After thinking about the layout, Lin Yan said: "lingju, you have said so much. How are you going to see the move now?"

Ling Wei solemnly said: "it's a secret that Cao Yu was replaced. Last night, we deliberately let go the murderer disguised as a plumber, and pretended to send the comrade for first aid overnight. Later, we secretly brought the man back to the forensic ice room, and sealed the ice room directly. In this way, the opponent will firmly believe that Cao Yu is dead, and then their actions will be changed More arrogant, just in line with our purpose of "to promote its destruction first crazy.".

If my guess is good, Li Lixin will come forward strongly today and ask Wutong police for justice of Zhang Daiping's death. You should jump out of this incident and return to Lu Ping as soon as possible to stay in Xintong and keep Xintong from being used by intentional people to create potential stability problems. If there are large-scale petitions at this moment, we will be more passive. "

Lin Yan thought about it for a while, and then nodded: "you're right. Communication can't be disordered. You can't take advantage of the bastards. I'll go back right away."

Ling Wei said happily: "Lin Yan, I didn't mistake you. You are still a man."

Lin Yan said bitterly: "you can pull it down. If Uncle Zhang can survive, I'd rather not be your man. OK, I'll take you to Wutong Public Security Bureau. "

Ling Wei unwound the seat belt, saying: "if Zhang Daiping's death is really an artificial incident, then there must be an eye liner for his opponent's control near the Public Security Bureau of Wu Tong. You still don't show up. I'll get off here."

Lin Yan is a soft and tough man. The more his opponent forces him to death, the worse his rebound will be. Zhang Daiping's death has given him great indignation and made him work hard with these reckless and crazy money collecting bastards!

As for Li Lixin's cruel words, Lin Yan doesn't think it's very serious. After all, it's not clear that his brother died for many years. Li Lixin's heartache makes him angry.

Lin Yan wants to come to Li Lixin to have a sincere communication several times after things are handled. He can say everything clearly. It's really no good. There is Fei Er. Fei Er will understand him.

After Ling Wei got out of the car, Lin Yan galloped back to the city. It was only half past six at the moment. When he arrived at the gate of the working group, his heart sank, because the black crowd gathered at the gate so early.

Li Dabao was shouting in the middle of the crowd: "brothers and sisters, I heard that President Zhang of peninsula group was arrested last night. It seems that Lin Yan's boasting of introducing funds from Peninsula Group, revitalizing Cao Yu's two uncompleted buildings and cashing us all is just a boastful empty talk. If we want our money back, we have to poke it up To attract high-level attention and let the country make the decision for us!

I have already contacted the capital. By that time, someone will take us to the gate of the Ministry of mass industry. Only by reflecting our problems can we get the money back.

However, since we believed Lin Yan and signed a letter of guarantee, today, let the working group give us a deadline. If we don't, let's rent a car to Beijing right away, OK? "

The next depositors were aroused and cried out, "OK! Listen to Secretary General Li

Lin Yan's car stopped behind the crowd, and there was a cold sneer on his lips. Sure enough, there was a human death there. They thought Cao Yu was dead, and Li Dabao jumped out again.

Ling Wei is right. If God wants him to perish, he must first drive him crazy. The operator behind the scenes is to stir up this game of chess and make Lu Ping completely chaotic. He is on the cusp of public opinion, and finally forces the government to come forward and press down all the noise. When the communication affair turns into a national debt, it will surely vanish quietly.

Then, it is impossible to dig out the huge amount of money that has been expropriated. Otherwise, it will be a malicious destruction of the stability that the government has paid a heavy price for. It is a taboo to provoke public anger. Even if the ad hoc group wants to continue the investigation, it has to consider whether it will affect the normal operation of the local government. Even if it persists in the investigation, it will be delayed until the incident cools down.

What the opponent wants is the cooling time of the project team!

Given the insidious and cunning of these people, it will be more difficult to give them enough time to wash away the criminal evidence that should have been washed away.

Lin Yan pinched his chin and looked at Li Dabao coldly. He looked more and more passionate and almost caught up with the general who was about to attack.

This man seems to have great admiration for Mr. Li, but he has the sharpest sense of smell and reaction ability. He can mobilize so many depositors to follow him as soon as there is a stir, which shows that this man is a spy in the middle of an espionage.

However, today's bustle is Li Dabao's biggest mistake, revealing his clumsy performance in his real position. However, it just shows that the other side is fully confident of the outcome of today's game, and even the dark boy does not hesitate to show it.

Lin Yan was lying on the steering wheel, looking at the excited depositors and the people who gradually gathered around to watch the excitement. His car was flooded by the crowd, but the excitement outside gave him extreme calmness. He was like facing a shadow play performance, quietly thinking about countermeasures.

All of a sudden, Lin Yan showed an evil smile and said: "since we need to be anxious, why don't I cooperate with you? Anyway, in your eyes, I will die sooner or later. I'll do it myself first. "Now it's almost time to go to work, and the comrades of the working group arrive one after another. When they see this situation, they are all sweating with fright. They are trembling outside the crowd and dare not go through the crowd to open the door.

Lin Yan suddenly honked his horn vigorously. When everyone's eyes were attracted to the Grand Cherokee, he opened the door and jumped in front of the car. Standing on the front of the car, he looked at Li Dabao with a light smile on his lips and said, "Secretary General Li, it's hard."

Li Dabao's face showed a trace of embarrassment, but soon turned into anger, and cried out: "Lin, we are all waiting for you. You said that you would introduce funds to solve our problems. It's been so long, and it's impossible for Peninsula Group to take over the mess of Xintong. What empty words do you want to use to prevaricate us?

If you don't make it clear today, we'll never agree. If lupin can't solve the problem, we'll go to Nanzhou. If Nanzhou can't solve the problem, we'll go to the capital, we won't believe in the splendor of China, and no one will make decisions for the people! "

Lin Yan clapped his hands slowly and said, "it's wonderful. You are the Secretary General of the recovery Committee. I can't make such an impassioned declaration. All I can say is one word."

Looking at the black roof of the car, the man standing tall, in the face of the riot, he was as firm as a rock in the waves. Li Dabao suddenly felt a panic in his heart. Tiezhan's determination to him was unreliable, and he cried: "what's the matter?"

Strong wind blowing Lin Yan's windbreaker, his face is indifferent, tone is indifferent to say: "ten o'clock."

Li Dabao had already made preparations to fight back no matter what Lin Yan said. He asked in a straight voice: "you surnamed Lin, don't use empty talk to deceive Well, what did you say? "

Lin Yan didn't pay any attention to him. He jumped out of the car neatly. The depositors were surprised and happy. He automatically gave him a way. He calmly walked through the crowd to the door and opened the two doors of the working group.

Other staff members came in one after another. Lin Yan calmly said, "go upstairs for a meeting."

In the conference room, Lin Yan said to the staff with uncertain looks: "in order to avoid the occurrence of large group events, I decided to take the 30 million yuan in the book as Chen Shuai this morning. When the exchange starts later, you are responsible for issuing a withdrawal slip to the depositors according to the amount."

Chen Shuai didn't expect Lin Yan to call him. He jumped up and said, "yes, Secretary Lin."

Lin Yan made arrangements and went to the rural credit cooperatives next to the working group to communicate with them about the exchange situation.

Because of the huge amount of money, the rural credit cooperatives attach great importance to it and allocate funds as soon as possible, so as to avoid the phenomenon of insufficient cash. After all, the current depositors are like frightened birds. Once they can't get money with the note, they will be in trouble in an instant.

After everything is ready, Lin Yan sees Wu Jun '.

Wu Jun is just the first one. Next, more calls will come in to block this.

With sarcasm, Lin Yanhuai directly turned off the machine and let you watch Laozi's jokes. Since you put me on the stove, let's have a pain.

After turning off the power, Lin Yan knew that when he went back to the headquarters, those people would come to the door even if they couldn't get through the phone. He simply sat in the VIP room of the rural credit cooperatives and drank bamboo leaf water one after another.

Lin Yan turned off the machine, and the person under pressure became Secretary Bao Cheng. After he received countless phone calls, he couldn't get in touch with Lin Yan, so he had to come to the door in person.

At the door of the working group, depositors consciously lined up in a long line and whispered nervously and pleasantly. The scene looked very spectacular.

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