Wan Feiyu realized his tragedy at the moment when he heard his sister speak!

Listen to the tone of flying snow, just in the operating room for such a long time, she actually has been awake, the parents and sisters of the merciless inadvertently listen in the ear, in this case, the heartbroken sister of the merciless relatives, will surely tell the inside story to Lin Yan who returns good for evil and saves her life!

Now it's not the problem that we can't sing today's play, but the problem of how many people will die on our side!

When Wan Feiyu was worried, Lin Yan's words came to an end. All the onlookers looked at her parents and her with disdainful eyes. Many people could not help shouting: "I have never seen such a cruel and shameless father and mother. My daughter is still alive. Even the medical trouble is over. I'm counting the money!"

"Yes, and this elder sister, who is so beautiful but black in heart, is really a snake and scorpion beauty!"

The owners who live in this area are rich or expensive, and there is no lack of smart people, so they analyzed and said: "today's incident is absolutely a conspiracy! As soon as the patient was sent in, his family members were sure that he would die. Those who deliberately made trouble at the door were eager to try. Within a few minutes, even the provincial TV interview bus arrived. If it was all a coincidence, I would never believe it. This Doctor Lin offended cruel people and was calculated like this. "

At this moment, everyone thought it was wrong. Someone called out: "just now, we all saw it in our eyes. The patient died, and the clinic could not accept it. However, Mr. Lin decided to save the patient without hesitation. He compared the kindness of the doctor with that of the old man. It's a black heart and rotten stomach to wait for his relatives to die and steal money!"

"Yes, let's call the police. We can't let the villains succeed."

Listening to the more and more angry comments, Wan Feiyu just feels that the sky is spinning around, and he wants a crack on the ground to get in. Just at this time, tie Zhan sends a message: "I'm very disappointed!"

Looking at this message, listening to the attack of the crowd, and the more and more hasty figure of parents, Wan Feiyu has only one idea in his mind, that is, Feixue must die!

Today's farce can only be reversed if Feixue is dead.

Only when Feixue is dead, everyone's secret can be kept. Finally, only Liu Yuanzhi takes the responsibility!

So, flying snow can't live!

This idea quickly became a demon fog, shrouded Wan Feixue's reason and conscience. Her eyes were shining with crazy light. She reached out and secretly took out a thing from her bag and hid it in the middle of her fingers. Suddenly, she cried out: "Feixue, you are so bitter. You have been killed by the quack doctors. They also hide the body and let people pretend you are lying on the bed to deceive everyone! Lin Yan, I'll expose your mask of hypocrisy! "

Said, Wan Feiyu crazy rushed to the hospital bed, she felt Lin Yan young and strong, not easy to push away, bumped into the old man Lin, want to hit the old man, who knows it didn't succeed, the old man stood there steadily, she was in a hurry, bent down on the hospital bed, arm stretched to the sister's neck, as if to hold her sister.

When Lin Yu saw the strange light flashing between the woman's fingers, he quickly grasped Wan Feiyu's wrist. He raised his hand high and said in a cold voice, "you are a cruel woman. In full view of the public, you still want to kill her. Isn't she your sister?"

The onlookers all "hissed" and gasped for air, because everyone saw that the hand that the old man forced to lift was actually holding a sharp blade in the middle of the scallion white slender jade finger!

This blade can be used to shave eyebrows, but if the old man didn't stop it in time, he might have cut off Wan Feixue's carotid artery. In that case, Wan Feixue, who just got out of the shadow of death, would still die.

In the crowd, suddenly there was a carefully made voice: "just now this woman said that the one on the bed is not her sister, it's a replacement. I don't know if it's really ha?"

This time, the crowd's attention to Wan Feiyu's attempt to kill was really distracted. The scene was dead, but the people in the hospital bed spoke again: "isn't there a TV station? Let them come over, point the lens at me, give me the microphone, and I'll confirm to you whether I am Wan Feixue or not. "

Zhao Weiyang called coldly: "director Pang, please cooperate with me, OK?"

Is riding a tiger difficult Pang director quickly said: "good good, must cooperate!"

As the reporter approached with the cameraman, the nurse pulled off the sheet on WAN Feixue's face. Her slightly pale face clearly appeared in front of everyone and cried to the microphone, "Dad, mom, please come and have a look. I'm not dead. Are you so disappointed that you won't recognize my daughter?"

The couple were so flustered that they all looked at their eldest daughter. Unfortunately, Wan Feiyu was pinched by master Lin, and his whole body was sour and his head was low. He couldn't even speak.

The old pig and dog couldn't get a wink, so the old man could only cry: "flying snow, my son, of course you are true! My parents are also afraid that you will be worried if you have an accident. How nice it is that you are not dead! "

Wan Feixue said coldly: "that is to say, you admit that I am really wan Feixue?"

"The old woman said:" your sister is too worried about you, just misunderstood you are not true, of course you are trueWan Feixue said with a sad smile: "yes, my sister is worried. She is worried that I can't die, so she wants to rush over and make up for it again!"

Mr. Lin said: "this woman is cruel and ruthless. She wants to commit murder in front of so many of us. Now people get stolen goods, and there are all human and material evidence. Xiao Yan, call the police!"

The policeman who sent Wan Feixue was Jiao Jian, the criminal investigation team leader of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. When the farce just happened, he had been secretly controlling the situation.

At the moment, Jiao Jian came over, saluted the old man and said, "thank you, Mr. Lin. I'm Jiao Jian, a criminal policeman from the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Let me have this woman."

The old man loosened his hand to hold Wan Feiyu's acupoint. The woman could finally speak. Looking up, she saw Jiao Jian's sarcastic expression, especially the shiny handcuffs he was holding. Wan Feiyu was scared out of the world and screamed: "no, no, you can't catch me, I There's someone on me

This time, the onlookers burst into laughter: "no wonder they dare to kill people in public. It turns out that there are people in the family!"

"Beauty, who are the people above you? I don't believe it. Don't brag about it!"

Wan Feiyu was also in a panic. The fear of being arrested and imprisoned made her completely confused. Without thinking, she screamed: "I'm not bragging, the iron of Shenying group No, No

Wan Feiyu didn't tell the whole story because she suddenly felt a numbness in her waist and ribs, and she couldn't say anything. At the same time, a voice as thin as a mosquito sounded in her ear: "hold your mouth, or the whole family won't be protected!" She shuddered and shut up.

Xue Wenming stopped Wan Feiyu, suddenly noticed a fierce look in his eyes, looked up at Lin Yan, and quickly lowered his head into the crowd to leave.

Although Wan Feiyu's words were just half said, Lin Yan heard them clearly. He also saw a man come over like a fish, light it on WAN Feiyu, and then go out like a fish.

At the moment when he looked up, Lin Yan recognized that this man was the driver who had attracted his own Chairman of the board. The messy clues in his mind suddenly became a network.


Zuo Lianshan said that tie Xiaoyi, who said that fei'er was "empathetic", was tie Zhan's son!

No wonder, I always feel that there is a black hand behind him, pushing everything all the time, forcing Lin Yan to die again and again. It turns out that it is tie Zhan!

Jiao Jian neatly handcuffs Wan Feiyu, who is in a state of mourning. As soon as her husband and mother see that her little daughter is not dead, her eldest daughter is arrested again. She is so sad that she pours on her left and right, kneels on the ground, hugs Jiao Jian's thigh and asks to let Wan Feiyu go.

Jiao Jian coldly said: "we have reason to suspect that Wan Feixue was murdered. You two are also coercers. If you make trouble again, take them away together."

At this moment, her husband and mother were scared to let go, even the eldest daughter could not take care of her. She cried out: "we both don't know anything. It's Feiyu who said that Feixue was killed. Let's claim for compensation. Don't wrongly accuse the good people of taking us!"

In the past half a day, the family's shameless and ruthless behavior has repeatedly refreshed the bottom line of the onlookers. Director Pang, who has been entrusted to make a big deal, turns his eyes and sees that the head's entrustment can't be completed. It's better to make a show of the family's ugly face. Maybe he can recover some human feelings from Zhao Weiyang.

As a result, the whole column group began to enter the state, completely recording the farce caused by the collision of family ethics and interests and money. After going back, it elaborately produced a program "when family meets money", which unexpectedly exploded the audience rating, which was also a surprise.

With this program being talked about by countless people in H Province, the benevolence and skillful hands of doctors in "Lin Yi Tang" were also spread out, which made a great reputation in the whole province. Countless women who came here to become members and Lin Yan who was lack of skills had to hire several gynecological experts with high salary. The service scope of the clinic was expanded to the whole province.

There is also Mr. Lin Yu, who is admired by many people. His name has also attracted a large group of members, which is even more famous than his grandson Lin Yan.

It's all in the future. Bring it back to the scene.

After Wan Feiyu was taken away, the knife faced man quietly asked his professional medical troublemaker team to withdraw. When he also slipped out of the crowd and walked towards a modern ix35, two policemen suddenly appeared, handcuffed them, pushed them into the police car and roared away.

Wanjia's husband and mother, in the spit of thousands of people, leave in ashes, but they are immediately under the supervision of the Public Security Bureau.

Lin Yitang finally regains peace. Lin Yan arranges Wan Feixue's special care and returns to the reception room, only to find Qin Shaowei by accident.

(many concerned about the WeChat flower's official account of the cactus flower, they all expressed the surprise of the dust. What are they waiting for? Hey, hey!)

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