Ling Wei suddenly asked with a strange look: "brother, let me tell you the truth. Is your relationship with the daughter of Li Sanye's family, the boss of peninsula group, for the sake of communication?

If you and that girl are not true, I think you are really pleasing to the eye, but I don't rule out achieving the right result with you. If so, you can take advantage of me, and it's not cheap. Outsiders can take advantage of me. "

But Lin Yi's eyes trembled as soon as she touched the bone under his waist. She was afraid that she would take it back

Ling Wei was still smiling, but his eyes were full of loss. He patted Lin Yan on the shoulder and said: "you're smart. I don't want to take advantage of you. Well, since I don't need to touch it, I won't disturb you. Goodbye. "

Lin Yan quickly said: "Ling Bureau don't go, I still have some work to communicate with you."

Ling Wei was not very angry and said, "I'll talk about the work until the working hours. Who is impatient to face you after work?"

Lin Yan saw that the woman turned her face. Her hands were on the doorknob and she was about to leave. She rushed to her and grabbed her wrist from behind. Unexpectedly, she noticed that she was trembling slightly. Moreover, on her beautiful white face, there were two lines of crystal tears.

Suddenly caught by the wrist, Ling Wei's violent temper of a throw, low voice roared: "what the hell are you doing?" This time, but did not care to suppress the voice, showing a choking.

Lin Yan was thrown away, to see that the woman still want to screw the door to leave, a dull pain in the heart, subconsciously stretched out his hand to firmly clasp Ling Wei's waist, put her close to his arms.

Ling Wei's body was soft at first, but soon became stiff. Lin Yan's mind was in a mess. Before he could figure out how to comfort the silly girl, she neatly put up her palm and cut a knife on his wrist.

Lin Yantong quickly let go, Ling Wei turned around, a crisp slap "pa" fell on his face, when he was forced, she had opened the door, angry horse swept away.

After seven hours of longing, seven hours of sweetness, and seven hours of anticipation, the "date" that could have been spent in the "touch" charming lingering ended in such a crushing scene.

It's more frustrating than expecting a baby and having an abortion.

Lin Yan raised his head blankly and looked at the room that had been cleaned up for two hours. For a moment, he felt that this small room was full of depression. It was like a box that was constantly folded up on all sides. Soon he would squeeze him to death. He grabbed his coat, quickly locked the door, rushed downstairs, and got on the car.

Back home, he Feng came to ask his son if he had eaten. Lin Yan didn't eat, but he said he had.

He Feng is very pleased to say that Weiyang still has a way to go back to Nanzhou to work together.

The upset Lin Yan said good night to his mother and wanted to go back to the house, but he Feng was grabbed by his careful mother. He Feng exclaimed: "Xiao Yan, who hit you in the face? God, how swollen it is

Lin Yan subconsciously covered his face and said: "Mom, don't make a fuss. It's not who hit me. My gums are swollen. Take some anti-inflammatory drugs tomorrow morning."

Looking at her son running into the bedroom and locking the door, he Feng went back to the room worried and said to Lin Fengshou, "we three old people are now free and wealthy, but Xiao Yan doesn't know how much pressure there is every day. Her gums are burning and her face is swollen. Alas!"

Lin Fengshou jumped up and said, "I just bought a bowl of dandelion for Xiao Yan today."

Lin Yan stands under the tap and flushes with cold water crazily for a while. He finally calms down. He feels that Ling Wei deserves to be slapped in the face. You are so proud that you can't find the north after a few days. You're delusional that you can't smoke the flowers of the game?

Just after taking a bath, he heard a knock on the door. Lin yanla opened the door and saw his father holding a bowl, staring at his face and said, "Oh, it's really swollen. Here you are, dandelion water. It's the most heat clearing and detoxification. I've also released it. Drink it now."

Lin Yan rushed over and said hoarsely, "this is a small problem. Don't worry. Go to sleep."

After his father left, Lin Yan closed the door, took a long breath, laughed at himself, drank up a bowl of water, and fell on the bed, forcing himself to strangle Ling Wei's impossible ideas in her womb.

All of a sudden, Lin Yan thought of another beautiful woman's invitation --- Huang Ruihan at noon. He insisted on meeting him tonight and asked for his credit certificate. He was dazzled by his date with Ling Wei and forgot. How could the woman have disappeared quietly?

Although Lin Yan has no interest in Huang Ruihan, a woman who has lost her purity in pursuit of profits, Huang Ruihan is absolutely a key witness who can't be offended. He adjusts his mood and dials the phone.After the phone rang for a long time, Huang Ruihan answered the phone. His voice was strange with a thin gasp, and he said in a vague way: "secretary Lin, how do you remember to call me so late?"

Lin Yan is acutely aware of what's wrong with Huang Ruihan. The woman seems to be deliberately hiding something, and at the same time, he tries to hint Lin Yan to help her hide something. He immediately said: "president Huang, I'm sorry to disturb you so late. It's about your deposit in Xintong. If you are free tomorrow, let's make an appointment to meet and talk about it in detail. Of course, for you It's better not to go to the working group. "

Huang Ruihan's voice instantly relaxed a lot, and said, "well, tomorrow at noon, I'll treat you to dinner."

Lin Yan said, "I don't have to eat. I'll see you tomorrow."

At the moment of hanging up, Lin Yan swears that he clearly hears Huang Ruihan's unique movement. He can conclude that the woman is 100% being ridden by a man at the moment.

He thought sarcastically that Huang Ruihan's unmarried status ranked second among the top ten beauties. It seems that her nightlife is very rich. It's hard for her to answer the phone at a critical moment.

Lin Yan's guess is right.

At the moment, Huang Ruihan is staring at Jiao Chen: "brother Ting, you are too. You know that I can't stop when I answer the phone, which makes me almost nervous. It's a shame for Lin Yan to hear that."

Qian Yunting galloped on his sister-in-law's fertile soil and said with pride: "don't think I don't know. You have a crush on Lin Yan's young and handsome, and you want to wait for him to change your money and go to Maldives with him. Han Han, do you think I don't agree? Can you go

Huang Ruihan was annoyed and changed his face and said, "brother Ting, when you wanted me, you said that as long as I have the right person, I will never interfere in my life. Do you want to go back now?"

Qian Yunting was not afraid of the little beauty's anger at all. He bit her sharp point and accelerated the frequency of attack. Tonight, he was also very surprised why he kept on fighting for a long time and made his sister-in-law squeak and scream for several times. He was still very strong.

Finally, Huang Ruihan's protest was annihilated in the power of his brother-in-law and turned into a burst of ecstatic sobs.

After yunshou lived in the rain, Qian Yunting looked at his sister-in-law who was so soft that she was not conquered under him. She looked more charming.

He thought to himself that such a beautiful woman could only belong to such a strong man as himself. Lin Yan was nothing but a useful chess piece at best. His careful thinking was not enough.

But It seems like it hasn't been like this for a long time, has it?

During this period of time, there was a lot of work pressure, especially after Qin Shaowei, the Secretary, parachuted in last year. It seemed that he was not in conflict with the government. However, the influence, like the silent spring rain, permeated Lu Ping's party and government cadres' hearts little by little, and also nibbled away the territory he had worked so hard to manage for many years.

But the most annoying thing about Qin is that you think you hit him hard, but you don't have the focus as if you were in a cotton ball. His partner in less than a year is much more tired than Qian Yunting's running on the last secretary.

Because there is something in his heart, Qian Yunting's desire to be in bed is low, and he is ignored. He specially brings Lupin's sister-in-law. Even if he is together several times a month, he always feels powerless. Every time he looks at Hanhan's disappointed expression, he is quite boring.

But how come it's all over again tonight?

Touching Hanhan's smooth body, Qian Yunting feels itchy in his heart and warm in his lower abdomen. He suddenly thinks of the bags of traditional Chinese medicine Chen Junli brought in during the day. He says that it's the ancestral recipe for strengthening yang and kidney. It seems that it really works. In the future, he has to drink more to make his sister-in-law die.

Huang Ruihan is really satisfied. She graduated from university and was assigned to Luping bank by her brother-in-law. First, she was vice chairman of the trade union, and then vice president. Her rapid promotion was appalling. She was also responsible for the most lucrative credit work, and became a popular figure flattered by rich businessmen. Therefore, her gratitude to her brother-in-law is very strong.

Because of this gratitude and greed, Huang Ruihan acquiesced in Qian Yunting's first move of putting his hand into her clothes, and then he ate it completely.

Over the years, although her brother-in-law has repeatedly refused to interfere with her freedom of marriage, as long as she shows signs of falling in love, the man will be inexplicably unlucky and lose the capital to own her.

Huang Ruihan knew that it was all the punishment of her brother-in-law, but since those men were so easily laid down, it was not worth her to lose her brother-in-law for them, so she gave up.

However, in Huang Ruihan's mind, Lin Yan is different. This man is not only handsome, but also has strong social resources. He can certainly inherit the protection that her brother-in-law can give her, so she doesn't want to give up.

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