At the gate of the ICT working group, the busy exchange is proceeding in an orderly way.

Li Dabao's eyes twinkle with malice, shuttling among the depositors, whispering to one person from time to time. After getting the other person's nod, he changes the conversation object with satisfaction.

If he could, Li Dabao would rather not exchange the current 5% and go to Beijing for a visit. The boss told him to make the trouble as big as possible. In his mind, he threw out the bomb that Cao Yu died. The depositors should not exchange the money, but make a big stir up with him.

Unfortunately, Li Dabao's hope has gone astray.

These bastards are all open-minded about money. When they hear that Cao Yu is dead, they are more and more eager for the current exchange. Before they get the money, they dare not even fart, for fear that it will annoy the working group. Seeing that the exchange of real money and silver is going on here, five percent is also money. How can they give up and go to the capital now.

If you don't make a name for yourself, you'll lose 5% of the money here. Isn't it a fiasco? I didn't see the woman who was injured by the black security guard last time I went to the capital. Now, besides staying in the hospital and not leaving the hospital, she has no more money than them.

Therefore, Li Dabao was very anxious and determined. He swam among the crowd like a beautiful poisonous snake, waiting to spray venom.

He has locked an excellent chess piece, that is, Wang Hongmei, the woman who put in a million yuan without her husband's knowledge. Now she is beaten and scolded by her husband every day, and her life is worse than death.

Li Dabao deceives Wang Hongmei. When she gets to the capital, she goes to the gate building, takes out many copies of blood books and throws them. Then he pretends to jump down. Someone will stop her, and he will take Wang Hongmei away.

The whole plan will not cause any harm to Wang Hongmei. Moreover, because Wang Hongmei's greatest contribution to all depositors, he personally gives Wang Hongmei a reward of 100000 yuan.

Wang Hongmei is a housewife. She doesn't know how to be criminally responsible for endangering public safety. Now she is beaten every day. She wants to make a big fuss and ask for all the money. Even if she doesn't come back, her husband will be more comfortable with the reward of 100000 yuan. He will beat her a few times less, so he agrees.

In fact, in Li Dabao's plan, Wang Hongmei needs to die in the capital.

What Li Dabao says to the depositors is that the capital arranges people to take them directly to the gate of the national group work department. In fact, because of his bullshit relationship, so many people will be stopped if they don't get there.

Li Dabao's plan was to cheat Wang Hongmei into throwing a flyer and then jump into the gate of the city. If he was stopped, he would try to get an accidental death.

Only when depositors die in the capital will the most direct pressure be exerted on the local government to assist tiezhan in its layout, forcing the government to come forward and completely eliminate this loophole.

Lin Yan stands indifferently at Chen Shuai's desk and looks at him issuing withdrawal orders one by one, as if he doesn't care about Li Dabao's activity at all. In fact, he is secretly afraid that if he didn't know Li Dabao's plan in advance by the informant arranged by the working group in the middle of the depositors, it's really possible that the money exchange didn't suppress the petition, so his responsibility would be great.

Li Dabao was preparing to re select the target to do his work. Suddenly he saw Lin Yan come to him, quickly showed a smiling face, and specially made an sorry attitude, saying: "secretary Lin, I'm really sorry today. I've been chased to the shelves by everyone. As the secretary general, I have many things to do, and I have to come forward. In fact, I trust you."

Lin Yan said with a smile: "I just don't understand. You came early in the morning. Why don't you go and get the withdrawal slip now?"

Li Dabao wants to stay here until the end. If he gets the money early, where there is any reason to continue to stay, he laughs and says, "Hey, it's the person in charge. I have to let everyone get it before I go."

Lin Yan said coldly: "the style is really high, I admire it. But I don't think you are anxious. Are you waiting for someone? "

Li Dabao was stunned and quickly shook his head: "I don't wait for anyone. I'll wait for everyone to cash it. I'll cash it again. Who else can I wait for?"

Lin Yanyou's cold eyes looked at Li Dabao and said in a low voice, "for example, wait for Cao Yu."

"Ah?" After Li Dabao's exclamation, he realized that he had overreacted. He quickly adjusted his mood and said, "secretary Lin is really joking. Isn't Cao Yu monitored? Besides, his assets are frozen by you. Even if he comes, it's impossible to exchange more money. What do I wait for him for?"

Lin Yan raised his hands, folded them into his sleeves, looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, and said, "the dark clouds are waiting for thunder. Brother Bao, I'm Lin Yan waiting for your thunder." Then he walked back.

Li Dabao's face was full of fear. He didn't understand what Lin Yan meant when he suddenly mentioned Cao Yu. Did his plan leak?

Well, it's very likely that there are some soft bones among the depositors accepted by the working group. Lin Yan should know his plan.

After a flustered look at the scene, the staff are still exchanging money in an orderly way, and Li Dabao feels even more wrong. Now that Lin Yan has known the plan and Cao Yuming is dead, shouldn't he be even more flustered and arrange the staff one-on-one to appease the depositors and try to eliminate the possibility of their petition?There must be something wrong!

Before Li Dabao could figure out what was wrong, an Iveco car with flashing police lights and the words "detention house" on the carriage came slowly and stopped at the gate.

Two policemen jumped from the back of the car, went to the back of the car and opened the two doors.

All the depositors were attracted, except the one who was collecting the list, and others gathered around the police car to watch.

From the back door of the car, a man appeared. He raised his head at the back door of the car. In addition to a band aid pasted on his forehead, it was Cao Yu, the boss of Xintong who died last night in Li Dabao's mouth!

All the depositors uttered a loud exclamation: "Mr. Cao is not dead!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Cao is still alive!"

"Lying trough, why did the secretary general say he was dead?"

"Bah, I was almost fooled by Li Dabao to go to petition. If I go, I will violate the guarantee signed with the working group. Next time, I will lose a lot in the final exchange!"

"Yes, yes, Ann's heart! Secretary Lin said and did it. Although it's only five percent, it's also real money. He cheated us into breaking the letter of guarantee. Do you want to take it alone? "

"Ma Dan, thanks to Lao Tzu's good idea, he got the money first and then made a decision. Now Mr. Cao lives well, which is enough to show that Li Dabao has ulterior motives. It's against the law to overstep the rank and make a visit. Maybe he will go to jail at that time!"

Lin Yan, with a sneering smile in his mouth, coldly watched the depositors gathered by the working group accusing Li Dabao excitedly.

Another said: "yes, I've checked it carefully on the Internet. It's a crime of endangering public security to make a cross level complaint. You can be sentenced. If you are encouraged to go to the capital, you will not only not get back the money, but also go to jail, which will be even worse!"

At the moment when he saw Cao Yu, Li Dabao was paralyzed as if his spine had been removed. He subconsciously looked at Lin Yan. He could see the irony of his opponent's lips clearly. Now he understood why he had just asked him if he was waiting for Cao Yu.

Li Dabao's heart overflowed with a sentence: "tie Shao, you have made me miserable!"

Cao Yu jumped out of the car, went to the working group, jumped directly on a table, and said to the depositors, "depositors, I don't have to introduce myself. I'm Cao Yu, the criminal who ruined your family. Although I deserve to die, I'm not dead.

Those who cheat you that I am dead are not helping you. They are trying to obstruct the work of the working group and muddy the water.

Please believe me, Cao Yu. The only way to get money back is to firmly believe in the working group and secretary Lin's promise. If you are incited by rumors to do something illegal, no one will take the responsibility for you. "

With that, Cao Yuli jumped off the table and went back to the car. He got on the car and was taken away.

The whole appearance was no more than five minutes, but it all worked.

Cao Yu jumped on the table and began to speak. When everyone's eyes were turned away, Li Dabao had already started to retreat secretly, and then quickly got into a taxi and ran away.

When Li Dabao slipped away, the police comrades escorting Cao Yu saw it and Lin Yan saw it, but no one stopped him.

After Cao Yu was taken away, Lin Yan stood at the top of the stairs and said in a loud voice: "from early in the morning, Li Dabao incited you to go to Beijing to petition. I just arranged the exchange so that you didn't fall for it.

Li Dabao saw that the trick was not successful. After the beginning of the exchange, he spread rumors among you that Cao Yu died, Xintong went bankrupt, and the exchange was hopeless. He continued to encourage you to visit Beijing. He even instigated a depositor to jump out of the gate of the city. Did you say that? "

A depositor cried: "you're right, secretary Lin, we were all cheated by Li Dabao, but we didn't promise to accompany him to Beijing!"

Another also called out: "yes, this turtle grandson doesn't know what to do. He not only said that Cao Yu died, but also said that the general manager of peninsula group died in the Public Security Bureau after he was arrested. Why did he cheat us?"

Lin said, "why did you cheat me. He just wants to make a big mess, force our working group not to work normally, undermine the credibility of the government, achieve their dirty purpose and cover up the crimes of some people.

It's not convenient for me to tell you the details, but please believe me that since I have made a promise, I will be able to do it. If you don't believe me, but are willing to believe the rumors of sinister villains like Li Dabao and do stupid things, you are to blame.

I, Lin Yan, still said that those who keep the promise of the letter of guarantee will have priority in exchange. If they violate once, they will be ranked back. If they violate three times, they will be disqualified for exchange directly! "

With the appearance of Cao Yu, it is equivalent to beating Li Dabao's face naked. Of course, depositors trust Lin Yan. The order of the scene soon returned to normal, and the exchange continued.

There was no hidden danger here. Lin Yan saw that it was already noon, and he had to attend a dinner party, so he drove to the runzeyuan hotel.

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