Lin Yan opened his mouth foolishly, and his face was stained with dust because of unloading equipment. He looked stupid and cute. Tian Qiushuang sighed: "tut tut Tut, it doesn't look very good. Is it stupid that all female leaders are good at this? How come they're both paying and contributing? It's impossible for others to get through the formalities if they want to start a business for a year and a half. This boy is escorted by a beautiful woman, and it's all right in less than a day? "

Lin Yan blushed and cried: "second brother, Mayor Zhao is here. What are you talking about! Where do I rely on the beauty to contribute money, the principal is the house mortgage

Tian Qiushuang said with disdain: "you can do it! Who can borrow three million yuan in three minutes with the house book? Who dares to buy the equipment without the business license? It's not that you are sure to be escorted by your beautiful Dean. Otherwise, with your 100 courage, you can't even buy the equipment on credit and make 4 or 5 million yuan of equipment at once. "

“……” Can we have some privacy these days? Did you have a camera on your body? How can the second brother know the loan in three minutes, and even the amount is correct?

Looking at Lin Yan's speechless face, Zhao Shen said with a smile: "OK, Qiushuang, don't use him to cover up your mistake of being slow. As the saying goes, it's not difficult for someone to have money to do things. It's your responsibility that you don't consider this factor."

Tian Qiushuang grumbled bitterly: "I thought that this boy's peach blossom luck burst, and it's easy to do things, but I didn't expect that it's so easy. How can we get along with this kind of man who depends on talent but not face?"

Lin Yan still doesn't understand why the two servants suddenly appeared. He was annoyed by Tian Qiushuang's run. He raised his hand and said, "I depend on my talent. Otherwise, the clinic will open and the patient will look at my face? You are gorgeous envy! Hum

Zhao shensan was amused by the two brothers, and then said, "OK, Lin Yan, you go to wash. We've come so far. You have to do your best to invite us to dinner."

Lin Yan quickly went to wash, came out and took Zhao shensan and Tian Qiushuang to the jiuxiao building by the lake. He asked for a private room in the glass room on the top floor. He opened the window and ordered some dishes suitable for meat and vegetables.

Zhao shensan said to Tian Qiushuang, "it's a pity not to drink two cups in such a comfortable environment. Besides, today is a good day for Lin Yan to start a business. We must celebrate. You go to the car and take out a jar of bitaochun."

After Tian Qiushuang went out, Lin Yan quickly said: "Mayor Zhao, I know you are very busy. You will never run this trip for no reason. If you have anything, please tell me."

Zhao Shen nodded at Lin Yan speechless and said, "you Xiaolin, I wanted to drink two glasses of wine to cover my face first. You just won't let go. That's all. I'll tell you what I'm going to do first, so that you won't feel down-to-earth and have a bad meal. "

Lin Yanhan scratched his head and laughed.

This action made Zhao shensan feel very comfortable. He climbed up from a penniless clerk step by step. His official career was full of opportunities and shortcuts, but it was also full of pitfalls and dangers. Fortunately, now that he has turned into a dragon, he can live in a county. Therefore, seeing Lin Yan is like seeing himself in those years, and he has a new idea Want to take care of, let this young man less detours, less by a little honed mind.

"As I am today, I am a lobbyist." Zhao shensan said frankly: "moreover, I am a three sided lobbyist similar to spy in spy."

Lin yanmeng forced his face: "ah?"

"First of all, I was entrusted by Guo Quanhai, director of Luping municipal government office, to persuade you to go back to work."

Lin Yan suddenly changed his face: "hum, even you can be invited. Director Guo is quite capable!"

Zhao Shen said with a smile: "young man, don't get excited. I'll be frank and lenient first. I'll tell you who I am. You have to listen to me before you turn your face."

Lin Yan was embarrassed and said, "Mayor Zhao, don't get me wrong. I'm not being mean to you. It's their dirty faces. They can't bear to play with the sacred appointment of cadres as a bargaining chip."

Zhao shensan said with a slight look: "you can't generalize. You should believe that most of the leading cadres really want to do things. But let's not talk about this. No one can force you to go back to work. I also want to take this opportunity to have a good chat with you. "

Lin Yan quickly corrected his attitude: "Mayor Zhao's criticism is right. I'm too extreme."

Zhao Shen said with a smile: "look, have you talked to me face to face again? You, you, are really different from Guan Lin in autumn. You are so flexible that you don't want to suffer any losses. "

Lin Yan pretended to be a fool. Tian Qiushuang came back with a small jar full of ashes and opened it. A strange fragrance floated out and made Lin Yan's eyes shine.

After falling down, Tian Qiushuang was not lucky to drink when he wanted to drive. He was not angry to see Lin Yan drink it all, and then he said with a drunken face: "good? It's cheap for you! "

Lin Yan's eyes brightened and said, "this wine is delicious. Mayor Zhao, is it precious? My second brother's envious eyes are green. "

Zhao Shen looked at Lin Yan with different meanings and said, "this wine is made by a woman herself. Its name is bi taochun. Can you guess its origin?"Lin Yan is not stupid. He immediately thinks that Wu Yutao's nickname is "bitaohua", her club is "bitaoju", and then thinks of "bitaochun" on the table. What else can't be guessed.

However, it's not surprising that only sister Wu, who looks like a dissolute woman, can produce such a complex and fragrant taste.

"Guess?" Zhao Shen said with a smile: "so, if I want to drink this kind of wine in the future, I may have to ask you. Do you have the ability to do it?"

Lin Yan didn't shy away, nodded and said: "I have some feelings with sister Yutao. If I open my mouth, she won't refuse. If I can get it, next time you come back, I'll treat you with it."

Zhao shensan said happily, "OK, I'll take care of you! Who's the other two sides of the lobbyist? Why don't you give me three sides? "

Lin Yan shakes his head honestly. In front of the truly respectable elders, he is not willing to show his cleverness, which is what Zhao shensan appreciates most.

Tian Qiushuang in private, Zhao shensan used to have no concept of superior and subordinate, proud to preempt, said: "if he can guess, it's strange, this will son, I'm afraid that people as a fickle villain."

Lin Yan was shocked to see Tian Qiushuang, and then Zhao shensan. He had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, Zhao shensan opened his mouth and broke the mystery: "Lin Yan, another person who asked me to persuade you is Li Lixin, chairman of peninsula group."

The glass in Lin Yan's hand fell on the table, and the whole person stood up uncontrollably and cried, "how could it be him? He resented me for implicating the peninsula group and indirectly killing uncle Dai Ping. He had already broken off his relationship with me. How could he... "

Lin yanlue said with compassion: "sit down first and listen to me calmly. This matter is very complicated and has exceeded your expectation. You can understand it even if you can't see through it."

Tian Qiushuang saw Lin Yan tremble slightly. He didn't understand why he had such a big reaction. He stood up and pressed him back to his seat and said, "even if there is a misunderstanding, just wait until the boss has finished. How can you be so scared?"

Lin Yan was full of fear. Of course, what he was afraid of was not the possibility of misunderstanding Li Lixin's guilt, but

Zhao shensan said: "with your intelligence and ability, you must have found some shocking clues during your early work in Xintong, including the provincial and municipal leaders at all levels, and the black chain of money laundering of multinational companies, right?"

Lin Yan nodded uneasily.

Zhao shensan went on to say: "well, the seemingly simple capital collapse case of Xintong is really shocking in all aspects.

Li Lixin is a wise businessman. What's more, Li Lixin's vision and foothold are much higher than you. He finds that the black hand has reached into the peninsula group through you. He immediately breaks off the relationship with you. He also lets his daughter publicly abandon you, and even falls in love with other boys, so as to confuse his opponents and make them feel that you are useless, so that they won't bring you more harm.

You think it's humiliating to be swept out of the house after being swayed. But I don't know that this is the best end for you under the double protection of Li Lixin and your brother-in-law. "

Lin Yan trembled a little and his eyes were covered with tears.

This kind of reaction is not only Tian Qiushuang don't understand, even Zhao shensan feel strange, and asked: "Xiaolin, you have such a big reaction, is there any secret?"

Lin Yan raised his head in pain and choked in silence. Facing Zhao shensan and Tian Qiushuang, how could he have the face to say that his pig head didn't see through Li Lixin's painstaking protection, and Li Feier's painstaking cover up. He had already rejected this feeling and accepted Ling Wei's "starting first". He didn't even leave a retreat for himself and Fei Er!

At the moment, the layer of window paper is punctured, and all kinds of good things that Fei Er has done to him are instantly replayed in Lin Yan's mind. The most unforgettable thing for him is that Fei Er opens the suitcase, and the whole suitcase is clothes bought for him, and has been washed and ironed carefully.

If the love is not so heavy, can she do it?

And He Lin Yan, after Fei Er had to scold in public or even slap her in the face, cold heart and cold lung cut off this love, also sleep Ling Wei.

If Ling Weiruo is Feng Huanhuan and Wu Yutao, they don't care about the couple that night.

But Ling Wei is no one else. Ling Wei is also a proud and clean woman. It's worth trusting Lin Yan for life. It's also a misunderstanding that he has broken up with Fei Er, so he went to the door to comfort his double hit heart in this way.

This feeling, the same heavy, He Lin Yan also can't give up, so, how does Fei Er do there?

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