Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 94: Low Profile

The battle for crude oil was won, and so was the battle for foreign exchange.

The Italian business and economic circles are all singing praises for Contini, and some even flattered him by saying, "The president saved the finance, the economy, the party, and the country at the critical moment..." But this sentence As soon as it was proposed, Contini not only did not accept it, but seemed very unhappy. All newspapers published news that the leader was "wise, far-sighted, and decisive in decision-making", or that the leader's guards descended from the sky to control the top executives of Siena Bank. According to the gossip, at most they talked about the United Group's acquisition of crude oil, but there was no mention of Contini's contribution in the crisis.

Old Ciano also felt strange. According to Contini's previous character, he would never have such an attitude, but this time Contini's answer was very solemn: "Father, you know better than me what kind of person a leader is. , he needs you to do things, but you can’t exceed his limelight..."

Old Ciano nodded, and then sighed: "You are right, but you are a little too fake and seem a bit unnatural. Of course the leader has his own considerations, his own character and temper, but he does not It means he can’t see the truth, and your approach seems a bit low-level.”

"I can no longer be high-profile, at least I can't leave the leader with the impression that I want to be high-profile." Contini sighed, "I vaguely heard the news that the leader intends to make me the deputy minister of foreign affairs, in charge of foreign affairs. Work."

"Is there any problem?"

"I can't hold this position."

"Why?" Old Ciano asked strangely, "The Minister of Foreign Affairs is the leader himself, and serving as Deputy Minister is equivalent to being a Minister. Although you have a sufficient level within the party, you still lack qualifications after all. Being a Deputy Minister is conducive to the transition. , I will be able to become a minister in a few years. The leader also asked me to be the head of the Grand Fascist Committee. I thought that the Ministry of Transport’s package of projects was still in its infancy and would not yield much results, so I said it would take two years. "

Contini shook his head: "I can't be the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, especially the Vice Minister who is both a leader and a minister. In that case, I will be very passive. My current identity is still the President of the United Group and the Secretary-General of the Party. I can be at any time. I can give orders and exert influence on domestic affairs, and I can be involved in politics, economics, and military matters. Once I take charge of diplomacy, I often have to travel outside to represent the country's image. How can I express opinions and deal with domestic issues? Being foreign secretary takes me away from the domestic package, which is extremely detrimental."

Old Ciano was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly, thinking that what his son said made sense. Now he was also in trouble and didn't know how to get through this problem. Finally, he asked: "Then what do you want to do?"

"Go travel!"

"Travel?" Old Ciano was shocked. "With so many things going on in the country, you just ignore it and go travel? This is worse than being the foreign minister."

"Of course I can't travel alone, so I'm here to ask for your help..." Contini calmly shared his thoughts, "I was supposed to take Ada on a trip this summer. , but because the situation changed due to two financial battles, I couldn't take her out. This is of course a pity. Although she herself has no complaints, I can't be indifferent, I have to take her out...Second , drastic changes have taken place in the Far East, and the situation in China is completely different. This is an opportunity for me; thirdly, my departure during this period is a weak foreshadowing. More importantly, you have to help me handle the follow-up matters. ”

"What's up?"

"House, car, road..."

Old Ciano couldn't help but smile: "Are you kidding... You are much richer than me, and you still want me to buy you a house and a car? Aren't you cheating on me?"

"I will provide the money, but you have to create an atmosphere..." Contini blinked and showed a helpless smile, "After returning from the Far East, I want to get engaged to Ada! This matter must be done with great fanfare and must be The scene is created.”

"Yes! Engagement! Engagement!" Old Ciano clapped his hands excitedly, "This is a good idea, this is a good idea! Son, you are really good at it, you can think of such a trick!"

Contini sighed and shook his head, not knowing how to answer.

"Okay, okay... getting engaged doesn't mean beheading, so don't look so gloomy. I also like this child Ada, and she doesn't have any princess disease. I think it's good. You take her out to relax, and come back. I'll take care of it for'll come back after the New Year, I guarantee your satisfaction!"

"It's too early. I have to go out for half a year. It will take 2 months to travel back and forth to the Far East. How can I have enough in 3 months? I plan to spend 6 months traveling around the world, first to the Far East, and then to the United States via the Pacific Ocean. At the beginning of next year, United Petroleum To go public, six months may not be enough for one trip.”

"Six months?" Old Ciano was stunned, "You don't care about the work of the United Group?"

"With Uncle Antonio here, I believe there will be no problem. In the past six months, we have focused on maintenance and steadily completed the relevant plans. Then, listing is a very important task. At the same time, I also have to work with the tycoons in New York. Contact us and prepare to sell the Libyan oil fields at a good price, which should at least triple the current price.”

"Three times?" Old Ciano was shocked. "Are you crazy? The current oil output of Libyan oil fields is less than half of Algeria's. How can it be tripled?"

"That's because I didn't disclose all the news. I will gradually release these benefits during this period. During this process, Italy's reserve library will be almost built. At the same time, the United Group will continue to build momentum. The tycoons must understand, even if The oil production and storage capacity of Libyan oil fields are the same as those of Algeria, and Libya should be given a higher premium. This is a political premium!”

Old Ciano nodded: "Now that you have thought about it, let's do it. By the way, how much do you plan to spend on the engagement?"

"This is a headache for me. In fact, I don't have to spend any money at all. The gifts alone will recoup the cost..." Contini thought about it seriously, "Forget it, prepare 2 million."

"Is 2 million a little too little? Your status..."

"Father, two million US dollars is a lot..."

Well, it turns out it’s US dollars! Old Ciano also felt that he had been defeated. Why did his son now use US dollars when talking about money? When it comes to gift giving, the unit is a few strips, each equal to 100 ounces of New York souvenirs!

After leaving Old Ciano, Enzo drove the car and wanted to send Contini back, but he heard the latter wave his hand: "Do you know where Ada studies?"


"Take me there, but it's best not to disturb too many people."

"Of course no problem."

30 minutes later, Ada was overjoyed to see Contini: "Brother Calais, why are you suddenly free to see me today?"

"Um, it's been a long time. Let's go watch a movie?"

"But today is not the weekend...what kind of movie can there be?"

"Miss, you can watch any movie you like..." Enzo blinked, "I'll have the special screening room of United Cinema open right away..."

"Forget it, don't go to such trouble, I'll go for a walk with Ada."

It was already past 8 o'clock, and Contini held Ada's hand and walked past the windows one after another, followed by more than a dozen bodyguards guarding him vigilantly...

"Brother Calais, you are a little weird today...are you encountering something troublesome?"

"I feel a little...very tired."

"Are you not feeling well? Do you need to see a doctor? There is a very good doctor on duty in our school..."

"No, my heart feels very tired."

"Tired..." Ada blinked, "My father never said this. You are so much younger than him, why do you look so old-fashioned?"

Contini thought to himself: Only a small part of the reason for his tiredness was due to the overt and covert attacks from the outside world, and most of it came from Mussolini, but he could not say this publicly. Instead, he said: "I want to go outside and relax. This year has been too hard. I didn't even go on vacation in the summer. I feel like a robot..."

"This is what it should be. You came here just to talk to me about this?"

Contini nodded: "I want to go to the Far East..."


"I want to take you with me..."



Ada almost jumped for joy, but then her face became full of sorrow: "But there are many classes in medical school, and they are all important classes this year."

"It doesn't can continue learning."


"I mean, I can take two medical school teachers with me to the Far East..."

Ada instinctively expressed dissatisfaction with this proposal. She was not happy to have to go to school on vacation. However, Contini's words made sense: "I have to deal with some official business during the day, and there may be no one to accompany you. At that time, you can let this person go to school." A few teachers will teach you...get some small animals to do experiments on, so that you won't feel bored. You can decide on your own before and after class..."

In the end, Ada agreed. It was quite boring to have no one to accompany her. She used to like Contini’s life secretary Monica to accompany her, but now she understood what Vivian and Adriana had warned her more than once. She could no longer let beautiful women hang out in front of Contini. No matter how determined Contini was, there would inevitably be times when he couldn't hold himself back.

"However, you seemed to be very eager to me today, and I was not mentally prepared at all..." Ada smiled, "You gave me the impression that you secretly had an affair outside, and then wanted to pull me to elope. "

Contini touched his nose: "Is that so? Maybe I shouldn't take you there? Should I take a movie star or a top model?"

"You dare!" 17-year-old Ada was tough for a moment, but softened again after a while, "Even if we elope, I will go with you..."

"Okay, pack up and leave in three days. I'll ask my father to say hello to the leader."

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