Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 28: Revolution (6)

Before leaving, Contini gathered the people together again. This time it was no longer a revolutionary brainwashing, but a warm speech. He personally handed envelopes to each commando one after another, and finally said: "In this envelope It contains 500 U.S. dollars, because Germany’s current currency has devalued to the point where it is almost unusable. It takes hundreds of billions of marks to exchange for one U.S. dollar. There are so many zeros behind the banknotes that they are almost countless... This is the current situation in Germany. , so I can only send dollars to everyone.”

Everyone was silent. Everyone knew that the situation in Germany was not good, but it was unimaginable that it had deteriorated to such a serious level. Everyone felt sad and wanted to do something for her.

"This $500 is not to bribe everyone to join the revolution, nor is it to provide bounties for participating in actions or death squads - no real revolutionary can be bribed with money! Everyone joins the revolution not for money! Send this money I hope that your wives, children, and parents can enjoy some warmth. During this period of time, you have been training hard here and cannot write letters or meet each other. I believe that everyone has accumulated endless thoughts - although we will die for our country and nation. Fighting hard, but in the final analysis, revolutionaries are also living people. They also have relatives, lovers, and families... I hope you can use the last bit of time to buy something you like and that your family needs in Italy, France, Austria or Switzerland. Sending things back will not only help you as Germans returning from work, but also help you fulfill your responsibilities for your families. "

Everyone nodded: The president is indeed very thoughtful.

"Revolution means sacrifice. Although everyone has learned the skills of retreat and escape, I believe that some unfortunate events will still happen..." At the last moment, Contini said in a low voice, "I don't want to say anything else. What I want to say is that I have only one thing to say to you - please leave the contact addresses of your family members later. No matter what happens to you, I will take care of all your family problems and worries. If you are worried about your loved ones having no food and clothing in the future, you can They can be settled in Italy and I will be responsible for raising them to the end; if they are unwilling to leave Germany, I will properly place them in the future based on the contact information you provided... If you have any unfulfilled wishes, you can also write them down on paper together. I will try my best to help you realize it!”

He emphasized: "I have always firmly believed that revolutionaries are not stone people without emotions, but they bury these emotions deeply in their hearts. At this moment, our love for the country and the people overwhelms our love for our families and relatives. Love, this is not coldness, this is true fearlessness and true sacrifice. I will always be proud of you! It is my unshirkable responsibility to solve your personal difficulties. "

At this point, he bowed deeply: "I'm very sorry to everyone. I can't accompany you in person during this revolution. I can only do these trivial tasks in the rear. I hope you can forgive me in the future."

All the commandos cried, tears streaming down their faces. In the past, they raised their hands just to express their gratitude to Contini, but now the mood was completely different. They really regarded him as the leader of the party and the spirit of the team. Leaders look at it.

Everyone immediately took 5 minutes to leave their family contact information and wishes, which were collected by Göring and solemnly handed over to Contini.

"I wish you comrades a safe journey and success! I am waiting for your good news in Italy! Let the whole world tremble before our revolutionary storm! We may sacrifice or fail, but we can win unprecedented success for our country and our nation. dignity!"

Goering raised his right hand and shouted: "President Ciano! Long live!"

Everyone stood at attention and saluted: "Long live the president!"

"Long live the revolution! Long live the victory"

Buses drove into the base one after another, pulling more than 100 team members to different places to get on the bus. There was no noise or cheering. Everyone looked back reluctantly and shouted in their hearts: "Goodbye! Italy! Goodbye! President!" !”

Only Göring stayed at the base because he was still responsible for transporting arms. Seeing everyone had left, he anxiously asked Contini: "I am basically familiar with the technical characteristics of Ca46 fully loaded flight. When should I leave?"

"It's not yet time. I hope you can leave at the end of October."

"Why?" Goering blurted out, "The leader is urging me very urgently!"

"Just tell him that you are still getting used to the plane..." Contini whispered in his ear, "Herman, you are stupid. Although the leader promised to equip the commandos with these weapons first, if you get the weapons now In the past, the team members were not in place. What if Rom wanted to snatch it? Do you want to give it to him? Only when the commandos are in place and you fly over to deliver the weapons can you ensure that most of the weapons are in your hands!"

"Yes, yes! Why didn't I think of this?" Golin slapped his forehead, "Look at my brain, it's really not working well."

"In addition, I will give you 10,000 US dollars and 5 pistols separately. They are not on the list. You can make arrangements by yourself!"

"Why is this so embarrassing?"

"What are you sorry for? We brothers are so polite. Besides, it costs money to buy a truck, to modify it, and to arrange all other things. Adolf is so busy, you have to help him take on more responsibilities. You are his chief His assistant is also his most capable confidant. If you don’t help, who can he really trust besides you?”

"Yes, yes!" Goering nodded repeatedly, "Calais, what you said is very good, but Adolf never told me this - although I know what he thinks in his heart."

Contini smiled: "Revolution is not about talking but about doing it. But there is one thing I need to remind you first."

"You said, you said..."

"In November I will send someone to Munich to contact you. If the revolution fails and you need to flee, you can just follow him. Everything will be arranged by me. You must not fall into the hands of the Weimar government! As for the other commandos, tell me They should not sacrifice themselves lightly. Even being imprisoned is better than being killed or committing suicide. As long as they are still alive in prison, I will find a way to save them all. I can't say this publicly. It will hurt morale. Remember it yourself. Just remember to talk to them one by one, privately, not together or publicly, otherwise everyone will lose face - how can a fearless revolutionary warrior be afraid of death? But sometimes life is more painful than death. It still takes courage!”

"Understood! Understood!" Goering nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Thank you for your guidance!"

In the evening of the last day of October 1923, Göring piloted a Ca46 transport plane loaded with munitions and landed staggeringly on a grassy field in the southern suburbs of Munich. The heavy load caused the wheels to plow deep marks in the mud, but he finally landed safely. , as soon as the plane stabilized, he jumped out of the cockpit ecstatically and warmly hugged Hitler, who had been waiting here: "Adolf, I'm back! I'm back! Do you see what I brought you?"

Hitler laughed: "Hermann, I know, you brought us weapons and victory!"

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