Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 45 Iron and Blood (6)

Of course, the three street fighting treasures that Contini handed over through Gian could not have been invented by himself. All of these things have appeared on the stage in real history without exception. What he did was nothing more than to make it appear in advance.

For example, the Munich cocktail is obviously a clone of the Molotov cocktail, but in this historical time and space, it should be called the Sickert cocktail - Goering thought the Munich cocktail was not loud enough, so he changed it to the Sickert cocktail, and the top leaders of the National Socialist Party were all smiling.

Another example is the "brave drug", which was used by the United States, Germany, the Soviet Union, and Japan during World War II. Only countries with a good level of chemistry and high regard for human spirit would think of tapping their potential. Even the head of state himself has taken it many times. These "military stimulants" played an immeasurable role and value on the battlefield. As for the harm, it was caused by abuse in later generations - probably only Goering, the unlucky guy, became fat because of morphine, and almost no officers and soldiers in other armies became addicted to it.

Heinrich Böll served in the Battle of Poland and later won the first post-war Federal Republic of Germany Nobel Prize in Literature in 1972. He kept writing letters home asking for "methamphetamine" during the battle. Even such a young man did not see any harm and later became a world-famous writer. So Contini had no psychological burden about this - these were originally launched to treat morphine addiction. Morphine is still a regular legal drug. Even in the 1940s, American soldiers' first aid kits were equipped with morphine for pain relief.

In this world, what goes wrong is always unrestricted abuse.

(P.S.: Regarding drug abuse during the war, interested readers can go to Baidu to learn about it. I will not introduce it in detail, so as to avoid those who are full of justice and cannot bear to read it. They do not understand that history is changing and the times are moving forward dynamically. They have only black and white in their minds. Why don’t they report the ancients’ 14-year-old girl’s marriage and sexual intercourse? Isn’t this a blatant violation of underage girls? In addition, regarding the word Drug, the postmodern master Jacques Derrida conducted a sophisticated deconstruction in his article "Plato's Medicine", arguing that this word is in the context of Double meaning - it can cure diseases and save lives, but it can also be a poison, which leads to the conclusion that "there is nothing outside the text". After learning deconstructionism, you can doubt your life and past experiences, and an unprecedented new world will immediately appear in your mind, which can be called a great fortune that can beat the sky and the earth - sorry for going off topic, I almost sold my cold rice as a graduate student in the history of thought. )

For example, flying thunder, people who know the business will know at a glance that it is a "conscienceless cannon". As an expert in "Hearts of Iron", it is natural to evaluate the combat effectiveness of different forces. "Conscienceless cannon" is a great bonus weapon, otherwise why would the game give extra points for high combat effectiveness?

Contini has always praised this and is very concerned about the special use of equipment by East Asian forces. Otherwise, how could he, an Italian, understand the production of such as Mauser sweep and conscienceless cannon? In this respect, he is much better than his old colleague Hoffman. Hoffman's mind is full of special weapons and black technology, while Contini's mind is full of local methods and adapting to local conditions. It's nothing else. Italy is not as stubborn as the Germans. It's too hard to climb the technology tree, so they like to take shortcuts.

Goering was very satisfied after his personal experience, and brought the "three treasures of street fighting" to Hitler. The latter was also overjoyed and nodded repeatedly. So starting that night, Bavaria Flying Thunder and Sickert Cocktail began to be mass-produced. Goering was not stingy at this time. He took out the US dollars that he had originally planned to save as his wife's capital to buy flour, gasoline, white phosphorus, explosives, etc. Comrade Hermann was still very willing to go all out at the critical moment - mainly because he was not fat yet, had not tasted the taste of power, and still had a fierceness!

Just as Munich was preparing for the city defense battle, the reply from Greece also came back to Italy. The Greeks reluctantly agreed to accept mediation for the sake of the British government, but rejected the 30 million US dollars, believing that the maximum compensation was 3 million, no more. No matter how the British ambassador persuaded, the Greeks just held on to the 3 million and refused to let go.

As soon as the news reached Rome, Mussolini went crazy: 3 million? Sending out the navy and troops would cost almost 3 million, not to mention the domestic mobilization. The British also felt a headache, and they couldn't understand Greece's money-grubbing behavior. Now they began to sympathize with the Italians.

Mussolini made up his mind, called his men together for discussion, and immediately came up with a new idea:

First, control the daily necessities of Corfu. All the daily necessities such as food, flour, salt, matches, etc. in the stores will be confiscated by the troops stationed on the island, and then start to sell them at 100 times the price - robbery and murder are too ugly, price control is okay, right?

Second, send the air force to drop leaflets, telling the Greeks that if they continue to be so arrogant and unreasonable, they will be bombed next time!

Third, invite Turkey and Bulgaria to participate in the joint exercise in the Eastern Mediterranean, with Turkey and Bulgaria sending the army and Italy sending the navy and air force to cooperate.

Balbo frowned: "Leader, I think the second and third points are fine, but isn't the first point a bit bad? What if the Greeks can't pay for it, won't they starve to death or suffer other unspeakable tragedies? It happened between two civilized countries, isn't it damaging to the image of the country?"

Mussolini smiled and said, "It's okay. Gallai gave me an idea. When the Greeks have almost used up their money, we can lend them the money in US dollars, which will be guaranteed by local municipal officials and repaid by the Greek government. Unless the Greeks don't want Corfu, they have to pay me back."

Everyone gasped: It turned out that this idea came from the "future son-in-law", and he was really cruel.

Old Ciano shook his head: his son has gone on the road of conspiracy and intrigue, alas, a junior student who is only 20 years old...

They didn't expect that dealing with the Greeks was just a small matter, and the conspiracy against the Berlin Garrison was really cruel.

On December 18, General Georg Wetzel, who was rushing, finally arrived in Munich with the "enthusiastic help" of the railway workers. The march that could have been completed in one day was dragged into four days, which made the National Socialist Party in Munich not only calmly gather and evacuate ordinary citizens, but also prepared a dragnet to deal with the regular army.

That afternoon, representatives of both sides met outside the city, but the negotiation ended unhappily. Wetzel ordered an attack on the city. Since Munich no longer had medieval walls and fortresses, he did not order artillery (mainly mountain artillery) to fire, but instead ordered the troops to advance towards the city hall in two directions, preparing to end this ridiculous farce as soon as possible.

But Goering gave him a huge surprise. When the officers and soldiers of the garrison regiment formed a battle formation and advanced, countless roars suddenly popped out from the streets and alleys and various buildings, followed by a loud "boom". Hundreds of fixed-angle and well-aimed flying thunder cannons threw out deadly explosive packs, which fell like raindrops in the garrison regiment's array, and then exploded violently.

"They have artillery? This is impossible!" Wetzel screamed!

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