Medical road

Chapter 1066 The Dreaming Old Lady

There are women in one family, and every family asks for it.

Ouyang is creating this state now.They are all over here, she has never seen anything.

She really can't keep up with the technical aspects, and this is still a surgical technique.

But the old lady understands people's minds, so the video of the surgery at Lien University at that time was just like a flyer, which was distributed by Chen Sheng and a group of small officers.

Any hospital with a bit of reputation in orthopedics sent it out.The tired tongues of Lao Chen and a few small officers came out, such as MedicalPark in Germany (the No. 1 orthopedic hospital in Europe) and AO in Switzerland (Association of Internal Fixation).

The domestic ones will not be let go. In fact, the goal is to create a prosperous scene.I was worried that Zachstein asked for negotiations in advance.

While the old lady called Zhang Fan, she imagined the situation in her mind: hospitals all over the world are crazy.Everyone is violent: We are going to cooperate with the Chasu Hospital, and you can mention the conditions.

No, we are bound to win, as much as the golden retriever, we will add 20% on their basis!

Then not only choose, but also choose the best.Moreover, the most important thing is that not only has the hospital developed, but it has also become famous, and the leaders know themselves.

"Dean Ouyang, how did you develop a hospital in a remote area into a world-class hospital? Do you have any experience in this area? Do you have anything to say to colleagues in hospitals in China?"

The host surnamed Shui looked at Ouyang with a look of looking at the presidents of other countries!Then the leader specially asked Ouyang to go to the Zhongyong Hospital or the Digital Hospital as the dean.

The entanglement in Ouyang's heart, is it better to go to Zhongyong, or to go to the digital hospital, or continue to stay at the Chasu Hospital and lead the Chasu Hospital out of the universe?

Ouyang thought for a while, the corners of his mouth turned up, and the old lady started to dream during the day. It was too rare.In fact, the main reason was that the shock to the old lady was too strong.

Special Orthopedics, this hospital is just like Mayo. Although it is not as famous as Mayo, its position in orthopedics is definitely stronger than that of Mayo.

The world's No. 1 is here, why don't you come to the bottom of the ranking?Let alone the world's No. 1 tea hospital, it used to be the No. 1 in China before.

So the old lady drifted a bit.But, dreaming belongs to dreaming, and you are still very sophisticated when you start.

After a while, Zhang Fan, Lao Gao, Chen Sheng, Ren Li, and Jumabek all came to the dean's office.

The old lady was in a good mood today. When she saw a group of people, she didn't have to stand up to make tea and pour water.

"Sit well, sit down. Everyone is exhausted these days. Hold on for a while. If you hold on for a few days, it will be the day of victory." Ouyang said with a smile, while pouring water for several people.

"Which does the government say?" Lao Gao asked.This is only appropriate for the old Gao to ask.

"Haha, don't worry, the government will not participate this time, only dividends." Ouyang smiled secretly, she didn't tell others that she received a call from the office, in the words of Ouyang: You are not enough!

Old Gao listened and nodded.He still knows Ouyang's temperament very well. Otherwise, he would have been sent to the government to demonstrate.

When Jumabek saw that Lao Gao was not talking, he quickly said: "European Academy and Zhang Yuan, we are dealing with world-class hospitals this time. Although we seem to be catching up with others, it is actually a short-lived phenomenon. , The mirage.

Without a solid internal medicine, everything is a building on the beach!"

Ouyang's eyes squinted, his mouth curled, and he said in his heart: "This guy can say so many idioms! It seems that someone is giving the class."

"Okay, okay. Before the bird has been shot down, I will discuss whether to grill or stew. It's early!" Although Ouyang said to Jumabek, it was Ren Li.

Ren Li smiled and admitted it.Ouyang will not be held accountable.She didn't want to develop internal medicine, but there was no one as young as Zhang Fan in internal medicine.

"Zhang Yuan, do you think we have sent enough invitation letters, and we have not prepared enough? I have already said hello to the tea government.

The government hotel vacated all the rooms for me.The city has recently suspended some unimportant meetings just to make way for us."

Although Ouyang was making a statement at the time, the complacency on his face was still obvious.

Before Zhang Fan spoke, Chen Sheng hurriedly said: "Oh, this is all the credit of the two squad leaders. For such a large scale, let alone our tea, it is estimated that the hospital in Bird City has never encountered it. "

After speaking, I didn't say much, just a particularly proud expression!Ouyang just took this set.

"Hey, you can't say that. We have achieved some results, but we can't be proud. We still have to keep working hard!"

The two people sang a harmony, which instantly filled Ouyang's heart with satisfaction.

"Haha!" Zhang Fan smiled."Dean, it is estimated that more domestic ones will come, but foreign ones are hard to say! Actually, there is no need to vacate a hotel.

How does this let the government say our hospital!"

As soon as Ouyang waved her hand, she became Zhang Fan humble!

"This matter is rather more than less. You can't be so implicit now. You are no longer an ordinary dean. You are already a world-renowned dean and a famous medical expert.

To have the style and confidence of an expert, you can't always look careless!"

Zhang Fan did not say Ouyang's heart, Ouyang was not happy!After taking a glance at Zhang Fan, he continued: "This time the opportunity is bigger. It is a rare opportunity for our tea hospital in a century. We cannot be the sinners of the hospital!

and so……"

Ouyang said here, his eyes rolled around, and then he looked at a few people.

She said in a deep voice: "So, we must unite closely and cooperate closely. These days, no one can contact people in other hospitals privately.

Dean Zhang hasn't wanted anywhere recently, so I stopped all the tricks.It is best to contact some orthopedic spine patients from Bird City these days. When necessary, we are not talking in vain.Let them see and see!

Dean Gao, you have been a little harder recently, and you must stare at a group of orthopedic doctors.Secretary..."

After arranging the work, Ouyang started the highlight.

"What do we want with the special hospital?" The old lady smiled like a fox who ate honey, her hair all shiny.

When I said this, Jumabek, who had been anxious, were no longer anxious, they all looked at Zhang Fan, even Ouyang stared at Zhang Fan.

"Large equipment..." Zhang Fan groaned.

Ouyang immediately said: "The headquarter is not considered for now, the second affiliated hospital has been vacated. You are busy these days, and I did not disturb you. The dean of the residence stays at the second hospital every day, just like the manager of the moving company.

The second hospital is already empty, and everything is lacking. You should consider it carefully and don't worry.This matter can't be anxious!"

Ouyang was afraid that Zhang Fan would not be considerate.

Several people from the Tea Su Hospital gathered to rehearse the spoils-sharing meeting, and the Tea Su government was also holding such a meeting.

"You talk about it, you talk about how this team led by Ouyang, the team led so tough, it won't suffer a little loss. We must not let her fool you this time. Everyone is talking about it." Chasu boss It seems that I have suffered a great grievance, but I am actually happy.

The leaders of the management industry are impatient: "Our new border trade zone has been established for more than half a year, and there is not even a decent enterprise. It is either a seller of jade or sheepskin.

Is it necessary to find a new district for such a scale?A vegetable market can handle things, so squad leader, I think we should do some high-tech this time.

Hasn't our tea hospital come to the fore?We can rely on the tea hospital to engage in medical high-tech enterprises."

To be honest, it is difficult for this leader.In Chasu, the leaders of the united front are more advanced than those in charge of industry. It is not that industry is not important, but because there is no industry.

Everyone spoke actively, looking forward to the future.

Think about it, a hotel, a hotel full of top hospital leaders in the world, there are so many opportunities and cooperation projects.

Everyone is more excited than the others.

The leader in charge of health rubbed his hands red."Leaders, let the leaders of the Chasu Hospital talk about it. This is not appropriate. If there is no superior leader, they can't grasp the direction.

I suggest that the government send a team, send a leading team, after all..."

No one wants to let go of such a good opportunity.

"No need!" The boss of the tea government gently shook his head without explaining.

The leaders in charge of sanitation were stupid, shouting in their hearts: "Why, what is this for? What kind of medicine did this old lady give the leaders!"


Government hospitals are busy, Johnson & Johnson is not idle.I bought a small building near the Chasu Hospital.

In the tea city, it seems that because of the tea hospital, a few large world-class companies have gradually increased.


Just when Ouyang was looking forward to the future, while the tea vegetarian government was looking forward to the future.

Old Chen and Chen Sheng were hanging up in a hurry. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is sweat in the leather shoes!

"One more time, the other party confiscated the invitation letter from us."

"Confiscated, I don't dare to say, but I promise, I did send it!" Officer Xiao Chen looked at Old Chen in a low voice, the girl didn't dare to hold her head up, and she couldn't lift her head.

"Where is the problem? It's been two days, why there is no news at all. If the other party's phone is available, just call me if I can't!

Chen Sheng's anxiousness was almost mad.

Seeing that negotiations were about to begin, the situation where Ouyang was looking forward to sitting full of guests, haha, seemed to be impossible.

Foreign hospitals will definitely respond to the few hospitals that only have Wanzi Country, Bangzi Country and Lijiapo.Hospitals in other countries have no news!

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