Lin Yan's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, suddenly thought of an extremely important thing --- Devil Island is the area that can block all signal search!

After coming to the Grand Canyon, Tony Wang, the head of the ground station, also mentioned contemptuously that the area where the positive forest is included in the base area is completely shielded from the search signal!

If only that island can't be found, it's also possible that there's something mysterious about the geographical location. It's absolutely impossible that such a big canyon, such a big forest, and the whole mountain have been hollowed out, all of which are unknown.

If these two huge regions were both natural signals of isolation, and were found and occupied by Zeus, he would have to be Jesus' own son to have such good luck!

Since Zeus is not the son of Jesus, there is only one answer: Hells Angels not only has appalling research, but also has the anti sky technology that can block all signal search in a large range!

Hells Angels is a multi-layer magic box. Every time you go deep, there will be new surprises.

In today's infinitely developed two-dimensional technology, the information dead space is getting smaller and smaller, it is not difficult to set up a room to isolate the signal, but it can make the whole forest, the whole mountain, the whole island invisible from the wireless signal scanning, which is not very bad, but bad to blow up the sky!

After the intention to contact with the outside world was eliminated, Lin Yan had a sudden attack in his heart. Zeus didn't come up, of course, because there was no electronic equipment on it.

But there is another possibility, that is, knowing that thousands of birds are flying away, thousands of people are missing, let alone the informer, even his mother's signal is extinct, what else can I follow?

Maybe the data group, who is as suspicious as Zeus, wants to take the opportunity to test whether he Lin Yan sincerely accepts Hells Angels, and whether he will give the base to the country as Zeus guessed before he died, so that he can be a great, honest and heartless man.

At this point, Lin Yan carefully put away the contact device, quickly stood up and looked up. On the cloud shrouded mountain wall, there were all solid red rocks and no green plants. He raised the large "flashlight" in his hand and pressed the button toward a mountain wall.

Abrupt, a silver dazzling light flies towards the target, and instantly falls on the rocks.

Lin Yan was stunned to find that when it fell, a small dot burst like fireworks, and countless silver white light clusters bloomed on the red stone, turning into clusters of bright flames.

In addition to snow and ice, there is no fuel on the rocks on the mountain wall, but the fire is like a demon fire. It is burning more and more vigorously and spreading rapidly to expand the scope.

The ice and snow on the high ground were quickly melted by the fire and flowed down layer by layer. However, the snow water gurgled over the mountain wall, but it could not extinguish the monstrous flame. The flame stuck to the stone and burned like a maggot, and continued to spread around,.

Before long, the stones were crisp and cracked, turned into a debris flow, and flowed down the mountain. In the process of flowing, they were still burning. Before they reached the foot of the mountain, they were completely burned and vaporized.

In this scene, Lin Yan was cold.

What kind of substance is this? It can avoid physical restraint, and even vaporize the burning rocks. If the attack target is replaced by a flesh and blood person, or a strong fortress that cannot be conquered, there will be no ashes left!

Lin Yan looked up at the still burning demon fire. He could not help fighting a cold war and almost threw his "flashlight" on the ground.

The energy from such a small weapon as a flashlight can already cause so much damage!

Lin Yan clearly remembers that when Zeus showed him the image of the base, he saw a lot of relatively huge weapons when he passed the weapon manufacturing layer. What kind of power would it be to destroy the sky and the earth?

Standing in the same place, Lin Yan silently watched the mountain wall "melt" and disappear one by one. The energy emitted by this weapon was silent, but it was full of power. Even the avalanche could not be caused. It had already burned the cliff wall into a luxurious cave house with four bedrooms, two halls and two bathrooms. Zeus scolded himself for looking at the sky from a well, which was really useless No exaggeration.

Compared with this kind of energy, Tianzong's new energy is incomparable.

After he was convinced, Lin Yan even lost the mood of enjoying the scenery. He walked back step by step. As soon as he reached the entrance, there was a piece of flowers and plants that were particularly gorgeous.

Lin Yan bent down and picked a big bunch of flowers he thought were the most beautiful. He quickly made a beautiful looking bouquet and took it down.

"Zeus" is still standing in the corridor, see Lin Yan's face beaten expression, one hand carefully holding the "flashlight", the other hand behind.

This reaction is not wrong, Zeus is rare considerate for a while, afraid of irony, Lin Yan can't stand, said with a smile: "is it fun up there?"

Lin Yan approached, stopped, said with emotion: "you want to joke on the joke, compared with you, IQ limits my horizons, poverty limits my imagination, I really am a frog in the well, you joke, I do not feel ashamed.""Zeus" was a little surprised. Lin Yan was frank and didn't speak, but he saw Lin Yan's hand behind him suddenly raised in front of him, and a bunch of beautiful flowers appeared in front of him.

"Zeus" unexpected, surprise, incredible asked: "Lin, what is this?"

Lin Yan was a little bit wry, with a little bit of anger, and said in a very strong tone: "can't you see that this is a flower? Anyway, I thought you would like it too Well, forget it. I give it to the kitten. "

Data Zeus beamed and said, "I'm so happy! How happy! Zeus, do you see that? Our love, he sent flowers! "

Lin Yan stood there with a face of "embarrassment" in capitals, feeling the leprosy data group passing through his body again and again.

For a long time, Zeus finally calmed down, and his ecstasy was replaced by his sadness. He put his legs around Lin Yan's waist and said softly, "although it's late, it's finally here. Lin, do you think he will reincarnate? If the brand new one grows up, will you wait for him and want him? "

This is not a good topic at all. Lin Yan's sweat bristled and said with a dry smile, "aren't you Zeus? How can you call yourself 'he'? You are by my side. What do you say to grow up. Even if there is a soul that can reincarnate, there is no memory of this life. Even if I want a new one, he doesn't know me! "

Zeus shook his head seriously: "the existence of" I "can only be said to be a part of his obsession and a dream, which can't replace him. With his persistence and craziness, I think even if he reincarnates, he will never lose his memory. "

After hearing this, Lin Yan not only raised his hair, but also got goose bumps. He quickly changed the topic: "by the way, I've tried this thing. Its power is really incredible. Tianzong's new energy weapons are really different from this. Can you tell me what it is?"

Zeus looked at the flowers in a daze, his hands close to the top, but he could no longer touch the soft petals. His nose was close to the top, and he could not smell the fragrance of the flowers. He said, "secret silver."

Lin Yan was stunned: "secret silver? Don't be funny. It's just something made up by Tolkien. It's said to be as light as a feather and as strong as a dragon's scale. It shows great power in the Lord of the rings. How can there be such metal in the real world

Zeus said seriously: "you just said that IQ limits your horizons. Don't continue to be stupid. Lin, this is indeed the secret silver. It's the greatest creation of Zeus's life. You are his most cherished person. Please don't use this kind of questioning and teasing tone to describe him. It will make him sad."

Lin Yan quickly put away the banter on his face and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, I'm wrong. I just can't believe that the things in the fantasy novels have come true."

The master image said with emotion: "maybe this thing is not the secret silver in Tolkien's novels, but after Zeus synthesized this kind of thing, he thought that" secret silver "seemed to be the most suitable title, so he named it."

Lin Yan understood and said with admiration: "Zeus, he is really great! He can synthesize this metal beyond imagination. "

Master video suddenly laughed: "Lin, how do you guess Zeus thought of making this thing?"

Lin Yan shook his head honestly and said with a smile: "it's because a wizard in Mexi offended Zeus. In a rage, he sent someone to copy it.

When checking the booty, Zeus accidentally found an ancient book about alchemy, the font is very old, he just studied the ancient text for a long time, reluctantly translated it, and then began to indulge in mineral synthesis, this thing is one of his synthesis

Lin Yan secretly lamented that Zeus had to be so paranoid that he would find a new theory and study it wholeheartedly!

Just now, Zeus said that Mithril was only one of Zeus's synthetic methods from alchemy, that is to say, there are other rare metals?

Can cut off all signal search, is it also one of Zeus synthesis?

The elevator door suddenly opened, and the man who had just delivered the weapon appeared again. After saluting respectfully, he said, "crown down, do you want to hold this secret silver pistol or return it?"

Such a light, high-energy and powerful Dongdong is a must-have product for home travel to defend oneself and kill people. Lin Yan was overjoyed and couldn't hold the leader's cold. He asked eagerly, "can I have it?"

The man respectfully said: "of course you can hold it, but you need to make a registration. Besides, there are six secret silver bullets in this gun. Do you want me to replenish them for you before you get them? "

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