Lin Yan didn't know that his former goddess had a deal with his iron buddies. He was so tired that he couldn't sleep. At six o'clock in the morning, the biological clock woke him up.

Walking into the cadre sanatorium, Lin Yan went straight to the office building and into the hall. When he walked into the hall, he found that every employee saw him with a very strange look on his face. He even said hello with schadenfreude. The receptionist rushed over to show him the way and led him all the way to the dean's office on the third floor.

The sanatorium is not bad for money, and the conditions are good. The president's office is more luxurious than Feng Huanhuan's office. In the two large office rooms, there are Mahogany Bookcase, boss's desk and chair, leather sofa, and the walls are covered with calligraphy and paintings

Well, to be exact, there are large photos on the wall and a large sheet of staff discipline.

In the photo, Lin Yan is sleeping soundly on the sofa. There are all kinds of front, side and close-up pictures, as well as the marks of someone who has just bathed in the bathroom and a pile of dirty clothes he has changed.

The code of practice is not all, but two of them are amplified: "Article 10, employees (including hospital leaders) are not allowed to stay in No. 1 building during non work period, and violators will be fined 1000 yuan if they record a major demerit."

"Article 11: employees (including leaders of the hospital) are not allowed to use the public equipment of Building 1 for bathing, washing clothes and staying illegally during non working period. The violator will be fined 500 yuan if he records a major demerit once."

These are all just, on the wall, there is still a full 60 Inch LCD TV, which is playing the picture of him feeling Zhao Weiyang's pulse!

Lin Yan's face suddenly changed. He ignored the photos of his sleeping and bathing. He rushed to pull the USB flash disk from the TV set-top box, threw it on the floor and crushed it.

On the boss's chair, there is a elated woman sitting all the time. This woman only wears a deep V sleeveless dress in winter, and a cashmere coat on the armrest of the chair. Her lips are red, teeth are white, plump and beautiful, but her whole body, including a head of yellow hair, reveals the gaudy appearance of a street girl.

"Dean Lin, why rush to destroy the evidence?" The woman stood up and put her hands on her chest, just like the concubines in the TV series. She squeezed the gullies more and more so that she could kill the flies. She twisted her fat buttocks and came over: "is there no need to crush them? Since I can transfer these files from the monitoring room, I can naturally copy 1000 documents and 10000 documents. Can you crush them all? "

Looking at this stupid woman like a pig, Lin Yan's eyes sprayed with anger and roared: "who are you? Who gave you the courage to install surveillance in the consulting room of Building 1? Who gave you the courage to copy these contents and play them around? "

Bai Qinchu was angry and rushed to Lin Yan. However, the height gap was a little big. Even though she stepped on the 13.5cm Hentian high heel, she still had to hold her head up and cried out: "it's me, it's me, it's me! Don't think that President Feng sent you here. You are the president. I haven't left my job yet. You're just pretending to be a public servant. If you don't talk to your lover in Building 1, you're still sleeping and bathing. It's against work discipline.

I've already called President Feng. She'll come right away. Then we'll see how people who violate work discipline before they are officially handed over can stay here to be president! "

Lin Yan's eyes were cold, and he said, "where else did you play this video besides here? The consequences of this matter are serious. You'd better be honest! "

Bai Qinwan didn't expect that the new dean, who was just like a little hairy child, was caught. He dared to be so arrogant. In shrew mode, he went online and jumped three feet high and cried, "where did I put it? I still put it in Lupin's post bar. Why? Just like those bastards in the post bar, I can't black you?

What's more, it's a real thing. I just want the people of the whole city to know what kind of new rich you are

Feng Huanhuan's voice suddenly came: "what's the matter?"

Lin Yan turns around and sees Feng Huanhuan standing at the door. He is also a beautiful woman. President Feng gives people the impression that he is noble and graceful. It's very different from Bai Qin's face.

Bai Qin's momentum was eight degrees weaker, but he was still upright and said, "Dean Feng, you're here just in time. Look at the photos on the wall. This Lin Yan has violated the work discipline before handing over. He takes a bath and sleeps in Building 1, and

Feng Huanhuan frowns and is listening to Bai Qin's cry. Lin Yan suddenly rushes over and grabs Feng Huanhuan's hand and pulls her to the window.

Bai Qin's eyes are full, flashing with the excitement of gossip, and his hand holding the mobile phone is shaking slightly, as if weighing whether he dares to shoot this scene as evidence, and whether Feng Huanhuan dares to openly cover up her little white face, but he still doesn't dare to do it in the end.

Lin Yan said in a hasty whisper: "Oh, no, this damned woman installed a camera in the consulting room of Building 1. She filmed the diagnosis and treatment process of Ms. Zhao yesterday. It was just played in this room, and I crushed the USB flash disk. But according to her own story, she also sent the video of Ms. Zhao's treatment to Lu Ping post bar!

Think about it. What is the sanatorium? At least the leaders above the deputy mayor are able to enter building 1 for medical treatment. If the news of the stolen video is spread, what will the leaders who have seen the disease in Building 1 think? I'm afraid you, the president of the first people's Hospital, are also to blame for this stupid woman's death! "Feng Huanhuan's cold and arrogant face suddenly showed great fear. He turned around and stared at Bai Qin with incredible eyes. He could never imagine how stupid a person could be before he dared to install cameras in Building 1!

Lin Yan is right. Once the news gets around, all the leaders who appear in No. 1 building will be furious. The courtyard of the general hospital is absolutely doomed to the disaster of pond fish!

Lin Yan heavily pulled Feng Huanhuan, who was staring at Bai Qin: "OK, I can't take care of her first! Hurry to check whether lupin Post Bar really has this video, how many people have seen it, whether it has been reprinted, and eliminate the impact first! "

"Oh, oh!"

Feng Huanhuan knows how to listen to the correct opinions. He turns around and locks the president's office. Together with Lin Yan, he goes to the computer and reads the post quickly. Sure enough, there is a post called "the lover of the new president of sanatorium".

Bai Qin finds that he is ignored!

Looking at the video that Feng Huanhuan and Lin Yan Click to open, Bai Qin is proud again. He thinks to himself, "Feng Huanhuan, for the sake of this little white face, you try your best to get rid of me and make him the dean. Unfortunately, he is very considerate. On the first day he comes here, he will hook up with other beauties behind your back and see what you do with him after you turn over your face!"

Feng Huanhuan finished, a face of collapse, said: "has more than 100 browsing, fortunately has not reprinted, now how to do!"

Lin Yan is still calm, pondering for a while, said: "up to now, we can only try to contact the administrator of the post bar and let him block the post. Once we start to reprint it, we can't control it."

Feng Huan frantically called: "where the hell do I go to find the post bar administrator?" Just at this time, the door was suddenly unscrewed, and a valiant policeman came in and said, "it's all here, save me..."

The policeman said that he was interrupted by Feng Huanhuan, who suddenly rushed to catch him: "director Zhao, my brother! It's a good time for you to come! "

Zhao Nanyue looked at Lu Ping's beautiful Dean, who was very popular. When he saw himself, he rushed to him just like he saw the Savior. He was startled and said, "ouch, Dean Feng, where is this singing?"

Lin Yan recognized that this policeman was the one who went to Luhe yesterday to rescue himself. At that time, he was called "director Zhao" by other policemen. It seemed that he was the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Looking at the staff in the corridor, Lin Yan quickly closed the door. Seeing president Feng shaking all over, he had to say: "director Zhao, it's really urgent! Yesterday afternoon, I was in No.1 building for an important person to see a doctor, but someone recorded a video and put it on Lu Ping's post bar. Fortunately, no one reprinted it. Please try to block the post first. Once it spreads out, the consequences will be unimaginable! "

Feng Huanhuan now has the heart to hit the wall, for fear of delaying a second, he pulls Zhao Nanyue to the computer.

When Zhao Weiyang's face appeared on the screen, Zhao Nanyue's face changed greatly. He immediately logged in with the public security management system, directly used the authority of the Internet supervisor to ban Lu Ping's post bar authority, and then neatly deleted the post.

Seeing that Feng Huanhuan and Lin Yangang are both afraid of the end of the world, even the director of the Public Security Bureau helps to delete the post. Bai Qin realizes that something is wrong. It seems that it's really a big deal!

"This Comrade police, you are Zhao Director Zhao? This post is evidence of Lin Yan's violation of work discipline. Why did you help him delete it? "

Feng Huanhuan just gasped for breath. Looking at Bai Qin, a fool, without saying a word, he raised his hand and slapped: "why? Why do you say that? Don't you think the patient looks familiar? She is Zhao Weiyang, the anchor of provincial TV station

Bai Qin got a slap in the face. With her self-cultivation, she cried out: "Feng Huanhuan, you're lying too much! What's the matter with the provincial broadcaster? Can't the provincial broadcaster be a little white faced? I'm holding the evidence. She has a relationship with Lin Yan. You... "


Feng Huanhuan slapped Bai Qin, who was spewing feces. She grabbed Bai Qin's collar and stuck it to her ear. She said maliciously, "anchor Zhao has another identity. She is the wife of Qin Shaowei, Secretary of the municipal Party committee. Do you still insist that she has a relationship with Lin Yan?"

Bai Qin was scared to pee for a moment. He whispered subconsciously: "how is this possible? How could it be I just want to give this son of a bitch a piece of prestige and lend me a hundred courage. I dare not slander Secretary Qin's wife! "

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