Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 214: Roman football match

Maltius came to him for a food, and he began to eat food and chat with the soldiers while relying on translation.

The Romans were the first time the same king had eaten together, and the king was not only a palm of his hand, but also a descendant of the Greek gods in the rumor, so he was both curious and nervous, but he saw that the king had no shelf and was very Moderately talking to them about the shortcomings of the parents, gradually everyone will let go of the sternness, boldly talking to Davers about some of the problems they are facing now, and Davers has patiently responded one by one, so There are always soldiers coming in, and although the guards of the guards are more busy, the atmosphere has become more and more lively.

At the end of the banquet, Davers asked: "The next step is to play a football game. What are you prepared for?"

The soldiers responded with a slap in the face, and they all expressed the same meaning: although they also wanted to participate, they did not understand the sport at all, and they were afraid of playing ugly games.

Davers smiled and told them: "In the Kingdom of Dionia, rugby is very popular among citizens. The game is fierce and exciting. It can show the strength, speed, wisdom and overall tactical cooperation of the players. I believe that after your contact. I will like it very quickly."

Davers continued to surprise them. He said: "This sport was inspired by Hades in my dreams and then taught to the soldiers of the Dayonian, so you can rest assured that I will teach you soon. Learn to play rugby and will personally bring you to the game..."

The soldiers were very excited after listening, and actively and enthusiastically asked to participate, and bursts of laughter broke out from Mars Square from time to time.

Considering that there are ten teams participating in the afternoon rugby match, they are the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth legions, the first and second cavalry regiments, the Lucania Preparatory Corps, the Roman reserve team, and the competition. The venue was held in the Colosseum and Mars Square, and the vast Mars Square also opened three competition venues.

In addition to the soldiers who need to be stationed in the city, ready to defend against foreign enemies, sent out to detect the soldiers of the enemy around Rome, as well as the soldiers who patrol the streets and maintain order, not only the soldiers of the various legions, but also the traders who came to Rome for trade. Merchants and entourage flocked to the stadium to watch the game, and also attracted some people in the surrounding towns such as Rome and Vienne and Loudi.

The entertainment that the Romans could watch in the past, apart from drama and sports, is the gladiator competition. This is a cruel entertainment that the Romans learned from the Etruscans. Through the mutual killing of the slaves on the field, The audience brings **** sensory stimulation. Especially in the past ten years, as the war has increased and the number of prisoners has increased, the Roman gladiator competition has gradually increased.

They are the first to watch the football game in Dionia. The large-scale competition scenes and fierce physical confrontation first attracted their attention. Not long after, they found the overall cooperation between the two teams in attack and defense. It is also very interesting to fight in the fast movement, which makes them feel It was the esoteric and interesting of the sport; and every time the referee whistled the penalty, the on-court coach promptly changed the team, changed the formation, and each of the players went to the side to clap their hands, also let them realize the sport. Rigorous, formal, and elegant.

Therefore, the complicated rules of the game did not make the Romans feel a headache. Instead, the Romans who used to make laws and abide by the law pondered the mystery more carefully. After a few games, they competed with other soldiers in the Legion, scoring every attack on the field, sighing for each mistake...

Davers really fulfilled his promise and personally took the Roman players to play.

The audience on the sidelines suddenly exclaimed and cheered, but the second leg of the game as a competitor was somewhat unhappy.

Matonis, the head of the Second Legion of the coach, immediately came to protest.

Daves said: "These Roman soldiers have never touched the rugby sport before, and played for the first time with you. If I don't play, then you will win very easily and be unfair to other legions..."

Under the insistence of Daves, the players of the Second Legion had no choice but to accept.

Daves is of course the quarterback, because it can lead the whole team. Although he is 40 years old, he insists on exercising every day and has good physical fitness. The members of the Second Legion face the king who usually admire. Something has to be shrunk, and there is no fierce confrontation against him, which makes Daves easier to organize the offense.

The news that "Dave Davis played in the game" soon spread to the various legions, but this is a rare sight that has been rare for more than a decade! Soldiers flocked to the arena, three stories from the outside and three outside, and the stadium was surrounded by water. Every time Dave's catching and throwing **** would cause thunderous cheers outside the stadium, this also gave the second legion. The players have caused a lot of psychological pressure.

Under his command, the Roman players gradually began to play like a decent, and even got a touchdown. Coupled with the natural toughness and tenacious defense of the Romans, the score has not been opened.

This made the members of the Second Legion a little anxious, the action was also big, and the confrontation became fierce.

Under such circumstances, Dafos began to be taken care of by the key, and even one of the opponents who were stunned was knocked down to the ground.

The audience outside the stadium exclaimed, and Matonis and the players were scared to come and express their condolences.

Davers climbed up, shook his head, tried his best to smile, and then comforted the perplexed perpetrators. He told him in a warm voice: "I'm fine, football games, you should play like this!"

This warm picture once again gave the audience on the side a warm applause.

After the game restarted, Matonis made a move and shouted to the bench: "Adoris! Adoris!"

Adoris, wearing a simple suit, immediately ran to Matones and said excitedly: "The head of the army, should I play?!"

"Yes." Mattonis said affirmatively: "After you played, served as a central defense, giving me a complete defense against each other's quarterback!"

"Ah? Defend me... Father!" Adoris was dumbfounded.

"There is no way, no one else dare to defend the sire seriously, only you can!" Matones shrugged helplessly, then looked at him, and said in a deep voice: "Listen, kid, we can't lose here." Beginners Romans, otherwise the Second Legion will become a joke of all the Legionian Legion. As a Second Legionnaire, do you want this?!"

"No!" Adoris answered without hesitation.

"Very good, good defense!" Mattonis shouted and pushed him to the game.

It was still the attack of the reserve team of Rome. After the two sides settled, Davers saw Adolrius standing opposite the teammates in front of him. He gave a slight glimpse: "Adoris, you are playing."

"Father, I... I won't let you pass the ball again!" Adoris said nervously.

Davers doubled his eyebrows: "Oh, then try."

Adoris did not have as much scruples as other teammates. Although he was still a bit cautious at first, he gradually let go of his hands and feet. It was not the scene where the father and son chased me, and the soldiers on the court laughed.

After the unidentified Roman people asked for the reasons, they also laughed.

As a result, the field was fierce and the laughter continued.

Of course, once the players of the Second Legion are serious and the quarterback Daves is restricted, the Roman soldiers who are novices are naturally not opponents, but when the game is over, many players are reluctant to walk down the court. The game made them like the sport.

When King Davers came off, the audience on the sidelines shouted for hope that he would continue the game. Davers smiled and waved to the audience around him.

Due to time constraints, after the first round of the knockout, immediately after the second round, each legion has thousands of soldiers, all of them will be rugby, can be rotated at any time, there will be no lack of players, no need to rest, and ultimately The final is the first legion vs. second legion.

Two of the two corps in the kingdom not only competed in the military, but also often competed with each other in other aspects. Naturally, they also tried their best in this game. Therefore, the competition was quite fierce, and the audience on the sidelines were also Seeing quite nervous, I can't help cheering both sides.

There was another interesting scene in the game: Matones once again sacrificed his killer and sent Adoris to attack the quarterback Patrick Roth.

This scene of the little sister-in-law once again staged the scene of the added a bit of fun to the intense game, and Davers also smiled very happy.

It was exactly the key cuddle of Adoris that led to the drop of Patroclus, which made the Second Legion win the championship with one point.

At the end of the game, it was almost dusk, and the lively atmosphere in the city has not yet dispersed.

The soldiers of the Legion are still discussing the mistakes and regrets in the competition. The Roman soldiers and the people are still trying their best to relive the happiness and excitement brought by the rugby game. Of course, the King of Dafos is also in the topic. They are all I don’t think that the King of Dionia, who is usually on the high level, is so approachable and able to mingle with the ordinary people. He is closer to the people than the Roman veterans who profess to be “the father of the people”, which makes them feel good about the kingdom of Dionia. layer.


"Father! Sorry, I am late!" Croto Kataks hurried into the living room and said with apology, because his scorpion was still hoarse just after waking up.

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