Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 62 Albert's Counterattack (1)

Ps: Here comes the first update. The second update was owed yesterday. Sorry, I'm quite busy. I'll upload it in two days.

Hitler's case ended in this way. Albert and Sickert fulfilled their commitments, and Contini also delivered the first batch of 6 million US dollars in preparation to accept equipment from the six major German consortiums. But just when Contini thought the incident was over, another shocking news spread.

The Socialist Party made a big fuss in newspapers and public opinion: attacking the United Group for supporting foreign political forces, interfering in Germany's internal affairs, and even providing weapons, funds, personnel and other means to assist the Munich armed rebellion. Such lawless behavior must be strongly sanctioned!

"How did the Socialist Party's dog nose detect this news?" Contini's face was distorted with anger, and he shouted at Ji'an, "We need to investigate and find out the mole!"

"Master, there is no need to check, the news is clear." Antonio sighed, "It was the news from Albert..."

"Albert?" Contini was stunned and suddenly laughed, "Interesting, interesting, why did I forget this - Albert is also a Social Democratic Party! What a pair of good friends who work together!"

Ji'an didn't understand what "good gay friend" meant. He was stunned for a moment: "President, what should we do now?"

"Let me think about it carefully. In the past two days, we will strengthen internal management, be more vigilant, and prevent infiltration. More importantly, all information must be kept absolutely confidential..." Contini said, "You have to use political means to deal with the Socialist Party, so I will You can’t cure them if you don’t believe it! Call Herman over first and I’ll ask him something.”

Goering looked anxious when he came in. Apparently he also learned about the situation: "Calais, what should I do?"

"Don't panic, let's recall it carefully." Contini said, "I gave you more than 200,000 US dollars. Apart from you and Adolf, who else handled it?"

"There are a few, not many..." Goring did not dare to hide this kind of thing. "The leader thinks that the funds are very important, especially since I will personally control everything you give him, so few people know, and everyone is just guessing. It’s possible, but I won’t say it without real evidence.”

"That's good."

"So, what about the weapons?"

"Few people know this. They only saw me flying the plane to transport it. However, the top leaders of the party, such as Rohm, Strasser and others, know..."

"Will they come to Italy to prove it?"

"No, although Roma and I have conflicts, we won't betray him yet.

"What about Ji'an?"

"No one else knows the details except me and the leader."

"Very good, that means all the evidence is on you alone..."

Goering was startled: "Ga...Galay, what do you mean?"

"Herman, don't worry, I have no other intentions. Do you think I will kill you?" Contini laughed, "You still lack confidence in comrades and in me. Why should I kill you? Kill you and me. There are countless opportunities, and what I’m thinking now is that if we suppress the Socialist Party, as long as they can’t break through you, we will be invulnerable, right?”

At that moment, Golin felt all the blood pouring to his forehead, and his back was covered with cold sweat. He said tremblingly: "Jia... Jia Lai... If you are not worried, I... I... can commit suicide. You... You have helped us so much, I...I can't cause you any trouble."

"What nonsense are you talking about, Hermann! Comrades are there to share life and death and entrust the way out, not to intrigue and betray each other!" Contini slapped the table and said angrily, "I plan to suspend your work in the transport team. I’ll transfer you to the base and train a bunch of people again! I’ll give you one year this time!”


"Of course, just watch and see how I play with these old Socialist Party dogs."

"How to play?"

"Fight a lawsuit!"

Goering thought to himself: Another lawsuit? Can you be a little creative?

But Contini's next sentence made him dumbfounded: "Supporting foreign powers? Where's the evidence? Where's the money? Providing weapons support? Where's the evidence? All the weapons allocated to me by the War Department are intact in the Club of Rome; sending personnel to support? Have the Germans caught any Italians?”

Goering was stunned by what he said. He suddenly remembered that as long as he didn't say anything, many links here were broken. As for whether Contini would kill him, he felt a little uncertain. This was no small matter.

"Besides, even if their accusations are proven, what can they do to me? Come and bite me? The Germans didn't protest, so what does the Socialist Party mean? I just supported it with money and guns. What can you do? Which one? Italian law cannot support you? This is my own damn money! I can spend it however I want. There is a reason for the Germans to interfere. What are those old dogs from the Socialist Party? !”

Goering also laughed: After all, this is Contini's money, and he relaxed immediately - it has nothing to do with the Socialist Party! When he thought about it, he suddenly felt that he really wouldn't kill himself, so there was no need.

As soon as his mental worries were lifted, he immediately relaxed: "Okay, okay... I'll go to the base!"

Not long after Goering left, Mussolini called again and asked Contini about this matter. Mussolini could not hide it. Contini simply told the truth, but what he said was very targeted.

"Yes, leader, I did it all, including the rumors you heard, but why did I do it? I did it for the revolution and the party! Fascism cannot rely on Italy alone to open fire on Britain and France There cannot be only one Italy, we must have allies. Adolf and the National Socialist Party are our natural allies. When the flag of fascism spreads all over the world, you will be the general leader of international fascism and have accomplished unprecedented achievements. ——This kind of performance is worthy of the great revival of the Roman Empire.”

Contini continued: "This group of clowns from the Socialist Party not only do everything possible to oppose us at home, but also collude with the German Social Democratic Party, which shows that there is an international reactionary force of social democracy - this is something we must be vigilant about. They are not united now." "They are also trying to interfere with our just actions. This arrogance must be dealt a heavy blow. I have already thought about it and am ready to sue the Socialist Party for defamation and seek compensation for US$2 million!"

Mussolini was overjoyed. He didn't care at all whether he supported him or not. He only cared about Contini's attitude towards him. The praise he had just received from the "General Leader of International Fascism" made him feel a little elated. He felt that this was indeed the case. , he had never met Hitler, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received a telegram from him requesting Italy to recognize the German Provisional Government. The content was very groveling and flattering to himself, so Mussolini ignored it.

"Are you sure you can litigate?"

"It's okay, aren't they just spending some money? What else can they do?" Contini smiled, "Besides, with you in charge, even if you have such a relationship, what will the Socialist Party do to me? There are a thousand things to say. Wan, this is my own money!”

Mussolini smiled: Sure enough, he liked the character of little Ciano who would not let go when he was justified and would make trouble even when unreasonable.

"Since you are sure, I will not intervene in this matter."

In fact, Mussolini couldn't control it even if he wanted to. This time it had nothing to do with Fascist. The Socialist Party and Albert came for Contini.

The next day was the day when the parliament was in session. As soon as Contini got out of the car, he was surrounded by reporters, and the spotlights turned on from time to time: "President Ciano, do you have any objections to the Socialist Party's concerns about the United Group's involvement in foreign internal affairs and inciting riots?" , What do you think of the accusation of supporting political power?”

"This matter... I actually just received the news. I have been inspecting industrial equipment and products in Germany and France some time ago, hoping to consolidate the industrial foundation of Italy and the United Group." Contini laughed. Laughing, "This is obviously a shameless lie. The Socialist Party has no other way to interfere with Italy's progress, so it can only use this dirty trick."

"But I won't let this happen. I have filed a lawsuit with the Roman Court, and my team of lawyers will start working with all their strength. Please, these people with some abnormal minds can think carefully before spouting rumors. They are Did you think carefully before accusing me? Do you have any evidence? Don’t think that the congressman is exempt from speaking. Italy has a fair and strict legal system, and slanderers will have to pay for their stupidity one day!”

"But the Socialist Party keeps saying that there is news and evidence from Germany..."

"Really?" Contini smiled slightly, "Let them show it off! See if there is anyone to prove it for them!"

"It's no secret that I sympathize with Adolf Hitler, because from him I saw the leader's mental journey when he started the revolution for Italy. What's wrong with me supporting him and sympathizing with him? According to their fantasy, do they also want to attack the leader's revolution? Supported by foreign political forces? "What's the purpose?"

The reporters were stunned for a moment, and then heard other words.

"In addition, I would like to remind you that an Italian social democratic party deliberately obeys the instructions of foreign governments and foreign political parties to attack Italian national enterprises. Is there any ulterior motive behind this? Is there anyone who has connections with foreign countries and exploits others? Suspicion? Are the interests of Italy or the International Socialist Party more important? Is the Italian Social Democratic Party's surname Italian or German?" Contini said solemnly, "If this is proven, I will apply to the Constitutional Court to suspend the operation of the Socialist Party - a traitor. The political party is not worthy of having a foothold in Italian politics! I will hold a press conference in a few days and invite people from all walks of life to verify and see if there is what they said. Also, don’t ask about the money. This is my own money. I love it. You can spend whatever you want, does the Socialist Party have any control over it?”

When the reporters heard this, they were very excited. It was indeed true.

When has a domineering president ever let you down?

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