Xue Jinyan is lying on the soft couch of the imperial concubine in the audio-visual room downstairs. After watching a movie happily, the attendant considerately brings her soft and comfortable sanitary cotton and takes her to the toilet decorated with ocean style to replace it. The Chinese medicine is ready.

Xue Jinyan was carrying the Chinese medicine packed in vacuum bags after boiling. In the hall, she saw a large billboard at the door, which said: "Lin Yi Tang opens ceremoniously on June 18!"

Out of the Lin Yi hall, a Mercedes Benz stopped outside the door. The window rolled down. The middle-aged man sitting in the cab said lovingly, "my dear daughter, here!"

If Lin Yan is in front of him, he will find that he knows his father, Xue Wenming, tiezhan's driver.

After Xue Jinyan got on the bus, she cried happily: "Dad, you also said that it's too expensive for me to get an annual card of more than 10000 yuan. You don't know how amazing the doctor is. He has recuperated my meridians, and now it's no longer painful. Besides, seeing a doctor here is just as enjoyable as going to a five-star hotel for a holiday!"

Xue Wenming loves his only baby daughter the most. Because of her dysmenorrhea, her husband and wife are very distressed. They have seen her in a big hospital, but they can't help it. Unexpectedly, in this expensive private clinic, she can get good results once. I'm very grateful to the doctors here.

Of course, Xue Wenming doesn't know that the boss and daughter's chief physician here is Lin Yan, who doesn't know the superiority of heaven and earth and refuses the invitation of boss tie Zhan.

The car belongs to the boss tie Zhan. However, tie Zhan is very tolerant to Xue Wenming, a loyal bodyguard and driver. Now tie Zhan has returned to his residence from work, and Xue Wenming will pick up his daughter with the boss's car.

Who knows on the way, suddenly received a call from tie Zhan: "civilization, you go to the old place to get Wan Feiyu to me right away."

Tiezhan never asks his subordinates whether they can complete his orders. In his dictionary, there is only the concept of "must complete". If it can't be completed, go away, so he hangs up after the order.

It doesn't seem like the first time Xue Wenming has received such an order. He immediately turns around to pick up someone. But it's getting dark, and the bus stops at 8 p.m. by the lakeside in Xincheng District. He doesn't worry about leaving his daughter by the side of the road, so he tells her, "Yanyan, dad has to pick up someone. Please sit in the car and wait for Dad to get off work. Let's go home together. If it's too late, It's OK to live in a sanatorium. "

Xue Jinyan is looking at her mobile phone with headphones. She doesn't care about her father's turning. When she drives to a residential area, Wan Feiyu's enchanting figure has already stood on the side of the road. When she gets on the bus, she sees Xue Jinyan and says hello.

When he got to the shore, because tie Zhan's order didn't say whether he had to wait until the end to send Wan Feiyu back, Xue Wenming had to take his daughter on the boat and three of them went to the island together.

Wan Feiyu went to tiezhan's small building. Xue's father and daughter were waiting in the sanatorium building. There were plenty of luxury apartments.

On May 15 of the lunar calendar tonight, the moonlight is very good. Watching the moon on the island in the middle of the lake, the connection of water and sky is generally more exciting. Little girls like the romance of wind, flower, snow and moon. Xue Jinyan watched her father fall asleep watching TV and went out alone to watch the moon by the lake.

Tiezhan's three story Water Pavilion has a large terrace on each floor, which is the best view.

It's not the first time that Xue Jinyan has been on the island. She is very familiar with this place. She quietly steps up to the terrace of the attic, sits on the bamboo floor against the wall, and quietly looks at the moon in the sky and in the water.

All of a sudden, I heard a conversation from the balcony on the second floor above my head. Xiao Nizi knew that it was Uncle tie, my father's boss. Uncle tie was a very kind person. Every time I saw her, I was very happy and gave her a thick red envelope for the new year. Therefore, Xue Jinyan was not afraid of tie Zhan and stayed there.

Tiezhan's voice came: "your sister really decided to entrust her two daughters to Cao Yu's first wife through Lin Yan?"

Wan Feiyu's voice, with a slight gasp, sounded as if he was being kneaded somewhere, and said, "well, this Lin Yan also threatened me that I would abuse the two dolls again, so let me be careful. I don't care. The money is already mine, but he took it away. You must help me get it back. "

A strange voice rang out, and WAN Feiyu's breath became louder and louder. Xue Jinyan was red in the face and ears, biting her lips, but she didn't want to go at all.

Xue Jinyan seemed to understand this kind of voice, but she was hot all over. She somehow remembered that she was lying on the white bed half naked, and that the slender fingers of the handsome doctor's elder brother were sliding on her body, and that the taste of numbness Why hasn't this meeting dissipated?

The movement rang for a long time. Finally, tie Zhan said with a breath: "your sister is blind and smart. I intended to let Cao Yu bear the crime alone and sentence her with a reprieve. But now that she has been taken by Lin Yan and Liu Yuanzhi has become a useless son, I can only let your sister and Liu Yuanzhi go down to be the same fate Yuanyang."

Wan Feiyu exclaimed: "what? Let snow die? This Brother Zhan, Feixue must have been irritated by the scene that we stimulated Cao Yu. She was confused for a moment. I'll talk about her well, and she'll understand. Won't she die? "

Tie Zhan coldly said: "Liu Yuanzhi is the scapegoat set by the above, and all the responsibilities must end up with him. Your sister is too involved with him and knows too much. If she is smart, she should grit her teeth and wait for us to get her. But now she has been leaning towards the special task force. Lin Yan can dig 30 million from her mouth and dig 300 million. More people will die at that time."Wan Feiyu is frightened, and quickly gets close to tie Zhan. He asks carefully: "let me persuade her first. If she understands, she won't leak the secret. Then she will save her life."

"Zhan Ciyu said:" I can't wait for you to buy a villa in America

Hearing this, Wan Feiyu is selfish and greedy after all, and his nature is cold and thin. His sisterhood is also covered by foreign villas, and he acquiesces.

Tie Zhan said: "since your sister is going to die, you can't waste it. You should make the most of the value of her death and just use her to bring down Lin Yanxin's Lin Yitang."

Xue Jinyan, a little girl with YY and doctor's brother in her head, suddenly hears the news upstairs changing from love to harm. The most important thing is her doctor's brother. She is so scared that her eyes are wide open and her mouth is wide open that she can't breathe.

Wan Feiyu asked strangely, "isn't Lin Yan the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Meilin district? What is Lin Yitang?"

Tie Zhan said: "this Lin Yan is a talented person, not only resourceful, but also good at medicine. He opened a high-end clinic specially for women, which opened on the 18th. Mr. Zuo didn't want him to make money. Please let me make Lin Yan owe a lot of debt.

I'm looking for a woman to go to see a doctor and die in Lin Yitang. Since your sister is going to die, let her do the task. She can also cheat Lin Yan and get another pension for your parents. "

Wan Feiyu perplexed asked: "Feixue so believe him, how can pit him?"

Tiezhan said discontentedly: "Feiyu, I find your brain is stupid tonight! No one knows he's going to die and cooperate. Of course you have to arrange your sister's affairs! "

Wan Feiyu shivered and muttered: "I I I dare not kill... "

Tie Zhan Ping likes this woman's enchanting and dexterous on the bed. He trusts her. He didn't expect her to be dull today. He even feels tired holding her. He pushes her to sit beside him and says coldly, "if you kill her, how can you pit Lin Yan?"

Wan Feiyu breathed a sigh of relief. He grasped tie Zhan's arm and shook it. He asked timidly, "it's about my sister. After all, I can't bear it. My brain is not working well. Brother Zhan, just tell me how to do it!"

Tie Zhan said: "Lin Yan promised to let you see Wan Feixue. When you see her, you tell her that you can help send her two daughters to Hong Kong, but on one condition, she has to knock out her baby."

Wan Feiyu said: "this is not difficult, Feixue should not keep this child."

Tiezhan nodded: "well, take the box of Medicine on the table and let your sister take it on the evening of the 17th. Then, in the chat, you can tell her that Lin Yan opened a private gynecological clinic in banyuelou on the west lake bank. The conditions are very good. That's OK. "

Wan Feiyu said: "Yuting? No, I've had a medical abortion. Yuting has to eat it two days in advance to have an effect. Don't you want to screw up Lin Yan's opening ceremony on the 18th? That should make Feixue take medicine on the 16th. "

Tiezhan said fiercely: "how can Yuting kill people? I've changed the medicine in this box. It's specially prepared. After taking it, it's bound to bleed a lot.

Both Wan Feixue and Ling Wei, the policeman in charge of the monitoring point, have great faith in Lin Yan's medical skills. Wan Feixue, aware that the situation is not right, will inevitably request to go to Lin Yan for treatment, and the police will not object to it. This matter will be seamless. "

Wan Feiyu shivered again, but when he came into contact with tie Zhan's evil eyes, he quickly said, "OK, I'll listen to you."

Tie Zhan said with satisfaction: "well, you wait for WAN Feixue to go to Lin Yitang, and immediately stare at him. If they can't stop their blood and want to transfer to the hospital, they will stop them. If they can't, you will immediately pull your parents over. I will arrange another professional doctor to help you build momentum. This time, Lin Yan's reputation will be ruined, and he will lose money to break his tendon and bone!"

The plot on the terrace on the second floor is coming to an end. Neither of them noticed it. On the terrace under their feet, a pale girl with shoes escaped from the water Pavilion quietly. She ran all the way barefoot and went back to the door of the main building. Then she put on her shoes and leaned against the door for a long time before entering the house.

Xue Wenming is still sleeping. Xue Jinyan is sitting on the sofa. Her beautiful eyes are shining like frightened fawns.

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