Medical road

Chapter 545

"I have ironed the suit and shirt for you and put it in a blue bag. You can take a look at it in advance when you arrive at the bird market. If there are wrinkles, let the hotel iron them for you.

This is the tea, honey, and royal jelly for the teacher. All of them were collected by my father who went to the pastoral area personally. It can be guaranteed to be pure and natural. The teacher is here, an academician from someone who has never seen anything, just this little native production capacity. Take it out."

Shao Hua babbled and packed Zhang Fan's clothes and gifts.

"Okay." Zhang Fan couldn't get his hands in, and Shao Hua didn't let him get in. Zhang Fan was a good hand at tying knots in surgery, but he couldn't fold his clothes and couldn't clean up his shirt.

"If you don't see the teacher in the place, the royal jelly will be stored in the refrigerated place. I don't know if it is good or not. Anyway, this can be guaranteed to be pure and natural. If it weren't for my father to understand their language..."

Royal jelly, not to mention the taste, not to mention the comparison with honey, even white sugar is not as good as sugar, not to mention astringent taste, and a bit sour, just like the taste of baking powder.

Legend has it that the effect of this thing is extraordinary. I don’t know if the other effects are good or not, but one thing Zhang Fan knows is that beekeepers go in the wild, wind and rain, but few beekeepers suffer from rheumatism. Arthritic.

It is estimated that their diet has a certain relationship all year round.

Zhang Fan carried the suitcase and put it in Cool Luze's trunk, "I'm leaving!"

"Well, be careful on the road. Don't hurry. The master will arrive the day after tomorrow. You should eat and rest on time and don't drive too fast." Shao Hua told Zhang Fan.

"Well, I see, you go back soon." Zhang Fan pityed Shao Hua's face.

"I watched you leave the community." Shao Hua didn't get rid of his salted fish hands because Zhang Fan was driving to the bird market. Instead, he stretched out his face obediently and let Zhang Fan squeeze.

Zhang Fan started off. Cool Luze's big butt left the community. Shao Hua kept watching Cool Luze disappear before he went upstairs.

Because of the arrival of Lu Lao, Ouyang specially asked Zhang Fan to lay down his work and go to the Bird Market early. "Try to let Lu Lao come to see our teas. If you don’t come to teas, you will not come to the frontier. Baili scrolls, grasslands, and snow-capped mountains are all. No. 1 in the country..."

Ouyang was afraid that Zhang Fan would not say it. She deliberately taught Zhang Fan her lines. She knew everything about her family. Zhang Fan was really not sure to invite Mr. Lu to tea.

Cool Road Ze is speeding on the highway.

"Huazi, please take me to a big meal. If I don't eat something good, I feel that life is boring." Jia Suyue called Shao Hua. The girl has really been boring recently.

Because there was a leader from their unit, the leader who was directly airborne, and the three burnt people from the whole unit were worried, performance appraisal, final elimination, and secret ballots. Anyway, Miss Jia’s life has been really sad recently.

"What about your Zhang Fan, why are you here alone?" Wang Yanan and Jia Suyue arrived early in a large plate chicken restaurant in Chasu. When they saw Shao Hua alone, Wang Yanan asked curiously.

"He went to the Bird City for a meeting!" Shao Hua hugged Jia Suyue and Wang Yanan after entering the door. Frontiers meet a bit like Europeans and Americans and like to hug them.

"Is it right that Zhang Fan of your family is going to be promoted again, and now you are going to the Bird City for a meeting, hey! I didn't expect your black boy to be out of control and become a leader!"

Jia Suyue pouted and said bitterly.

"Hehe, what's the matter, why is the grievance so great?"

"Hey! Our unit has a new leader who treats men as men and women as men. I can't live anymore. Look, if I have wrinkles, I stay up all night and I am exhausted."

The three girls ate the spicy big plate of chicken in the summer and chatted while eating.

"I want to resign!" Shao Hua said suddenly.

"I want to resign too!" Jia Suyue hugged Shao Hua and said pitifully. The girl was really exhausted recently.

"What? What did the unit do?" Wang Yanan looked at Shao Hua curiously.

"No, I just think..." When Shao Hua was organizing the language, Jia Su said more: "If I were you, I would have stopped going to work long ago. Your black boy earns a lot and is now a leader again. I have already gone home, so I won’t be upset by my unit."

"Come on, why is Zhang Fan a black kid?" Shao Hua rolled his eyes unwillingly.

"Hey! Let me tell you, you should have resigned and went home long ago. Zhang Fan is responsible for making money and supporting the family, so you are responsible for being beautiful! How wonderful!"

"Huazi, what is Zhang Fan's opinion? What did he say about your resignation." Wang Yanan can still discuss something, and Jia Suyue will forget it.

"He, he doesn't care, you don't know him, he is more concerned about sickness than me."

"Why on earth are you resigning? Really want to be beautiful at home?" Wang Yanan said with a smile. She knew Shao Hua, who shouldn't be this kind of person.

"My idea is actually simple. I just want to catch up with him. Even if I can't help him, I can't be his burden." Shao Hua took his chopsticks and looked at Wang Yanan.

"It's so difficult. Your Zhang Yuan is so amazing. Last year, the Top Ten Outstanding Young People of Tea Suo, and this year's hepatobiliary surgery performed again. I heard from colleagues at the hospital that the Hepatobiliary Center is expected to be established.

In the past, some people wanted to wait for Ouyang to retire and fight hard. Now that Zhang Fan is there, let alone ordinary people, even the directors of various departments are all desperate.Did he go home and just study?"While talking, Wang Yanan began to ask what he cared about.

"Let me say, why do you want to catch up with him in your career? You understand, you should let him catch up with you in appearance. Isn't he a surgeon. Get yourself a double eyelid first!"

"Haha!" While chatting, the three girls crooked the floor."To be honest, Huazi, do you really want to resign?"


"Where do you want to do?" Jia Su asked more curiously.

"I want to wait until I get the bet fast..."

"Save it, you might as well be beautiful at home."

"You can be an equipment dealer! The equipment of the hospital is just one sentence from your Zhang hospital."

"Can't we be a little ambitious? Can we not make money to support our family? We have to rely on men. When I make money, I will tell my family Zhang Fan, don't be too tired, I will support you! Hey!"


"Think too much!"

"But if you really have an idea, I'll rush to you. I really can't stay in the unit anymore, hey!" Jia Su bit the chicken wings bitterly.

The Affiliated Hospital of Bird City has also been busy recently. Four or five cleaning companies have entered the hospital, and they are doing a thorough cleaning.

Moreover, the doctors in the hospital also issued new white coats. The leaders of the hospital walked around the hospital every day, looking for problems with the eyes of finding problems.This is both the annual meeting of the Hepatobiliary Society and the Q&A meeting.

This level of meetings, let alone the frontiers, usually does not leave the capital or the two cities of the capital, and most of them are held in the capital.

The annual meeting of the liver and gallbladder doesn't sound too good, but looking at the members of the annual meeting can scare people to death.All members of the Standing Committee of the Hepatobiliary Association are all academicians, and one of them is a scholar who is dedicated to waiting.

Therefore, from the hospital leaders to the hospital nurses, everyone emphasized, valued, valued, and valued again.

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