Lin Yan's feeling doesn't affect her calmness and quickness after grabbing the scalpel. She cuts Wu Jun's abdomen layer by layer in order to take out the tragic fetus that originated from the plot.

It's true that the fetus has long lost its life, and the carcass is slightly corrupted. With such a pair of parents who can't explain everything, a small life is born innocently and lost sadly.

Lin Yan cleans up Wu Jun's infected and messy uterine cavity, and it's easy to peel off the tissue that has been attached to the uterine wall. When he looks at the area where the posterior wall of the uterus is obviously thinner, he feels more and more compassion.

The assistant said in a low voice with compassion: "the posterior wall is so thin, so it is difficult for the endometrial regeneration. I'm afraid it's difficult for the patient to get pregnant again in the future."

This kind of operation is performed under epidural anesthesia, and the patient is awake. Wu Jun obviously hears this sentence, because there is a low sob under the operation sheet. The voice is twists and turns, gentle and tender. If the man who loves her really hears it, he will shed tears.

Lin Yan doesn't say a word of comfort. Wu Jun is now in a difficult situation. She has just suffered from a scum man's calculation and huge physical injury. It's easy to pretend that the man who saved her life is a savior. The men and women who once had emotional disputes are the most likely to induce improper feelings.

The most important thing is that Wu Jun has a wonderful way of thinking. She always has an inexplicable sense of superiority. It seems that it's natural for her to rely on Lin Yan. I don't know that the situation has changed. That little bit of ignorant secret love in those years has been worn away with her time after time as a demon.

Among other things, shatidi is only scheming Lin Su for her son. Wu Jun knows that but she just sits back and ignores him. She has completely violated Lin Yan's bottom line. What's her everlasting love for her? She can't stop wasting it.

Now that Lin Yan can't split himself in half, he avoids women like Wu Jun and helps her with the operation. One is the kindness of the doctor, the other is the friendship of his classmates. I'm sorry, nothing else.

After listening to Wu Jun's obviously coquettish crying, Lin Yan said nothing. The assistant of the operation scolded, "what are you crying about? You are an emergency department. There was no enema before the operation. You can't stop crying. After the operation, the intestines are flatulent, which affects the healing of the incision. It's your own fault!"

The crying stopped suddenly.

Lin Yan feels ironic. It's true that there must be something hateful about a poor man. This woman's selfishness has penetrated into her heart. Even in this kind of self pity and self abandonment, once she knows that it will endanger her safety, she can instantly gather up her emotions and choose the most favorable state for herself.

Everyone has his own inherent three outlooks and personality. Lin Yan doesn't despise the so-called selfish people at all. On the contrary, he thinks that it's ridiculous for a person to empty out his ideals and ambitions if he doesn't have the ability to ensure his own safety first. Wu junfan doesn't have any problems for himself in advance.

What Lin Yan can't understand is that Wu Jun has achieved the highest level of selfishness. Why she can't even protect herself? Every time she sees her, it's her most embarrassing and shameful moment.

Wu Jun is as quiet as a chicken in the process of closing her abdomen and suturing. When she goes to the nursing room, she falls asleep. So she doesn't see Lin Yan get off the operating table, wash her hands in a hurry, change her clothes and leave through the door on the other side.

Chen Shuai has been anxiously waiting at the door of the operating room, racking his brains to think of a whole set of rhetoric, waiting for Lin Yan to come out and continue to sell. Anyway, he has to get Lin Yan's approval in exchange for a promise of confidentiality.

Who knows, after Wu Jun was pushed out by the nurse, he craned his neck to look for Lin Yan, but he never saw the familiar Qingjun figure. When he couldn't bear to ask, the nurse told him that Dean Lin had gone and asked her to convey a word. He didn't have time to gossip!

Chen Shuai's shoulder relaxed in an instant. Lin Yan's promise is golden. If you promise not to say it, you won't say it!

It's not that he doesn't know Lin Yan's disgust and impatience for himself. If possible, Chen Shuai would like Lin Yan to leave on his own initiative and doesn't need to continue to face his contemptuous eyes.

Chen Shuai knows too much about the appreciation of Lin Yan by the big men in Meilin, especially Bao Cheng. Now he still sighs when he mentions Lin Yan, saying that Meilin district is not lucky enough to retain this talent.

Although he doesn't know why the head of luowu District, who is good at Lin Yan, resigned to become a doctor, Chen Shuai knows that his top leaders didn't pay less attention to Lin Yan because of Lin Yan's resignation. Maybe he would ask Lin Yan for dinner, tea and chatting. If Lin Yan said something to Bao Cheng, Chen Shuai would not have a bright future But the lights went out completely!

Now with Lin Yan's promise, all that's left is to take Wu Jun, the bitch!

Chen Shuai's eyes show a trace of ferocious anger. He droops his eyebrows, which other people can't see. But Wu Jun, who seems to be closing her eyes, actually squints her eyes slightly. From the angle of lying down, she just stares Chen Shuai's poisonous eyes at her face, and sees them clearly.

Wu Jun's anger and pain are reaching a peak because she is likely to be unable to have a baby again. However, at this time, she sees the culprit who deprives her of the right to be a mother. How can she look at herself with such eyes? How can she not hate it.Instead of opening her eyes to denounce Chen Shuai, Wu Jun completely closed her eyes and suppressed her resentment.

Since Lin Yan was transferred from Meilin District, Chen Shuai has been clinging to her like a slug and constantly intimidating her to pave the way for him. At first, Wu Jun was a little scared and helped him. At least, Chen Shuai got the title of deputy section level. Later, she was completely tired of him.

But who knows, she deeply despised the ants, but turned into a blood sucking leech, a bite on her bone to die also do not lose, while she was drunk to sleep she also just, Zuoquan when the ghost pressure once, never thought, he turned out to be a chain of pitfalls!

Cheap man, you wait for me. This time, if I don't let you break your bones, I won't be Wu. I'll change my name to Chen!

The man and the woman resent each other, but hypocritically endure the resentment and wait for the next round of competition.

if we objectively evaluate Chen Shuai as a villain and Wu Jun as a woman of extreme ego, we really can't tell who is right and who is wrong in the entanglement between them.

This incident, in fact, two people about Lin Yan, who are not honest, the real situation is like this.

Wu Jun tells Lin Yan that there's nothing wrong with the process. She starts with her first man, Sandi, and she doesn't respect women. Sometimes Wu Jun is clearly on a regular holiday, so she's not suitable to do it at all. But the head of Sandi, Xingzhi, doesn't care so much. Wu Jun doesn't dare to disobey his call. Sandi likes to borrow some tools to help her. How can the cleanliness of those things be improved Guarantee, come and go, gynecological inflammation will come, the holiday is not allowed.

Even though the regular leave is always not allowed, the feeling of being pregnant is quite different from the delay of the regular leave. The reason why Wu Jun has such a big fall this time is that there is an old saying that "she has mental calculation, but she has no intention"!

Chen Shuai has been scheming against Wu Jun. Wu Jun doesn't know it, but she connives at Chen Shuai's scheming with a disgusting and enjoyable attitude. After all, she is pursued by a man in every possible way. Although the purpose is not pure, it is still a matter of face.

Wu Jun's love history is complex, which is well known in the circle. Although she is young and beautiful, the man who matches her condition is not willing to marry such a "strong woman". The man she likes looks down on her and lacks both emotion and vanity. At this time, with Chen Shuai's indomitable pursuit, she is not exclusive, but also has a high attitude and a contemptuous smile See Chen Shuai play ghost tricks, and always have nothing to do with her, but I don't know this kind of contempt, eventually let him exploit the loophole, let her ruthlessly planted a big somersault.

At a banquet, Chen Shuai, as a government service staff and a recognized Wu Jun suitor in Meilin District, took the responsibility of escorting the drunken Minister Wu home.

Before the banquet was over, Chen Shuai quietly smashed three sedatives, mixed them into the mineral water, and tenderly handed them to Minister Wu in the car. Of course, Wu Jun drank them without any doubt.

Then, of course, something happened that Chen Shuai always wanted to do but couldn't do. That night, in the luxury villa he always wanted to own but couldn't have, he slept with the woman he always wanted to sleep but couldn't sleep. In the process of Wu Jun's drunken and deep sleep, he humiliated Wu Jun and played with her, which greatly satisfied his villain heart.

Although Chen Shuai carefully washes Wu Jun and puts her under the bed afterwards, and leaves quietly before she wakes up, the woman will feel strange when she sleeps all night. However, seeing Chen Shuai's calm manner, I'm afraid she can't get justice even if she is taken advantage of, so Wu Jun can only suppress her indignation.

Chen Shuai's success, of course, is to carefully observe Wu Jun and maliciously hope that this woman will be pregnant with his seed. Sure enough, she once delivered breakfast to Wu Jun, opened the bag and smelled the fried dough sticks. Wu Jun obviously retched!

Chen Shuai is so overjoyed that he is afraid of Wu Jun's suspicion. He takes the lead in saying that the weather is dry these days, and that it's the same when she gets angry. He busily helps Wu Jun buy Qinghuo tea, which extinguishes Wu Jun's suspicion that she hasn't risen yet.

Later, Chen Shuai's evil spirit stealthily gets Wu Jun's urine sample, proving that she is really pregnant. He begins to give Wu Jun a medicated meal purposefully to relieve her early pregnancy reaction. It is also his kung fu that makes every drop of water pierce the stone. Before that, he always gives her meals, which completely dispels Wu Jun's doubts. Now when she eats the meal he gives her, she has a sense of superiority to help her It's a gift mentality.

It's also fate. Wu Jun's reaction to her early pregnancy is so slight that she can easily ignore it. Like a dormant snake, Chen Shuai is waiting for the moment when she will hit the target.

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