Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 43 Iron and Blood (4)

In the evening of the same day, the Berlin garrison, which had completed its preparation and assembly, boarded a train heading south to counter the rebellion. Under the leadership of General Georg Wetzel, it prepared to go to Munich to suppress the rebellion.

Wetzel is currently the director of the Forces Bureau of the Defense Forces. Due to the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles, the most famous Army General Staff was disbanded. The Forces Bureau actually performs some of the functions of the original General Staff. Wetzel's role is closer to that of pre-war coordinating As the deputy chief of staff of a front, sending him out to command operations was the highest level of attention Sickert paid to the Munich riot.

Wetzel himself had full confidence in completing this task, but he never expected that this confidence would be undermined by a small problem: a train carrying the Berlin Garrison had an accident just 3 hours after leaving Berlin, and the locomotive boiler It was damaged due to pressure issues and had to be replaced before it could go on the road.

The repairs were finally completed at around 8pm, and after driving for less than 4 hours, something happened again at 12pm: the rails and switches in the key section ahead were damaged and had to wait for repairs, and the maintenance workers were on strike and demonstrating, so they had to wait. Berlin had to send maintenance teams and materials to move forward, so it could only dock at a second-class station.

"When will it finally be repaired and ready to start again?" Wetzel asked, looking at his watch impatiently.

"Maybe tomorrow afternoon..."

"We have to spend fifteen hours here?" he exclaimed.

"Sir, you can walk through the damaged section of road and commandeer other locomotives to move forward, but I don't know if problems will continue to occur." The stationmaster replied lukewarmly, "Or just wait here for 15 hours. "

Wetzel was very angry: "Do you know? Your attitude was worthy of being shot during the last war."

"But that didn't happen in the last war."


"The last war was about beating the French and the Russians. Of course the workers worked hard. Now you are going to beat the Germans, and you are going to beat the Germans who resisted the Treaty of Versailles. Who will work hard for you?"

"You!" Wetzel slammed the table and stood up, "You are a sympathizer of the rioters! Maybe you are also a spy who helps them spy on the enemy!"

"Yes, I sympathize with them, what can you do?" The stationmaster snorted, taking off his scarf, revealing the blue Max Medal on his collar, "There is no need to look at me with such anger, when I beat the Russians on the Eastern Front Where are you? Go beat up the French in the Ruhr area if you can..."

Wetzel shook his head dejectedly. There were less than 1,000 recipients of the Blue Max Medal in Germany. Logically speaking, such meritorious people would not be kicked out of the army, but he looked at the station commander who only had 2 fingers left. His left hand, and when he thought of such a horizontal attitude, he understood.

"I reject this proposal. It's already late at night and the troops have to rest. If there's anything else, it's too late to think about it tomorrow morning!" Wetzel replied coldly, "You'd better not make any tricks on me. Since you are If you come from the military, you should understand that it is the duty of a soldier to obey orders. No matter how many thoughts you have in your heart, no matter how many achievements you have made in the past, you cannot change this principle. "

If it was just light infantry, of course Wetzel would directly order the troops to go over. The problem is that they also carry artillery, which makes it a lot of trouble to get on and off the vehicle, load and unload, so they can only endure it!

"Okay, good night!" The webmaster smiled slightly and said no more.

In fact, as soon as the news of the dispatch of the Berlin Garrison became clear, Munich knew that Hitler could not stop Sickert from sending troops, but he could think of various ways to obstruct it. The National Socialist Party was in this time and space because of Contini's Funding in gold and dollars, coupled with the crispness of the drive straight to Munich and Hitler's famous oratory skills, made the prestige far greater than it had ever been in history.

The German working class clearly stated its position at this time: they despised the capitulating and traitorous Weimar government, and believed that the Munich government that declared that it wanted to "abolish the Treaty of Versailles is the truly patriotic and revolutionary government." In addition, this regime The organizer is still the Socialist Workers Party, a team of the working class itself, so they are determined to help Adolf Hitler. The destruction of the railway and the workers' demonstrations are all their spontaneous actions. Just as the station master threatened, if the army really leaves Go to the front and commandeer other trains. They have many ways to make the trains continue to stop and go. As for the railway, isn't it easy to do something?

The German railways are the best-managed and strictest place in the world. On the other hand, it is also the easiest place to deliberately cause sabotage.

"The Berlin Garrison is coming, what should we do?" The top leaders of the National Socialist Party who had received the exact news had not recovered from the joy of successfully seizing power. They unexpectedly heard such bad news, although they knew that the railway workers were desperately trying to seize power. Help them delay this force so that the National Socialist Party can have time to prepare, but even so, all senior leaders are still lack of confidence.

Strasser, the second-in-command of the National Socialist Party, sighed: "Sickert attaches great importance to us and actually brought over the most capable troops. What is General Ludendorff's opinion on this matter?"

Hitler said nothing.

Someone replied: "He suggested that we should resist appropriately and then try to find a political solution. If we cannot find a political solution, we can only surrender with honor."

"Adolf, is that what you think?"

Hitler shook his head slightly: "A government that wants revolution, a government that strives to overthrow the Treaty of Versailles, is now frightened by a mere regiment of several thousand people. What should we do if tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops from the Allied Powers come over?" manage?"

"Now is not the time to talk nonsense!" Strasser said dissatisfied, "We don't even have a decent artillery, but our opponent is a well-equipped and heavily armed regular army, so you still want to fight? You Are you going to kill all the comrades in the party?”

Before Hitler could answer, Goering sneered from the side: "So, some people are suffering from the weakness of the little bourgeoisie again. A regiment is panicked before it reaches the door. If a division comes, will comrades be directly killed?" Are they going to be kidnapped and surrendered?"

"Herman, what do you mean?"

Goering ignored him and only said to Röhm: "Aren't the thousands of stormtroopers under your command just for show? Tell me, do you dare to have a fight with the Berlin Garrison?"

Rom was furious: "What are you afraid of? I have already prepared for this day, but your people should not be so scared that they wet their pants."

"" Strasser stamped his foot fiercely, unable to say a word.

"I have decided to consider political solutions first, and at the same time adopt Comrade Hermann's suggestion to build barricades in Munich and mobilize the working class to fight together!" Hitler gritted his teeth. "The revolutionary government can be suppressed by the Communist Party with force and blood. , but we must not surrender without a fight!”

After the meeting, Röhm was in a hurry to set up the barricades, while Göring hurriedly asked Ji'an, who was sent by Contini to contact him, to continue asking for advice - the suggestion was made after joint consideration by the Brave and Contini, and it was similar to the Berlin Garrison. When the regular army fights, a field battle in the countryside will definitely be a complete defeat, but there may still be a chance in a street battle.

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