Medical road

Chapter 1026: Tofu-like smoothness

Give a chance!

This kind of talk, whether it's a man telling a woman or a man telling another man, there is a slight flattery and humility.

However, when Erhu said this today, he didn't feel a little bit of unhappiness in his heart. Not only did he not, but his eyes were all sincere.

Special events require special luck!Therefore, he felt that he must thank the saviors of these children.The People's Liberation Army can't find it, but the person in front of him can still express his feelings slightly.

When Erhu said this, the deputy director of the obstetrics department subconsciously wanted to let others out, and then closed the door!It seems that what the obstetrics and gynecology department said is correct, and they all subconsciously want to drive people.

If Chen Sheng came today, this old guy would be a man. Not only would he not cover up for Zhang Fan, but he would also ask people from the newspaper to write a report on how clean Zhang Fan was.

Because he knew very well what ordinary people like Erhu could give, so there was no need to worry.There is no need to cover up, he knows Zhang Fan too much, so instead of covering up, it is better to give Zhang Yuan a bright and generous name.

Zhang Fan looked at the deputy director looking slightly nervous, and gently pulled her arm.

"I understand your intentions. We will work hard to accomplish what we should do. We should also work hard to comply with the rules and regulations that we should abide by."

After Zhang Fan smiled and said to Erhu, he looked at the doctors and nurses in the obstetrics department.

Of all the departments in the hospital, only obstetrics is the only one who accepts things.For example, when someone gave birth to a child, they gave a basket of eggs wrapped in red paper and gave birth to a healthy fat child. When the parents were happy, they gave a box or two of Red Bull.

What other eight-treasure porridge, flowers, these are all known by the hospital management, but they can only open their eyes and close their eyes. If this happens in other departments, the director will definitely point to the doctor’s nose. Scolding: Are your eyes so small?

"Don't worry, hehe, I know, I'm a cook. My cousin works as a cook in Xiao Sanchuan at the back door of the hospital. I want to cook a meal for you, a few doctors, and Dr. Lu.

Don't dislike it, and doctors."

When Zhang Fan heard this, he originally wanted to refuse, but he said again: "This is a little bit of my meaning, I hope you don't..."

To be honest, there are not too many people who want to invite the dean to eat in a tertiary hospital, one of the top hospitals in the area.

However, looking at Erhu's honest look and sincere expression, Zhang Fan hesitated a little.

At this time, the parturient woman also spoke: "Dr. Zhang, we give other things, but you don’t like it, but the child does not have you and Dr. Lu. Today, our mothers are both..."

After speaking, he wiped his eyes, and then said: "My husband cooks deliciously. He will cook as a cook in Chunjiang Chao in the south.

Let him cook a meal for me and the kids, thank you!"

After a while, Lu Shuyan also came in, and she was living in the dormitory.The original undergraduate room called, but she didn't want to come, but she didn't know how to hang up. She didn't want to do anything.

When she walked to the door, she heard what was inside, as if Zhang Fan was still unwilling, she was unwilling."Director, it's been a long time since our department asked the dean to have a guest. How can we let it go this time!"

No one arrives, the sound comes first!


Xiao Sanchuan Restaurant, Zhang Fan hasn't been here for a long time. When he was single, he often came to eat with Li Hui.How do you say this restaurant, pay attention to a big oil and big meat, occasionally eat a meal, to be honest, it is so enjoyable, every day can not help it.

At this time, Erhu was already busy in the kitchen.He had greeted his cousin early, and had prepared all the ingredients.

In fact, he is a chef in the south, and the restaurant where he works is big enough, but he only cooks one dish in it, lion head, which is big meatballs.

It is not easy to live in the capital, and it is not easy to work in the cities where Erhu works. The house price is one price a year.

Therefore, I originally wanted to take a childbirth this time, go back to my hometown to rest, and then open a restaurant in my hometown.It just so happens that today I have the opportunity to let the doctors in the hospital taste it first to see if there is a market for the things they make here.

After all, when his lion head was in the south, it was considered a mid-range dish.


Zhang Fan didn't think it was appropriate to bring a bunch of women's soldiers.The doctors and nurses of the obstetrics and gynecology department are already tough and tough.

Therefore, he notified Chen Sheng.

"It sounds like you are making meatballs!" Chen Sheng whispered to Zhang Fan as he listened to the voice of the chef.In fact, I feel a little disapproving, what's so delicious about the meatballs!

If Zhang Fan is a foodie, Chen Sheng is a foodie. There will be a few seasonal dishes on the dinner table.

Before long, bowls of lion heads were brought up.

When the lid of the bowl was opened, the heat diffused with the aroma.

In the small soup bowl, there is a green bamboo shoot on the lion head which is slightly larger than the fist.

"Hey, this approach of yours is also novel, and you don't see any oily water." Chen Sheng said curiously.

"Haha, please try it and see if it suits your taste!" Erhu held a towel and wiped his hands slightly restrained.

Lion head, big balls, to be honest, there are local practices, but Zhang Fan doesn't like to eat them very much. To put it bluntly, they are actually stuffed buns.

When Zhang Fan picked up the chopsticks, Erhu said, "Doctor Zhang, this lion head needs a spoon to eat it."

"Well, you sit too, the boss is standing, our guests are not good!"

Zhang Fan picked up the soup spoon and felt a little different when he dug into the lion's head.

Hand feel, Zhang Fan’s hand feel can’t be fooled, saying that his taste buds can be fooled, but the hand feel really can’t be fooled. Let’s not talk about the smell. First of all, the feel is different from other balls.

Because when Zhang Fan’s soup spoon touches a lion’s head, the first feeling is soft, like tofu, it’s definitely not meaty.

When a spoonful of big balls came into his mouth, Zhang Fan knew that Erhu was a bit capable.

The slightly hot meatballs entered his mouth, and the faint soup brought a fresh fragrance from the tip of the tongue to the base of the tongue.Then, after going up, the elasticity of the meat and the glutinous rice are combined perfectly.

There is absolutely no greasiness of ordinary balls, and no sticky teeth like usual balls.

In fact, this lion head is very particular.Because it is a common dish, it is not easy to make it special.To be honest, people with children would probably do it.

But Erhu's this one is different.The choice of meat must be tender pork, seventy-fifth lean and three-point fat, and no muscles entangled in it.Many people cannot do this first step.

Everyone thinks that if you lose your muscles and tendons, don't you lose your energy? Actually it is not.

The second step is to chop meat, which is also very particular.Most family members use meat grinders to make meatballs.People do not chop more and less, or cut very small from the time of cutting the meat, and Energizer does not need to use both hands to chop with a kitchen knife.

The main ingredient is meat, and the auxiliary ingredients are also very particular, so we must add fresh ingredients.

Immediately afterwards is the dumpling of meat. Meat is a thing, without starch dumplings, so when many people make meatballs, melted starch is poured into the meat.

The meatballs that are made are not mentioned, they are torn and torn when they are eaten, just like cheese pizza, they are constantly torn, and they are just a word, sticky.

Other people's dumpling meat is very simple, adjust the starch water, lightly dip a little on the palms of both hands, and then apply the meat dumplings. At most, the meatballs will have a little starch on the surface, but there is no inside.

Squeeze the balls and squeeze them slightly, then fry them lightly, slightly yellowish.

Then there is steaming. Some green bamboo shoots must be placed in the bowl for good-looking and thermal insulation.

After an hour of steaming, there will be half a bowl of oil and water floating in the bowl.Use a large straw to suck off the oil and water, so that no trace of oil can be seen in the bowl.

Then comes the pan.

To be honest, this kind of meatballs are really delicious, as tender as tofu, but more fragrant than tofu.

Not only did Zhang Fan eat the incense, but also the female doctors and nurses who were chatting.Because it's so delicious.This kind of soft tofu, meaty balls are not greasy at all in the mouth, but it allows you to feel the full burst of fat and protein.

"Zhang Yuan, if the boss is willing, we can open a window in the cafeteria and let him be a lion head!"

Chen Sheng was addicted to eating, and a big foodie was worried about it. It is conceivable that this lion head really has real skills.

In fact, to be honest, these few people don't know that the restaurant where Erhu serves is actually quite famous in the large southern countryside.


Shao Hua was preparing to receive French essential oil merchants at home, and the girl was also anxious. French translators in the lobby all over the world.Of course, Zhang Fan didn't worry much about these things.

Because he is going to attend the World Orthopedics Annual Conference.Such invited experts have to prepare their own speeches.

Maybe you have to do observation surgery.Zhang Fan also feels itching to be able to compete on the same stage with the world's orthopedics majors.In fact, he did not particularly expect the annual meeting of General Wai.

First of all, the International General Conference of Foreign Affairs is generally not held in China, and foreigners are also very popular.

For example, outside the brain, such as outside the heart, others will come.But the general public will never come.

Because of general foreign affairs, China is too strong.

And there is a reason why Zhang Fan didn’t expect much. For Zhang Fan, the annual meeting of general foreigners is just like a meeting of teachers and sects. On the podium, either uncle or uncle, most of the big brothers below are seniors, even if they are not. Brother, you can also establish a relationship with your own teacher.

Therefore, there is really no sense of novelty.

And can’t the orthopedics department in Huaguo work?

In fact, it is not. Orthopedics Huaguo is also good, but it is not the most powerful on the spine, but Huaguo uses a lot of orthopedic equipment and consumables a year.And this kind of annual meeting is not organized by a certain hospital or a few doctors.

This is all organized by large equipment vendors or manufacturers.

This time Zhang Fan wanted to be bad!

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