Luo Mei's angry words, in Chen Shuai's ears, are no less than a redemption. He was in a panic and said: "yes, yes, I do, I do! Anyway, Xiaoli and Xiaomei are indistinguishable. I've done something wrong, so let's be together! "

It was Chen Shuai who was so scared that he said such stupid words. As soon as the words came out, Luo Mei changed her face. She raised her hand, slapped her face and scolded: "the thing that killed you, didn't it? Do you really want to leave me and marry my sister? Where did you get that big face? "

Zhang Yong also ferocious said: "the courage is not small, sleeping Laozi's woman, also want to marry her, together you want me to get together with my sister-in-law?"? OK, then tell me, has my sister-in-law never opened a letter? If it is, I'll admit it. If it's too much for you, you can't do it today! "

Chen Shuai is a fool!

Romey is going to marry home and be his wife. All the certificates are broken. Of course, it won't be the original goods!

But Zhang Yong is really a big gangster in the mine area of Meilin district. He raised a group of people. When private coal mines were allowed to be mined in his early years, he worked as a home guard for those coal owners. He even did such evil things as holding miners and solving mine accidents. He was a ruthless man to himself and others.

At this moment, Chen Shuai is suffering from his mouth to his ass. he can't help complaining about Luo Mei. NIMA, you've married me. Why didn't you tell me earlier that your sister has found such a tough brother-in-law?

If I had known that Luo Li's man was Zhang Yong, I would have lent him three courage, and Chen Shuai didn't dare to touch the elder brother's woman. Now it's OK. I've been held on my ass naked, and I can't even defend myself. It's really numb.

Looking at the shining blade, Chen Shuai was afraid. He trembled and said, "brother Yong, it's because I drank too much cat urine and did something wrong. But now that it's over, you can draw a path to see if I can go on."

The immortal jumps four person group to look at each other, thought you ya finally got to the basic point!

Zhang Yong put away the fierce, Damascus sitting on the bedside, Yin measurement asked: "how do you want to pick up?"

Chen Shuai glances at Luo Li, who is crying. He finds that Zhang Yong is still pitying her when he looks at her. He has some points in his heart. It seems that Zhang Yong still likes Luo Li. He has only one way to spend money to avoid disaster, so he trembles and says: "otherwise, I'll take some money out, it's It can be regarded as compensation for Xiao Li's being hurt by me. Elder brother Yong has a lot of money. Let me go, OK

Kitty interjected: "you've unsealed my sister-in-law. Don't show me the trivial number. Otherwise, my brother loves my sister-in-law and doesn't get angry. Our brothers don't rub sand in their eyes!"

Chen Shuai's flesh aches. At this time, no matter how silly he is, he realizes that something is wrong. Even if Luo Mei says that she won't come back with her, her sister-in-law doesn't have to sleep on her bed? The guest room is all packed. Why don't you go to bed?

What's more, it's a good time for Yong to come with Kitty, isn't it?

Grass, is it difficult? These two bastard men realize that they have two money in their hands. They deceive their elder sisters and design such a fairy to jump out?

Chen Shuai is a bit clever indeed. He guessed the truth, but he refused to believe that the two sisters were also his designers. At the very least, he had absolute trust in Luo Mei. If he didn't really mean it, he would never even get the marriage certificate with him. Either, his stupid old lady was cheated by his sister-in-law partners.

In any case, Chen Shuai had to go through this dilemma. After weighing it over and over again, he had to bite his teeth and say, "Xiaomei and I just bought a house and car and prepared for the wedding. We have no money in our hands for a while, but I can't hurt Xiaoli no matter how hard it is. I'll take 100000 yuan."

Zhang Yong sneered in his nose. He patted Chen Shuai's face with the back of his knife and said, "you gave me Zhang Yong a green hat, and you only wanted to kill my wife for 100000 yuan? Don't you wake up from your dream

Chen Shuai's face turned pale. He looked up at Luo Mei and said, "Xiaomei, you know our family. You can say something. They're all relatives. They're all in their sleeves. I've got a lot of money to make tonight. When it's time, will they treat Xiao Li and Yong brother badly? But now I really can only take so much. "

Luo Mei's face was so sad that she said, "Chen Shuai, do you have a face for me to speak for you? Who just said that she would marry Xiao Li by mistake? In your heart, what am I Romeo? An object that can be exchanged at will? You've played with both of our sisters, and you can't choose them together?

Do you think I'm going to marry you when you're so greedy? I'm blind if I'm cheated by you for a while, and I'm blind if I'm cheated by you for a lifetime!

How you deal with brother Yong's anger today has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I will never make do with you. Tomorrow we will go through the divorce procedures! "

Chen Shuai said: "don't talk about divorce. If you are divorced, where can you find a man with such conditions as me? These assets are all mine. I don't have any of yours! "Luo Mei sneered: "Chen Shuai, you seem to forget that this house is our common property, and the owner of the car is me. Now you want to take it back? I am a big girl with yellow flowers, and you sleep in vain? "

Chen Shuai was really impatient this time. He yelled at me without hesitation: "Luo Mei, are you two the ones who set me up? Paralyzed, or you so coincidentally do not come back, your sister so skillfully off the light slip into Laozi's bed?

If you want to make money out of me, you have to think about it. I'm Chen Shuai. I'm not a loser behind nobody's back. Otherwise, where can I get so much money to marry you back home? Don't push me! "

Without saying a word, Zhang Yong raised his knife to Chen Shuai's arm, which was a deliberate deterrent. He was not cruel. Even so, he got three points into the flesh, and the blood flowed. Chen Shuai cried and howled in pain: "brother Yong, if you have something to say, if you have something to say, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

The cat said, "if you don't want to get a knife, you can make a price after you think about it! Tonight, there are all kinds of human and material evidence. You are strong and traitor. If you are not satisfied with our elder brother and sister-in-law, you can wait to put on the bottom of the prison! "

Chen Shuai shrank and pressed the edge of the knife with his hand. The wound was three inches long, bleeding and aching into the bone marrow. He bowed his head and bit his teeth. He hated it very much, but he knew that he had provoked a cruel man.

If he doesn't accept extortion tonight, it's really tearing his face. He's definitely not good at it. Once he's involved in a criminal case, he's bound to fight back to his original shape in the unit, from a young and prosperous cadre to a strong and traitor. Chen Shuai can't choose this way anyway.

After recognizing the facts, Chen Shuai counseled: "what do you say to do?"

Luo Mei said in advance: "I just said that I don't care about you and Lori and Yongge, but we divorce and the house and car belong to me. Otherwise, even if you reach an agreement, I won't agree!"

Chen Shuai couldn't believe it. He looked up at the delicate woman who was still in his arms last night. He never thought that this woman turned her face and was more cruel than her mother Wu Jun! Wu Jun just asked for a million yuan. Luo Mei has a big appetite. The house, the car and other things she bought for her are as small as three million yuan. Do you want to swallow them?

Zhang Yong looks at the venom coming out of Chen Shuai's eyes, raises his hand and cuts it on his other arm. Chen Shuai cries directly, out of breath. His left hand covers the wound on his right arm, and his right hand covers the wound on his left arm. His intestines are blue with regret.

Luo Li and Luo Mei have a look at each other. They have a tacit understanding that they are almost forced, and then forced fiercely. This scum loves money like his life. In case of death, they don't really dare to report to the police and make it public. They'd better coax him to take the money.

After the red face singing, Luo Li's white face went online, crying and said pitifully: "elder sister, brother Yong, you two should not go too far. Although the matter tonight is wrong with your brother-in-law, you can't force him to die! Things have to work out after all, don't they? Can you go out first and let us put on our clothes. Let's go to the living room and have a good discussion! "

Zhang Yong hesitated for a while, and finally stood up. With a cold hum, he strode to the living room. Luo Mei went out with him.

The cat didn't leave, and whispered to Lori, "Tut, sister-in-law, although brother Yong loves you, you can't be outgoing, you!" Then he went out and closed the door thoughtfully.

When there were only Chen Shuai and Luo Li left in the room, Chen Shuai felt that there was a little cold hand on his arm. He turned away in disgust and said: "Luo Li, don't be so hypocritical. Don't think I can't see that this is a game tonight!

Isn't that man of yours a big black man? How can he be so willing to spend money to let you sleep with me for my money? The immortal is good at dancing

Luo Li's eyes widened and said, "brother-in-law, no, brother, whatever you think, your arm can't bleed any more. Let me bandage it for you first. It's important that everything will die.

Yesterday, I talked to your uncle and aunt (Chen Shuai's parents came to see their in laws). They are very happy that you are going to get married. Do you have the heart to break the jar and let them send the black haired people to the white haired people, or do you want them to visit you in prison? "

Chen Shuai is stunned!

Yes, it's so easy for parents to have a fight. Is it that they leave endless pain to their parents?

Luo Li hit hard and continued her efforts, with a softer look on her face. She pulled a silk scarf and helped Chen Shuai to bandage it. At the same time, she was good at persuading Chen Shuai: "money is something out of her body. If you can get millions, you can get tens of millions more. Even if you promise my sister and Zhang Yong first, I'll be like this with you, and Zhang Yong won't want me. In the future, you..."

At this point, the little beauty blushes, her eyes are affectionate, and she glances at Chen Shuai.

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