Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 58: If you have money, you can do whatever you want (8)

Ps: First update today...there will be another update at night

After hearing these words, Sickert's face turned green and he wanted to curse: "Get out!"

But years of self-cultivation and the magnanimity of a superior made him endure it. He said coldly: "Mr. Ciano, I know you want to save Hitler, and I also know that you have reached an agreement with Albert, and I know that the oligarchs have benefited...but it doesn't matter to me. As long as I am in the defense force, my words still have enough weight. Even if the court does not sentence him to death, I can still let him die, so you'd better not anger me, It's not good for you."

Contini nodded and smiled: "I know your words are very weighty and effective, so..."

He suddenly emphasized his tone: "If you are unwilling to say such things, I don't mind asking you to step down from your position!"

"Ha..." Sickert laughed as if he had heard the best joke in the world, "Just you? Do you think this is Italy? Do you think you can do whatever you want with Mussolini's tiger skin? Even Albert doesn’t dare to talk to me like that!”

"No, there is no need for Albert, there are many people who will deal with you...such as Poincaré!" Contini took out a dossier from the leather bag he carried and read it softly, "In 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed. Later, Germany did not follow the principle of not developing offensive military equipment. Instead, it used various industrial oligarchs as channels to continue to promote a large number of new weapons research outside the homeland and concealed it from the coalition weapons inspection administrators, Krupp and Heinkel. , Junkers, Dornier, and Rheinmetall soon established factories and subsidiaries in Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands and other countries... You produce research submarines and aircraft in the Netherlands, artillery and machine guns in Sweden, and test tanks in Finland... In Germany, under the guise of producing agricultural tractors, Krupp is actually researching experimental tanks... All of this work is carried out under the instruction and even orders of the top brass of the Defense Forces headed by General Sickert! "

Sickert was beyond shocked - this was a fucking ghost!

"In view of the failure of the coalition arms inspection team, I have taken the initiative to ask the leader to serve as the chief commissioner of Italian weapons inspections and go to the above-mentioned relevant areas for inspections. Once serious violations are discovered, I will submit a report to the Italian government and request the Italian Defense Forces and the French Defense Forces to investigate Germany launched a preventive war to completely destroy the German war machine and its production potential..." Contini said with a smile, "As the first person responsible, do you think you can continue to be the commander-in-chief of the Defense Forces? "?"

" dare!" Sickert squeezed out a sentence through his teeth.

"Why, you want to assassinate me here?" Contini asked, "I know exactly what you are doing. If you kill me, you think you can get rid of the relationship? Stop dreaming, politics is not for you, you He is a pure soldier and is not qualified to be a politician! Don't forget that Italy was the victor in the war and one of the five powers in the "Versailles Treaty", but Germany was the defeated country! I have a hundred ways to supervise you and restrict you! I don’t care if I don’t save Hitler, but I can’t just lose my face here. If you don’t believe me, try it and see the consequences of what I report to the French. We can wait and see!”

Big beads of sweat seeped out from Sickert's forehead, and his back was almost soaked: Of course he couldn't assassinate Contini here or elsewhere. This would cause big trouble, but what if this stupid young man If the intelligence is really leaked to the French, the matter will be over - Sickert doesn't care about his personal gain or loss, but what if he delays and interrupts Germany's arms research and development and rearmament? Then he would be a complete German sinner.

"Tell me, what do you want? We can have a good talk."

"That's exactly what I meant..." Contini sat down again, with a harmless smile on his face, "In this... such a cold winter, wouldn't it be too much to have a cup of coffee?"

"Adjutant, bring Mr. Ciano a cup of coffee and snacks..."

Contini was not really hungry for refreshments. He was using this opportunity to test Sickert's attitude and emotions. It was obvious that what he just said had completely shocked him - this is the aura and strength of the time traveler. , in any other place, how could he, a small member of the "Ambition of Iron" expert team, dare to brag about the commander-in-chief of a country's armed forces?

"My request is not complicated. First, Hitler, please give me some face and let him live. I don't want to be acquitted. I'll sentence him to 15-20 years. Second, regarding armament rearmament, since you want Let's do it openly..." Contini crossed his legs and talked eloquently, "As you know, I have a United Group with strong strength and sufficient capital. What's more important is that all industries have restarted their layout. , there is not so much historical baggage, and there are no restrictions - I like German engineers and German workers, and I also like German technology and German equipment. We can study together in Italy, for example, we can establish a joint arms group between Germany and Italy, and I will do it. The other party holds a symbolic holding, provides funds, venues, and personnel, and you provide the technology, and the final results are shared by both parties. It just so happens that I also want to purchase a large number of equipment and products from your country's industrial and commercial circles, and all the arms development plans can be hidden in it, so we can do it this way. The benefits are many:

First, Italy is a victorious country, and there are no restrictions on the Italian companies controlled by us;

Second, you have a difficult military budget, but I am obsessed with scientific research and spend money generously. More importantly, I am the boss of the United Group, and there is no board of directors that will mess with you all the time;

Third, after the joint development between Germany and Italy, I can introduce some products to the Italian army, which can effectively share the R\u0026D costs and speed up the verification process;

Fourth and most importantly, Germany and Italy can fully cooperate in technology. Small countries such as the Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland can only give you a site. What technology can they cooperate with? Italy is different. We still have a certain foundation in aviation technology, artillery technology, tank technology, etc. The two sides can achieve greater results by combining their strengths.

Even if you want to train a special commando for street fighting or break the upper limit of the number of defense forces, it is not a problem. I can arrange it in the Volunteer Army - The Times joked that we are the fifth largest armed group in the Mediterranean. I think this is not an opportunity. "

Sickt stood up, walked back and began to think carefully about the feasibility of Contini's suggestion: as the other party said, there are many advantages to moving to Italy. No matter in terms of strength, status, scale and convenience, Italy is better than other countries outside Germany.

"But why do you want to do this? What's the benefit for you?" Sickert, who suddenly realized, began to lower his posture and called Contini, who was only 21 years old, "you"!

"This is actually very easy to understand..." Contini pointed to himself, "I am 21 years old this year. I can probably be a minister in 10 years, and I may reach a senior position in 20 years. After 20 years, can't I think about that position? I have the title of youth leader. "

Sickt suddenly realized: This is Contini's way of cultivating his own power and building up strength, but this sentence is indeed good. With the other party's current status and wealth, combined with his background and ability, it is entirely possible for him to make a big splash in 20 years.

"In addition, I like German products very much. For example, I think the German G98 rifle is better than the Italian rifle and has greater power. However, if there is a semi-automatic version of the G98, will it be better?" Contini smiled, "Why can't Italy and Germany share a set of equipment standards at that time? I have always been friendly to Germany. The most favorite people in the United Group are Germans. The production standards, processes, processes, and specifications are all German. Why do I support Hitler? I hope that he can change this lifeless country when he comes to power-why can't the Defense Force remain neutral in the revolution like the Italian Defense Force? "

Sickt smiled awkwardly. How could he answer this question? Nothing he said would work!

Now he had learned how powerful this young man was: he had originally wanted to use Hitler's life and death to control the other party, but he didn't expect to be controlled in return. However, the other party was not here to cause trouble. The proposal for joint development of equipment was obviously a move that had been prepared long ago.

Sickt smiled bitterly and said, "Looking at you who are so young and promising, I can't help but think of my son... Alas, when can I really mature?"

"Thank you for your compliment, and I wish us a happy cooperation?" Contini stretched out his right hand and shook it, "How about starting the semi-automatic rifle project first? Based on the new G-caliber rifle, I will provide $500,000 in research funds! In addition, the United Shipyard is about to build a floating transfer airport at sea, and your country can also study it together. "

After the explanation, Sickert immediately understood what a floating transfer airport at sea was - isn't this the meaning of Germany using tractors to represent tanks! Although it is a naval armament, Sickert's vision is not so narrow, and he nodded and said, "Very good, we are definitely interested, and we have a happy cooperation! ”

The joy of the handshake immediately drove away the previous rhythm of blowing beards and glaring eyes. Where can you see the tense posture before? The specific details must be discussed again, but after the general direction is determined, people of this level will not easily change their words and regret - otherwise how can they gain a foothold in the circle?

"I will take care of Adolf Hitler. I guarantee that he will not die, but he has to study hard in the cell for a few years. Otherwise, how can I explain to those brothers? "

"Of course, he needs to be tempered. This is good for him, you, me, and Germany!" Contini suddenly said this when shaking hands and saying goodbye.

Naturally, Sickert did not understand the last half of the sentence. When he understood it, it was already 10 years later...

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