After confirming that Lin Yan was the new master, the two girls did not hide anything. Bao Nu took out an oval instrument and opened it. Inside was a three-dimensional animated PPT, which contained a beautiful three-dimensional structure map. She handed it to Lin Yan and said, "this is the structure map of our base. The purpose of each area is also clearly marked. You can see for yourself."

Lin Yan was just curious. When he took it casually and looked at it carefully, his expression suddenly changed, he became concentrated, and he gradually became amazing. He secretly praised that NIMA, the intelligence quotient of Zeus, was really not built. To make such a base, this is a miniature kingdom!

Who the hell would have thought that a city with complete facilities, advanced energy, beautiful and comprehensive functions would be dug out on one side of the rolling river and the other side of the mountain with hard stone walls!

If you have to give an example, it's just like the black heart company umbrella, which makes viruses and produces zombies, and the hideous underground kingdom building in the popular movie biochemical crisis. It's really touching!

It's no wonder that Antony tavnia is coveting this manufacturing base.

The more detailed you look at it, the more shocked and solemn Lin Yan's look is. If there is such a foundation in Hells Angels, you can't easily give up your identity as a successor and let it fall into the hands of the ruthless, bottomless and inhumane Anthony!

Lin Yan raised his head and said, "can I keep this?"

Leopard girl nodded: "of course, you can crown anything you want, even we are crown you!"

Lin Yan once again full of black line, girl, girl reserved point is not good? How can you just commit yourself to a man? Damn it!

I'm very embarrassed that you are like this!

Thinking of Zeus's metamorphosis, Lin Yan didn't misunderstand the innocence of the two girls, which doesn't mean that he would accept the "extreme trust" of the two girls. Unfortunately, after a while, Lin Yan asked in detail what other industries are owned by Hells Angels besides the base?

Of course, the cat girl and the leopard girl know everything and say everything. Lin Yan's expression is very wonderful when he listens to the three places in Las Vegas, five entertainment places, the top places in Maga, the most poisonous base in the golden triangle, the underground boxing ring in Thailand, the underground entertainment city, and the places specially for cultivating human demons.

Who knows, this is just the tip of the iceberg of Zeus' huge underground kingdom industry. When we hear about the huge smuggling routes for China, even the dark world shipbuilding industry near Antarctica, as well as the ivory acquisition, processing and sales in Africa.

In Afghanistan, where wars are frequent, there is a huge mercenary regiment no less than howlin wolf. The money from the war is comparable to the gold sucking monster.

There is even one of the most abnormal organizations, which specializes in collecting and reselling top secret information of various countries. In other words, it is to train spies to collect intelligence and then trade for profit!

The more he heard that Lin Yanyue was numb, the more fear he felt. At the same time, he was awed by the white, sick and disabled man!

If it wasn't for his bad luck that this man fell in love with him by mistake, how could he subvert the demon island so smoothly that even Zeus was killed?

Now think about it, that man's life is so painful and boring, and finally he can't love it. I'm afraid he is willing to die, right? Otherwise, even if the bomb was dropped into the engine room, there would be time to cushion the distance from the explosion. Zeus could definitely pick it up and drop it down. This is not Lin Yan's conjecture, but it has been proved by facts. That is, Zeus dropped the pendant, said a word, dropped a drop of tears, and then broke his body and bones.

In the precious seconds before the explosion, Zeus did not use it to drop the bomb to save his life. Instead, he chose to take off the pendant and throw it to Lin Yan. He asked him the sad question: "why don't you even want me?"

Lucky day!

That's all!

I can't recall that day's events. I feel stuffy when I think of it.

Lin Yan shook his head violently, forced himself to put aside the scene of desolation and desolation, and focused on how to deal with it.

The industry left by Zeus was so huge that it had reached an appalling level. Although it could not compare with Tianzong, it was probably the top five in the dark world. If we let all kinds of jackals and tigers rush to grab it, it would inevitably lead to great chaos.

It's too big!

Lin Yan feels that he can't make a decision now. It's a big matter related to the next division of power between black and white. It's impossible for him to make a proper choice on his own.

We must find a proper person to discuss and find the most appropriate solution to deal with it. Lin Yan said, "well, you two can arrange by yourself and wait for my summons. I need to think about it for a few days before I can make a decision."

Two women immediately smile, the cat said: "master, can't you take us with you? I like you so much. I'm looking forward to being your bodyguard. "Lin Yan's ears are red. These two girls are still so direct. They know I'm a serious person, but they tease me again and again. Do you know what is close? It's so close. It's time for you to cry.

Eh, it's true. I'm afraid I'm the one crying, right?

Lin Yan immediately pulled back his wild horse like thoughts, ah ah bah, you two goblins have taken the crooked building!

"Cough, what's inside? I'm a married man, and I'm a faithful monogamous follower. Don't like me, but restrain your feelings and desires. Do you understand?"

Listening to the new master's words, the two goblins seemed to understand, but nodded like chickens pecking rice, which made Lin Yan vain. He secretly exclaimed that if all the women in the world were so good, wouldn't the world be harmonious!

"I'll take you two into the city, and you'll get off. Three days later, wait for me at seven o'clock in the evening at the Seven Star Island Restaurant by the lake in the new city."

"Yes, under the crown."

"Yes, king!"

The two goblins finally obeyed. Lin Yan was relieved and drove into the city. Without changing their mind, they got out of the car and bowed to Lin Yan.

The cat girl suddenly jumped to the car and said, "Sir, the base data memory is also a contact device. You can find us at any time with this!" With that, he disappeared into the darkness.

Lin Yan felt his nose and was quite unbelievable about today's experience. But looking at the circular memory in the storage box, which was the electronic data of the base, he reminded him that it was not an absurd dream.

When he got home, it was more than 11 o'clock, and only his grandfather was still awake. Lin Yan had a ghost in his arms, so he was sleepless when he got into the bed. He went to his grandfather's room and saw that he was wearing glasses to read ancient books. He was salivating and crowded in front of the old man, and didn't speak even to his grandfather.

When Lin Yan was young, Lin Fengshou and he Feng both worked in the factory. They were very busy in three shifts. In fact, he was brought up by old man Lin Yu. The grandson had something on his mind since he was a child. He liked to squeeze around his grandfather and ponder. He didn't expect that he was so big and he hadn't changed his bad habit.

In fact, Lin Yu likes his grandson's dependence as a child. He leans on him and asks, "why, are you willing to move?"

Lin Yan shook his head and suddenly asked, "grandfather, is our ancestral grave a treasure land of geomantic omen?"

Lin Lin was stunned, put down the book in his hand, looked at his grandson solemnly and asked, "why do you ask this?"

Lin Yan had a ghostly look at the living room. Although it was quiet, he still ran down and closed the door. Then he ran back to squeeze his master and said in a small voice, "if it's not a geomantic treasure land, why do you smash one after another cornucopia on your grandson's head?"

Lin Fei agrees that Lin Yan was recruited by Third Master Li to take advantage of his daughter-in-law's hundreds of millions of dowries. He is also a more powerful father-in-law, Solomon, who owns a vast amount of assets. Even Lin Yitang, who runs his own business, has tens of millions of dollars in this calculation.

All these opportunities were sent to Lin Yan for him to take. Therefore, Sun Tzu's words are actually true.

Lin Lin hesitated for a moment, or said: "perhaps, your guess is right."

Lin Yan glared: "yes, it is! Then tell me, which road expert helped to see the geomantic treasure land? What a god

Before the old man opened his mouth, Lin Yan frowned and said, "that's not right. If it's the ancestral grave, why was our family so embarrassed before I was 28?"

Lin Yu sighed: "that's because it's not the ancestral grave that really occupies a good shady house, but your grandmother! Your grandmother loved you the most in her life. Of course, she passed on all the favorable factors to you. "

Lin Yan was stunned. He understood the words. When his grandfather taught him, he dabbled in the book of changes and Canyu. Whenever he asked, no matter what kind of questions he would patiently explain.

That's why when Lin Yan adjusted Wei Jingshan's office, he pulled a "three talents and five elements harmony" from Yin and yang to philosophy, and fooled Secretary Wei. Among them, he mentioned "quantum entanglement".

If grandma is really buried in the geomantic treasure land, and grandma is a long-distance "entanglement" caused by "quantum similarity" with Lin Yan, from the perspective of metaphysics, it can indeed transform the exuberance of the earth vein into countless particles that are most conducive to the development of Lin Yan, and transmit them to Lin Yan.

Lin Lin thought of his dead wife and sighed: "Xiao Yan, don't take it too seriously. Every opportunity in life is what you should face. Just face it with your heart."

Seeing his grandfather's expression, Lin Yan knew that Fengshui was not a pleasant topic, so he nodded quickly.

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