Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 30: Revolution (8)

"Then how much arms can you give me?"

"10 rifles and bullets!"

Hitler shook his head: "That's too little. Give me more. The party must be united. You are fully armed and other comrades are bare-handed. Don't you think it is not conducive to unity? Herman, the revolution depends on everyone. The more people there are, The better!”

Goering's first clue: "Then 15 rifles, 2 pistols, no more."

After half an hour of bargaining, we finally reached an agreement: handing over 25 rifles, 5 submachine guns, and 4 pistols to Roma, but not a single machine gun!

This number was carefully calculated by Göring: to assemble 6 assault trucks, at least 24 people would be needed for the crew, machine gunner, and ammunition hand, and then 75 rifles and 15 submachine guns could arm 90 people, adding up to 114 people, just right That’s the total number of commandos!

Then Hitler called Röhm over again and said sternly: "I know you have some opinions about Hermann, but I also want to criticize you in some areas. When you were selecting the commandos, you held back many people. This is not unity. This is one of the comrade's methods; secondly, the commandos were trained through life and death in Italy. After returning home, you did not comfort and encourage them with just a few words. Instead, you even said at the meeting that you would hand over the few dollars they had in their hands as party members. Funding - this is the pocket money Calais gave them to settle their families. Does Calais have less money than we do? What does it make him think, and what do the team members think? Thirdly, you are also a veteran of the war and have served as an officer. , should also know that weapons must be in the hands of trained people to achieve their greatest value and effect, rather than simply dividing them equally among heads. If we do that, the revolution will have only one future - failure!"

"Chief, I also have many people who know military knowledge. Many of them are veterans who have participated in the Great War." There are many veterans of the Great War and even grassroots officers in the stormtroopers. When it was time to recruit candidates, Rohm was stuck and refused to let go. In the end, Goering selected another group of candidates - although their basic skills were slightly worse, they were younger and more obedient! Every time he thought about this incident, Göring felt troubled.

"You know the military and have fought in a war, so you are called into the army? Do you cooperate? Do you have the ability to fight as a team?" Hitler's face darkened, "I only see that you are keen on recruiting more people, but I don't see you being down-to-earth and patiently training the troops. Those people are considered a team together, but you and I both know in our hearts, can such a temporary team fight? If the army is so easy, should I worry about this kind of thing? "

This kind of distribution ratio really makes Röhm worried, but now Hitler has spoken in a stern tone, and in addition to the fact that he had said that the weapons would go to the commandos, Goering has indeed made concessions now. He can't say anything more. He looked at those Hotchkiss greedily and kept muttering: "Italy should be asked to send us more arms."

Göring rolled his eyes at such idiotic remarks.

Hitler also smiled helplessly: Your Röhm family runs the United Group? If you say you want to give more, then give more? This was all achieved with a lot of hard work, that is, Calais is such a good friend.

After thinking about it, he regretted it: Goering asked him to go to Italy in person, but he didn't go because he wanted to win over Ludendorff. Now it seems that he made a mistake - no matter how busy he is, he can always spare 3-5 days. , if I go to Rome and say a few more good words, I will definitely get more arms. It is not a big deal to send 2 planes. United Airlines has so many planes anyway.

However, regret was only a matter of a passing thought, and he did not show it. He only patted Röhm on the shoulder: "After the revolution is successful, you can give priority to Munich's arsenal!"

This sentence made Rohm happy again, and he quickly ran over to direct the arms transportation and loading - now he also had a share.

While everyone's attention was focused on the ammunition in the rear cabin, Goering sneaked to the cab and took down his suitcase. On the surface, it was his personal belongings, but in fact it contained 10,000 US dollars and 5 pistols. . He approached Hitler, patted the box gently, and whispered: "Chief, I still have some stuff here. Calais gave it to me privately..."

The latter understood: "Take good care of it and don't take it out, otherwise Roma will snatch it from you again."

Goering thought to himself: It's good to have this sentence. It doesn't cost much to buy a few trucks and renovate them. There is still a lot of money left over. Plus the money Calais gave me before, I can pay it back if I get married in two years. You can get a slightly better house - it is rare for others to become poorer and poorer during the revolution, and to become richer and richer during the revolution!

He thought so happily in his heart, and his face relaxed: "Calais also said that he wants a group of engineers, whether it is machinery, vehicles, construction, or engineering..."

"You should just be responsible for this matter to the end, and you must help Calais get it done! With so many unemployed people in Germany, you can still make money by working in Italy. Besides, United Group is very famous in Germany now. Everyone knows that they pay well, so it should be easy to recruit people. Easy." Hitt suddenly remembered something, "Comrade Himmler and I volunteered to go to Italy to do party work, develop party members among Germans, further consolidate strength and enhance the party's influence, what do you think? ?”

"No!" Goering blurted out without thinking.

Hitler asked in confusion: "Why?"

Goering thought to himself: It was hard for me to establish and maintain the Italian line, especially the Calais line. Others don't know how powerful the United Group is. Don't I still know? How can I let others pick peaches? If you can't go, it's best if others don't go either. The party organization can be built slowly. But he couldn't say this to Hitler, otherwise the other party would definitely be unhappy. His mind was running very fast, and he made up a long list of reasons in a hurry.

He said mysteriously: "Do you know what has happened in Italy in recent months?"

Hitler smiled awkwardly. He had been paying attention to the domestic political situation recently, and how could he care about Italy? He said: "This... I really didn't pay attention."

“Calais and the Youth League cadre officially joined Fascisti, and he himself became youth minister and youth leader – which means he became a preparatory leader and successor!”

Hitler nodded, which was a big signal.

"Also, do you know what he is doing during the summer?" Göring whispered into Hitler's ear. "He is playing with Mussolini's daughter. The two are said to have spent most of the summer together. There are rumors that he He will marry the leader's daughter in the future - I have never seen him or the leader publicly deny this rumor. I even took the two of them on a plane to visit Milan. It can be seen that the little girl likes Calais very much. People are also quite polite..."

Hitler smiled knowingly: Although this kind of gossip may not be accurate, if the parties involved do not refute the rumor, it means that it is more reliable than the official news. If the Calais student is the prince-consort and a youth leader, then does his future future still need to be doubted? No wonder he was so bold and dared to provide arms. With this kind of relationship, he could almost go sideways in Italy. As long as Mussolini didn't say anything, who else would dare to control him?

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