"Zeus" sneered: "Your Majesty, do you know what Zeus saw when he went to find the wizard?

The wizard plundered 160 children under the age of 15, used them to perform evil "longevity borrowing" witchcraft, sealed these children alive in jars, and set up altars to extract the children's life span.

I don't know if life can be borrowed, but the altar full of children's corpse jars is there. Shouldn't such people be burned to death?

If you are really a "holy man" who has no principles and only knows how to be compassionate, don't forget how Zeus' killing island was destroyed

Lin Yan's words stopped at once!

Yes, if even Zeus had to condemn himself for burning a madman to the point of exchanging the lives of more than 100 children for absurd "longevity borrowing", what would thousands of murderers and accomplices mean if he died in his own hands?

Of course, an evil man like Dawu should be burned!

Seeing Lin Yan's guilt and unnaturalness, "Zeus" finally didn't continue to hate him, but went back to the truth: "after the failure of hatching mutant butterflies with sacrifice, Zeus didn't give up. In those days, he was almost crazy. He crazily dug up information about witchcraft all over the world. Even he went to your ancient East and dug several tombs. It's said that he was very fruitful 。”

Lin Yan was shocked!

This madman is crazy enough to achieve his goal. Even Hua Xia has been touched by him? However, it's not surprising that when it comes to the topic of "Immortality", no country in the world can match Huaxia, the birthplace of Taoism!

All kinds of religions have their own way of immortality. Buddhists cultivate the afterlife. If they accumulate enough wisdom, they will go to the Western Paradise and achieve the way of arhat and even Bodhisattva, so as to achieve immortality.

Taoism, on the other hand, cultivates this life, stresses the sanctification of the body, the gathering of the three flowers, the jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements, and the achievement of immortality and longevity with heaven and earth.

Therefore, there are many Taoist books about how to cultivate, how to advance, how to wash the spirit of muscle and bone. How can Zeus even rob the great Witches of Moxi? How can he leave out China?

"Zeus" didn't know that Lin yannaobu had so much, so he went on to say: "through more than a year's search, he accumulated a lot of information about the continuity of life. After comprehensive research, Zeus collapsed and came to the conclusion that people can't live forever. However, before the collapse of the body, the center of the replacement brain can be implanted to continue the life Go

At this point, there is no doubt about the origin of the "continuation" project.

Next, "Zeus" talks about how Zeus madly studied computer science, gene research, bacteria research, brain nerve operation research, and even mysterious theories, and finally achieved initial success.

Lin Yan didn't understand the too professional statement, but he understood how this terrible thing came into being in the simple and easy way.

The origin of the eggs of the mutant butterfly is unknown. According to the poor burned Dawu, it has been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. Zeus thought that this is not unreasonable, because the material of the staff is a kind of mysterious raw material. That is to say, keeping the eggs in it can prevent the erosion of all elements and will not lead to the aging of the eggs It is not effective.

How to successfully induce the hatching of these butterfly eggs, Zeus used many methods, he was careful not to waste a butterfly egg, after all, before hatching and breeding, this thing is one less, later inadvertently found that the most strange thing about this small butterfly egg is that it can induce people's divine resonance.

The crow and the butterfly finally got into the "three legged mutation" of the bacteria, but Mo Yu and the butterfly finally got into the "three legged mutation" of the bacteria!

At the moment, Zeus didn't understand that NIMA's so-called "Nirvana Wu" was actually a freak butterfly!

I don't know how the great wizard's ancestors discovered this kind of small life that looks like the "Nirvana Wu" recorded in their ancient books. They regard it as a treasure. In fact, it's useless!

That's not accurate. At least, this strange looking mutant butterfly adult has a special function, that is, it has a very big intrusive effect on people's emotions, and it's easy for people to be fascinated by it. They can't help loving, caring and owning it.

Zeus saw that his mother was about to escape his punishment. How could it be! He had vowed that she would have to endure endless torment before he died, not one day less!

All kinds of methods have been used, and the mutant butterflies have been hatched generation after generation, but they can not achieve the effect of "continuation" because there is no suitable medium.

Zeus was so mad that he could not eat or sleep and soon boil himself to death. If it wasn't for the Viper who risked being killed by him and forced him to put on a drip of nutrient solution, he might have gone crazy and boiled himself to death.

I don't know how Zeus's brain grew. His IQ was so high that he was almost abnormal. In this state of madness, he found the perfect medium, a kind of immortal species - Lighthouse jellyfish!Ordinary jellyfish will die after sexual reproduction, but asexual lighthouse jellyfish can return to Hydra type again, which is called differentiation and transfer. Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of times in this process.

This kind of jellyfish can achieve infinite life span through repeated reproduction and differentiation. So it is also known as the "immortal jellyfish". To be more precise, it should be the "jellyfish of rejuvenation". Lighthouse jellyfish are "immortal" unless eaten by other animals.

Isn't this the most perfect and consistent creature?

Zeus once again encountered the dark and bright, he perfectly extracted the gene chain and regenerated cells of the lighthouse jellyfish, and used them as a medium to carry out superbacterial invasion on the butterfly eggs, so that the mutant butterfly eggs completed the first step of successful mutation.

The second step is to use the chemical mutation method to infiltrate various elements that can produce brain nerves into the DNA molecule of the mutant larvae as DNA components, so as to cause pairing errors during DNA replication, resulting in the final mutation of butterfly eggs, and then to generate a new gene chain, so as to achieve the function of copying the running track of the host brain.

At this time, through the microlens, we can clearly observe that the butterfly egg has formed a small larva. The larva at this moment has integrated the regeneration genes of Lighthouse jellyfish, strengthened the attraction of the mutant butterfly itself to human brain nerves, and then combined with the invasion, replication, final erasure and replacement of the original brain nerves of the host, so on A terrible new species.

After the completion of the first step, Zeus used physical mutation method to irradiate the larvae in the mutant butterfly eggs with X-ray, y-ray, fast neutron, laser, microwave, ion beam and so on, so as to strengthen and solidify the gene chain of the larvae in the eggshell step by step.

After everything is ready, Zeus painstakingly created a new species, can finally break the shell!

This time, we have successfully mutated a "Nirvana Wu" that can replace the brain and keep the living body alive!

Zeus spent more than three years, from 72 kg to 28 kg, the whole human form with skeleton, skin and bone general state, finally completed the goal of madness, reached the highest level of "no madness, no survival".

In the process of studying the mutation of "Nirvana Wu", Zeus also cuddled the grass and beat the rabbit to study what the magic walking stick of the great Witch of Mexico was. It was so light and strong that it could perfectly isolate all elements and keep the surviving butterfly eggs alive for thousands of years.

Then, Zeus instigated it and named it "secret silver". In fact, it is not necessarily the same material as the secret silver in fantasy novels, and developed the weapon value.

Just as he developed a terrible "continuation" project which is very likely to change the law of the natural continuation of life, he just didn't want his mother to die too happily. Zeus's original intention of instigating the secret silver is simpler. He just wanted to make a vessel to hold the "Nirvana Wu" adults.

Nirvana was mutated by Zeus again and again, and its resonance and attraction to mammalian brain has reached an incredible level. If it is put in ordinary utensils, it can't isolate the temptation of madness. Only the material of the great wizard's walking stick can perfectly eliminate it.

But the walking stick is strong and dense, and the ordinary flame can't melt at all. If you meet ordinary people, you will give up. It's just that you don't meet ordinary people, but a paranoid madman. He has made "Nirvana Wu", let alone a vessel in full bloom?

Thus, a new round of craziness began. Zeus differentiated this metal, one by one composed of analytical factors. Finally, he purified the "mitag" more perfectly than the cane itself, and formed several formulations that can perform different functions. The vessel is only one of them. The more abnormal and shocking is the mitag weapon of course.

Zeus, with a transparent secret silver jar and a "Nirvana" in it, entered his mother's chamber of secrets and saw that his mother's autism was approaching success. He had no response to his arrival.

Zeus stared at his mother coldly, opened the lid of the jar, and the strange little life flew out. With naked eye ecstasy, he rushed to the woman, bit her skin, and penetrated into her blood. In an instant, the woman's eyes opened, staring at her son with fright, and asked hopelessly, "how can I see you when I'm dead? Will you not let me go when I die? "

Zeus laughed wildly to suffocate: "ha ha ha! Death? Do you want to escape from my hand before you have redeemed your sin? I tell you, you can't even die without my permission! Next, dear mom, please enjoy your time with little butterfly, ha ha ha

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