When Lin Yan saw the face on the bed, his mind was like a flash of lightning!

The woman who took off her pants was his first high school love Wu Jun!

And Lin Yan is the gynecologist of this operation.

Wu Jun! Lin Yan's goddess at the beginning of love No, he is the only goddess in his life. He has no one of his dream lovers!

Even though he's 28 years old, he hasn't got a date, largely because he hasn't met a woman comparable to Wu Jun.

Ten years ago, when she was a junior in high school, Wu Jun had developed something in front of and behind her. When she walked, she walked with a flexible pace, shaking her high chest step by step.

Wu Jun's rhythm can be described as turbulent. Lin Yan's heart is like a roller coaster, wave after wave.

's teenager's heart is full of the illusion of Wu Jun. Lin Yan once spent countless nights looking forward to all this, releasing the essence for Wu Jun in the fantasy.

However, it never occurred to him that he would "get" his goddess in this way - to perform gynecological surgery for Wu Jun on the operating table.

On the operating bed, Wu Jun's skirt and trousers have been stripped off. Her two snow-white legs are curled up on the high shelf, exposing the middle position completely. This is called bladder lithotomy position in medicine, which is convenient for gynecological examination and simple operation without anesthesia.

At the moment, the middle of Wu Jun's thigh is completely covered by the blood pouring out. It looks very serious.

Lin Yan suppressed all his thoughts, subconsciously pulled up the mask, put on latex gloves, and professionally asked, "are you married? Er To put it another way, have you ever been married? If not, I can't give you a peeper for in-depth inspection, it will damage your place. Female. Membrane. You must confirm this, which will directly affect your rescue method. "

Wu Jun said bitterly, "I I've been pregnant for more than 40 days. Maybe I'm going to have a miscarriage. You can take a peeper

Lin Yan's hand couldn't help shaking for a moment, as if a crystal clear, proud and holy crystal sculpture was broken in his heart!

Seeing that Wu Jun's bleeding doesn't slow down, she must start to deal with it immediately. Lin Yan sighs and lets herself become a doctor.

After the nurse finished the standardized disinfection, Lin Yan picked up the duck beak type speculum and put it in. As soon as he opened it, he found that the bleeding was coming out of the cervix, and the blood was mixed with fine chorionic tissue. It seems that the child can't keep it.

On the next page of the speculum, after penetrating into the posterior fornix, a stream of liquid mixed with blood gushed out. Even wearing a mask, Lin Yan also smelled a familiar, unique smell of male body fluid.

Lin Yan couldn't help but get angry. He began to scold: "girl, you don't care about yourself. You know that you are pregnant for more than 40 days, and you can't do strenuous activities. In the daytime, you can't help it. Did you take the medicine or did your husband take the medicine? A good little life has been harmed by you. I can't help buying some adult products... "

Lin Yan began to talk as he moved his hand.

There was a low sob from the bed, and Wu Jun's body was tense because of the sob.

"Don't cry!" I don't know why, Lin Yan just couldn't control his anger. He scolded: "the embryonic tissue has fallen off to the entrance of the palace and can't protect the fetus. Now we need to carry out the curettage operation for you. Do you want to sign by yourself or by your family?"

"I Whimper, whimper I'll sign it myself... "

Luo Jia is standing there with the informed consent of the operation. Wu Jun trembles and signs her name on the iron folder.

Luo Jia took the folder and went out to the consulting room outside. She could hear a woman asking, "nurse, how is Minister Wu? What can I do for you? "

Lin Yan obviously feels that Wu Jun becomes very nervous when she hears the woman's voice. Her legs twitch. His heart moves. He just wants to ask Luo Jia to come in and not answer the woman.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

"Minister Wu is Wu Jun, right? She threatened abortion, must immediately surgery, you wait outside, after a while to help her with the cost of surgery and related list

"What? Minister Wu, she threatened abortion? " The woman's voice suddenly raised two octaves: "we, Minister Wu, are not married. This How is that possible? "

Luo Jia was not angry and said: "no matter possible or impossible, this is the fact. Please wait at the door."

Wu Jun's tight body suddenly relaxes again. It's obvious that she's done. She can only accept the truth.

Lin Yan's mood is very complicated. He not only loves the woman he once loved, but also despises the dirty heart in her beautiful body.

No matter how he feels, it will not affect Lin Yan's careful performance of his doctor's duties. Gao Tiantian has opened the abortion operation bag. He takes out the cervical forceps to block the cervix, pulls it out, exposes the operation field as much as possible, and begins to expand the uterine orifice with a whole set of uterine dilators.It's very painful to enlarge the palace. Every time she changes a size-1 instrument, Wu Jun will give out a painful groan, her body will twitch slightly, and Lin Yan's chest will hurt slightly. It seems that she is distressed by this disheartened woman, which makes her feel very upset.

From 6 to 9, that's about it.

"Use suction 7."

Gao Tiantian installed the negative pressure suction apparatus as instructed, and installed the No. 7 suction head. Lin Yan began to step on the suction apparatus to draw the embryo and endometrial tissue out of the uterus by using the negative pressure. After two rounds of cleaning, he felt that the uterine wall became astringent, and then he stopped the operation.

Take the surgical instruments out of Wu Jun's body in turn, and the operation will be finished.

It's not complicated, but in just a few minutes, a little life that could have been turned into a lively fat baby is gone.

After the operation, according to the Convention, the embryo sucked out of the negative pressure bottle should be poured into a curved plate and brought over to the patient for a look. This is because there are differences after preventive treatment, and the patient will guess that it is misdiagnosed by the doctor.

Gao Tiantian stood in front of Wu Jun with a curved plate, bent down, pulled the bloody things inside with tweezers, and said, "no, look, are you clear about the embryo fragments and chorionic villi? There was no misdiagnosis. It was confirmed that the embryo was 45 days old

Wu Jun made a terrible "grunt" sound in her throat. Her face turned pale and blue gray. She was about to faint.

Lin Yan said: "OK, OK, let Luo Jia come in. You two help to move the patient to the rest bed."

But just now the sharp voice of the woman outside the door called, "I'll come, I'll help."

At this moment, Wu Jun, who was still weak, suddenly folded her upper body and hugged Lin Yan standing on the edge of the operating bed!

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