Lin Su was shocked!

Before my elder brother became the district chief, he had always been very normal. But since he was abducted and came back, he has become very mysterious. He is often a dragon without a tail.

Lin Su went home several times and couldn't find his brother. He asked his sister-in-law and his parents. They all said that his brother is now working in the state secret service. He is not allowed to contact when he is on a mission, let alone inquire about his work.

In view of Lin Yan's working experience in Wei Jingshan, Lin Su automatically brought his brother back to the discipline inspection system and secretly investigated and dealt with the cadres with problems. That really can't be disclosed and there is not much respect for him.

From childhood to adulthood, the time when the two brothers and sisters were dependent on each other has been engraved into the bone marrow. Every time Lin Su was bullied, his brother tried his best to solve the problem. For example, when he was bullied by Sha Bo, his brother almost suffered from prison. If Wu Jun didn't help, his brother would definitely be cleaned up miserably.

Later, when Ouyang Ruiqing bullied her, what Lin Su saw was Li Guanlin's help. Her brother just punished the bastard by family acupuncture, and she didn't think that her brother was forced to any extent.

As a matter of habit, Lin Su didn't regard her brother's ability as the support to help her solve the disaster. At most, she recognized that her brother's social relationship was strong. This time, even her sister-in-law's father, who was so powerful, couldn't help her clean up the dirt. She had no hope for her brother. Otherwise, she would not be blackmailed. After being suspended, her first reaction was to jump off a building.

Now, I suddenly heard my brother's aggressive declaration, and I know that my brother is not a big talker. Since he said that, it must be true. That is to say, my brother is so powerful that he can deal with everything?

Lin Su felt that his world outlook had been overturned!

Looking at his younger sister's toad like mouth, Lin Yan didn't have any good color to show her. With disgust, he continued: "as the daughter of the Lin family, it's right that she won't shrink back when encountering conspiracy and attack, but she even wants to die with a little frustration. I don't know!

Do you think your life is your own? You jump down and fall into a rotten watermelon, it's all over. Have you considered the feelings of your grandfather and parents? Can they still be happy after the white hair people send the black hair people?

You are no longer young. You are still so selfish, naive and vain. As the Lin family, you float in the meaningless bustle every day and refuse to sink down. Even your brother's situation is not clear. Even a mere actor can force you to death. It's a shame to me! "

Lin Su was scolded speechless, can only cry, appears more and more pitiful, in fact, Lin Yan scolded is not too much, since she entered the provincial TV station, all the focus of life, are addicted to vanity, the most important thing is to be able to host several programs, how much pink silk, how popular degree, the change of the family, really never heart experience.

For example, this time, Lin Su was devastated by Li danqiong. After her mother and sister-in-law forced her to take her home, she only cared about the pain and injustice she suffered. She thought about how to successfully whiten and win at the last level. She didn't pay any attention to the position of her new home!

Yes, Lin Su thinks that her brother married his second-generation sister-in-law. Although the house price in the capital is hard for ordinary people to reach, it's not difficult for her brother-in-law. But she doesn't think about it. What kind of territory is this? Can money buy it?

Even if my sister-in-law has money, can I buy the siheyuan in the capital, especially the siheyuan in my own home, if I sell the peninsula group?

If you are a smart little girl, you can change a set of furniture with four bedrooms and two living rooms in the second and third tier cities when you step into the house and see a room full of furniture. You should be a little bit forced. But Lin Su's concept of family has already formed a substance, and he didn't think about it at all.

The reason why Lin Su still prays for her brother's help after seeing her brother is that she knows that the last topic is taste test of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea. She's afraid that her family doesn't have such conditions. She wants to ask her brother for help and borrow some props to improve her personality.

For example, high-quality antique tea sets and classical musical instruments can be found on thousand degrees. Calligraphy grandfather is no problem for everyone. In short, I hope my brother can do everything to help her beat Li danqiong, who was born in a rich family. I can't imagine that with her brother's ability, Li danqiong will be gone .

Lin Yan was worried all the way, and his accumulated anger burst out. Seeing that the little girl had been scolded silly, her parents Fei Er couldn't bear it, and even her granddaughter's frail grandfather also showed compassion. Lin Yan finally stopped scolding, sat down on the sofa and held her sister in his arms.

Feeling her brother's warmth, Lin Su finally regained her self-confidence. Her brother still loves her, but she didn't give up because of her failure. Her heart settled down and her cry changed from miserable to coquettish.

From the beginning of this incident, fei'er was extremely disgusted with her sister-in-law's cowardice. Since she was a child, she would rather be broken than broken, otherwise she would not meet Lin Yan in such a tragic way. In her opinion, if she was attacked by others, she would take it back. If she didn't take it back, she would try to find a way to go back. In a word, she couldn't just fight for life and death, which would add to her family.However, fei'er knows that she is the daughter-in-law of the family after all. In the final analysis, she is a stranger. All of her family dotes on her elder sister-in-law as a baby. Even her husband doesn't realize that Lin Yu should be independent.

If you break this layer of window paper, isn't it a stranger inside and outside? Fei'er only listens to her mother-in-law's words and bothers her husband, who may be living and dying. In fact, she is very uncomfortable.

Looking at her husband, although he tried hard to bear it, she could not hide the fatigue between her eyebrows. Fei Er could not bear it again and again, and finally said, "well, now that your brother has come back, no one can bully you any more.

Tomorrow's last theme will start shooting. It's going to be daybreak. The program team is expected to come in a few hours. Hurry to catch up, so that you won't lose to Li danqiong as soon as you come out with panda eyes. "

When it comes to the competition, Lin Su, who is sure to win, is the most concerned. He jumped up and said, "yes, tomorrow the film crew will be in our house to shoot on the spot. I have to go to bed quickly!

By the way, brother, please help me to get a guzheng. Besides, the quality of my grandfather's go is too poor. You have to borrow a set of good chess for me. The best is jade, and the worst is Huanghua pear. "

Lin Yu thought of his go game. When Li Xiuxian brought it to him, his face was full of grief. Besides, it was a powder colored mutton jar in the reign of Emperor Qianlong. The most rare thing was the box carved out of the whole piece of jade. Even the pieces were carved out of the best mutton jade. Needless to say, its value was immeasurable.

Lin Su has always thought that only green can be called Jade. Her grandfather's go game is white and pink. It must be plastic. I don't know how much misunderstanding she has about top jade.

After Lin Su's advice, he saw that his brother didn't reprimand him. So he agreed. With confidence, he hopped to sleep.

Lin Yan was full of frustration and felt that it was his responsibility to teach his sister a deviation. He said to his worried parents: "Mom and Dad, just now I didn't want to let her have confidence. She was unnatural during the shooting and didn't make it clear to her. In fact, I had to deal with all the problems she had before. You can go to sleep at ease 。”

Where can he Feng rest assured: "Xiao Yan, just now it's said that the film crew will come home early in the morning. It's almost dawn. Do we need to prepare in advance? And... "

Looking at her son's tired look, he Feng felt very sorry for her son, but she still said, "and the things that she just said, you Can you get it for her? Pity her for her life in order to win. If you can help her, you'd better help her. "

Lin Yan laughed angrily: "Mom and Dad, I just scolded her for not understanding my current position. Even you have the same problem? Do you think that what I just said should be dealt with has been dealt with completely, which is an empty word to comfort you?

I tell you, on my way back, I've already known everything. This program group is going to make another pit tomorrow, pretending not to know that we've moved. Tomorrow, the program group will go to lupin to shoot with him. "

"This is not bullying! We clearly reported the address of our new home, and the program team could not find her in Luping. What's more, it could mislead netizens, saying that she had been stripped of her painting skin and was afraid to take part in the last game, so that Li danqiong won without a fight? No, I can't bear it. I'll go to them! "

Yes, Li danqiong used half a night's ambiguity and Yao Jingbo's Secret push. After the director of the program group was bribed, he hit such a vicious idea. He deliberately wiped out Lin Yu's home address reported to the program group, went to Luping, and then completely blacked Lin Yu to make Li danqiong.

In this way, netizens will absolutely hate Lin su. In the beginning, she cheated, but now she was picked out. In the last game, no one would dare to be seduced by her, so she had to compete with real materials. As a result, Lin she counseled and hid!

It seems that goddess Li is the real goddess.

If this move succeeds, those who doubted Lin Su's cheating and seduction on the Internet will absolutely believe Lin Su's shamelessness, and her reputation in this life will be completely ruined.

After listening to Fei Er's words, the Lin family was shocked.

Lin Lin slapped the table heavily: "it's really deceiving! Xiao Yan, I've asked Su to come back again and again and quit the competition, but they dare to bully my Lin daughter like this. Which one can't bear it? Please deal with it quickly. This time, we can't lose! "

Lin Yan said with a sneer: "don't worry, grandfather. They have a good idea. It depends on whether Lin Yan agrees or not! If they want to run, Lupin will let them run. If they run empty, they have to come back and continue shooting. We'll have a good sleep tomorrow

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