Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 55: If you have money, you can do whatever you want (5)

In fact, even if the media does not report the loss of United Group, insightful people in the industrial, commercial and banking circles can clearly see it - I have never seen a company that spends money so lavishly, and I have never seen such an investment. Many behaviors on projects that are meaningless and have no commercial value, but they are not pedantic people and have their own views and evaluations on this behavior.

The Pope believes that United Group has a solid foundation, strong government support, and promising prospects in the future, so he dares to confidently and boldly invest US$30 million in it. The banks that issue loans in Italy believe that United Group has many high-quality assets. Assets, and there are intangible guarantees from the government, and the Pope's payment as the backing, they should be able to rest assured; other companies that deal with United Group believe that United Group's payments are straightforward and its background is strong. What's the big deal if the company temporarily loses money on its books? Why can't it still owe us hundreds of thousands or millions of lire? So feel free to provide raw materials and services.

In addition, Contini’s personal background cannot be underestimated. Not only is he the only son of old Ciano, but he is also said to be very close to Mussolini - vaguely the political heir and future son-in-law. Investment What to see? Look at the long term, look at the perspective, really wait until Contini climbs into the position, can he still be fawning? Especially after the ridiculing news about the armed forces and the Times came out, more people suddenly realized that the United Group is just like a youth government-it borrows money from the government and considers whether it is profitable or not? Political goals override everything else!

Therefore, this kind of company cannot exist under the democratic systems of Britain, France, and the United States, and it is impossible for Germany to exist. Only a great power and soil like Italy can cultivate such a wonderful company—nowhere else in Europe or the world. semicolon.

Of course, Contini’s charm should not be underestimated: he has high theory, high academic standards, well-written articles, and full control of his speeches. More importantly, his ideas are very vivid, and many business methods and systems are based on traditional thinking. Innovation value - I don’t care whether it’s good or bad, but at least I’m not a good student who sticks to the rules. Moreover, he does not have the exaggeration and extravagance of young people, he does not pay much attention to personal enjoyment, and there are no scandals around him. Two young anchors are not a big deal - why don't two women dare to show up behind Italian politicians? It must be considered unattractive by the public.

However, few people know that although the United Group suffered a loss of 200 million lire (US$10 million) on the report, it has made a floating profit of US$5 million in the US stock market. This wave of gains in mid-to-late January alone was It brought Contini more than 2 million US dollars in income, plus the 15 million US dollars gained from speculating on the German mark crisis. In fact, by the end of January 1924, Contini did not lose 10 million, but made a profit of 1,000. Ten thousand dollars - it’s just that the information asymmetry is hidden in it and cannot be seen. This is also the reason why Contini insists on not allowing United Group to IPO. Once it is publicly listed, the statements will be released. How can a company like United Group, which has many secrets and even helps the government hide some of its accounts, go public?

But today Contini frowned. What he cared about was not the loss, but the news brought back to him by Ji'an and Goering: so far, a total of more than 2,000 people from the National Socialist Party have been arrested, including No less than 30 commandos were arrested, and 37 others (including Goering) escaped to Rome through various channels and means.

"President, we have inquired. The leader is being held in a separate cell in a prison on the outskirts of Berlin. He is closely guarded. There are several commandos in other cells, as well as Hess..." Ji'an said, "We will find a way to clear the way. The prison officials sympathized with the leader and gave him a good living standard, but he reminded us that public opinion in the Weimar government was very unfavorable to him and he was likely to be sentenced to death. "

As soon as he heard the word "death penalty", Contini couldn't help but clench his hands: Historically, the attempted beer hall riot failed, so Hitler was sentenced to 5 years, and was finally released in less than 8 months. This time His support was too strong, which not only caused the riot, but also slapped Sickert hard, and the situation developed in an unpredictable direction.

"Has the money been delivered?"

"We're in place. Everyone in the prison, from the warden to the guards, took US dollars and patted their chests to ensure that the leader was safe and sound, would receive the best care, and would not suffer any consequences. Moreover, they now know that the leader is your friend, so they are more polite." Ji'an said, "But the outcome of the trial is beyond their control. He suggested that we find a solution as soon as possible."

Goering looked at Contini pitifully - he was also a wanted criminal and did not dare to show his face in Germany. He just kept muttering: "Calais, you have to save the leader, you can't let him die, you can't let him die. …”

"Uncle Antonio, how are you communicating with the German side?" Contini asked as he picked up the phone.

"The situation was unsatisfactory. The oligarchs said that Albert and Sickert were very angry. Everyone else could survive. Your friend - No, Adolf Hitler must die! There is no room for negotiation."

Contini's heart sank suddenly: "This won't work, this person must be saved!"

"Master, I understand your feelings. In Italy, not to mention one such person, we can save 100 of them, but not in Germany. We have no power, and we cannot exert pressure through the government. Originally, Ai Bert and the others suspected that it was related to our instigation, instigation and support." At this time, Antonio didn't care about accusing Contini of going to Germany to set fire. He actually wanted to ask why this was necessary, but when he thought about Contini's work, he wanted to ask. Let the imagination run wild, so I won’t interfere too much. Anyway, it’s just a matter of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars, so it’s better to spend money to learn a lesson.

"I must protect this person... You can make an appointment with the giants of the German industrial and commercial circles for me, and I will convince them."

"Are you going to Germany?"

"Yes, I want to go... Adolf will be put on trial on March 15th. The matter must be settled before the trial!" Contini gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, this man cannot die!"

"You don't want to send brave men, do you?" Antonio was stunned for a moment and suddenly said something.

"No, we can't do this. Adolf must be tried and the whole process completed. If he is jailed, his political reputation will be completely ruined. We must persist, even if he is sentenced to life imprisonment, the only thing that must be guaranteed is that he cannot die!" Kong Tiny said decisively, "Jian, please make arrangements, we will leave in three days!"

Three days later, on February 9, Contini appeared in the prison where Hitler was being held, and the two held their hands tightly.

"Calais, I am very happy that you came to see me at this moment. I am very grateful for everything you have done for the German revolution and for me. You are our true friend and comrade. I will always remember this... …”

"Adolf, don't give up, I said I won't let you die, I will save you!"

"No, it's useless. The prosecutor has brought me to trial twice, and both the words and the words imply that I want to die - Albert and Sickert will not allow me to live!"

"No, don't give up, I have a way!"

"Really?" Hitler's eyes suddenly glowed with strange light. Although he was not afraid of death, he did not want to die. He knew very well that the people's support for him was very strong - in other words, as long as he did not die, Once out, his future will be immeasurable.

"Really, don't worry, I have a way." Contini blinked, "I have dealt with many difficult situations in Italy. I believe I can handle this kind of thing in Germany too!"

"Thank you very much!" Hitler asked. "You want to mobilize the masses?"

"This is impossible. I don't have such strong appeal, and Albert doesn't allow me to do this."

"What about putting pressure through the Italian government?"

"It's impossible! It's not convenient for the leader to come forward in this matter."

"Then for what?" Hitler was already 90% desperate, but still asked with a glimmer of hope.

"Throw money break your way out!"

"With money?" Hitler didn't know what to do. "Can Albert and Sickert recognize the money?"

"It doesn't matter if they don't recognize the money, there will be people who recognize the money..." Contini smiled, "Don't worry! I will knock them out with countless money."

The domineering president really did what he said. The next day, accompanied by Antonio, he secretly met with the major German industrial oligarchs, including representatives of the six major giants including Krupp, Siemens, Farben and so on. Now everyone admits that The United Group is qualified to sit on an equal footing with them, and the Italian National Policy Group with 100,000 workers is no longer a small figure, but it is impossible for the top leader to attend. After all, Contini is only a 21-year-old young man, and everyone knows this.

"Everyone, this is the situation. I must keep this Mr. Adolf Hitler. No matter how you judge, as long as he lives."

"Mr. Ciano, we all understand what you mean. In fact, Mr. Antonio sent us a telegram a few days ago to express this meaning. We have also contacted the government and the military. Their attitude is very tough and there is no discussion. room."

[Please pay attention to the public account "Yueying Wutong", and fill in the missing chapters on it as much as possible, so as not to affect the reading experience]

"Yes, yes, the National Socialist Party has made such a big fuss that it has prevented the SS and the government from coming to power. If even Hitler is not dead, the government will not be able to cover up this matter..."

"I know this matter is difficult, so I ask for your help to find a way..." Contini smiled slightly, "To show sincerity, United Group will spend 10 million US dollars to purchase relevant industrial equipment and products from you. I hope you will continue to The government and Juncker exert pressure until this goal is achieved. In fact, it is perfectly fine to impose a life sentence, so why must we kill people?”

Representatives of major companies looked at each other and shook their heads in unison: 10 million U.S. dollars is a lot, especially in this extraordinary period when the Ruhr area is occupied. 10 million U.S. dollars to purchase equipment and products can save the production lines and employees of many companies, but everyone agrees. Wincing at the thought of the Abbott government's attitude.

"20 million!" Contini raised two fingers.

Some people moved, others shook their heads.

"30 million!"

Several people had eager eyes, but still no one spoke...

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