun is still very kind smile, "you're right, it doesn't matter to drink."

Chen Yuan quickly drags Qin Jun and says in a low voice.

"This fat man is Lao Bai, the God of wine in our class. Don't fight with him!"

, this old white is a legend in their medical school. They are two kilos of Baijiu bottoming and beer drinking. Once they have thrown down all the boys in the class, the amount of alcohol is amazing.

Qin Jun's physique, if you drink with him, you will be put down.

Chen Yuan worried that Qin Jun would drink too much, so she deliberately stopped him.

Lao Bai had already picked up his wine cup, and his face was full of fun.

"Chen Yuan, you are not particular about it. How can you bring your boyfriend to see us for the first time without drinking? If you're a man, you'll have to drink more. You can't counsellor, right, man? "

Qin Jun raised his glass, "you're right, dry."

With that, they drank it down.

Chen Yuan frowned and couldn't say anything.

As soon as the glass was put down, Lao Bai immediately poured another glass for Qin Jun.

"Brother, I'll toast others. Let's start with three drinks. Let's have three drinks in a row."

Chen Yuan frowned again, "what are you doing, Lao Bai? Don't go too far."

Lao Bai snorted, "why, three glasses of wine is too much? If brother Qin is afraid, it's OK not to drink. "

With that, Lao Bai even drank three cups, and then sat down with an angry look.

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