Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 7: Facing the Federal Reserve (2)

United Bank is just a branch in the United States. It is not comparable to other big banks, let alone the headquarters, so the position can usually only be in the back row. But as soon as Contini appeared, the momentum was completely different. Everyone immediately surrounded the president. At the core, listen to his opinion - after all, the president has publicly announced that he is optimistic about the U.S. stock market, and his strength makes it necessary for everyone to respect him so much.

Contini said: "The stock market may enter a bear market. This is an unbreakable truth - if there is an increase, there will be a decrease. There are no stocks that only rise but never fall. But by artificially suppressing the stock market decline through suffocating high interest rates, I think it is A kind of naked manipulation! Don’t investors often oppose manipulation? Is it true that manipulation by a consortium using its own position and advantages is not manipulation? Is this worthy of the investors who have worked hard to invest? Will this also cause huge bank credit pressure and risks? As a responsible financial institution, we must first not add fuel to the flames, secondly, we must publicly appeal against the simple and crude approach of the Federal Reserve, and thirdly, we must work together to find ways to smooth the market. fluctuation."

Everyone agreed with Contini’s words: Although the 20% credit interest rate makes it very comfortable for banks to lend money, everyone is also worried that once the stock market turns cold and no one cares about it, no matter how high the interest rate is, they will not be able to lend money. In the face of making quick money and From the perspective of making long-term profits, they in turn felt that United Bank's long-term loans to United Group were a good example to learn from.

"I have communicated with President Hoover many times recently. He has repeatedly stated that the U.S. stock market needs healthy development, orderly guidance, and moderate cooling, but this does not mean freezing and suffocating it on the spot. It is like a patient suffering from a disease, and the treatment is Sure, but you just go ahead and do bloodletting and shock therapy. Is this treating illnesses and saving lives? "

Everyone nodded again, and Hoover also shouted these words, but the Fed's policy is independent and cannot completely follow the president's ideas.

"Another thing I'm worried about is that too high interest rates will stifle the development of industry and commerce. How many industries can have a net profit of 20%? Very few, right? Even if Bailangduoyi is so popular, the net profit margin after tax is only More than 40%, I think other large-scale industries and ordinary products are basically between 12-15%. The profit of 20% is basically equivalent to the company making money for the bank." Contini smiled, "The banking industry should take a long-term view. If entrepreneurs cannot make money, they will eventually stop production and go bankrupt, which will ultimately harm the interests of the banks, so we should form a win-win situation with the business community in an appropriate manner!”

The so-called 40% profit margin is of course a lie. The actual net profit margin of the drug Bailangduoxi alone exceeds 400%! However, Contini amortized a huge amount of R\u0026D expenses in the prospectus - that is the comprehensive R\u0026D expenses of the joint laboratory for a year, including not only the drug R\u0026D and packaging R\u0026D related to Bailangduoxi, but also the R\u0026D expenses related to Bailangduoxi. Other R\u0026D costs that have nothing to do with Bailangduoxi, such as engines, aviation aluminum, and tank armor steel, are all amortized on Bailangduoxi. Anyway, except for Leo, who has the inside scoop, no one else knows about it. Even Domac himself couldn't understand the fee structure.

But the net profit margin after tax of 40% is already astonishingly high enough, so no one has any doubts. As for Contini's high-profile speech for the industrial and commercial community, saying that industrial and commercial owners are the disadvantaged group, the bankers just let it go - it is true that United Group has banks, but the CEO's big head is in the industry, and the butt determines the head.

Someone asked: "So what should we do?"

Contini smiled: "Confidence is more important than gold. What the market currently lacks is not funds, but everyone's confidence in steady development. The interest rate of 20% is obviously beyond the normal level, so we should bring confidence back to the market—— "We should lend at rates below the Fed's guidance to help investors weather the storm."

Many people curled their lips: On the one hand, this is challenging the authority of the Federal Reserve, and on the other hand, it is difficult to explain to the board of directors - the market interest rate is 20%, and you insist on lending at 10%. What do you mean? Want to be Santa Claus?

"It doesn't matter, United Bank has come forward to do this, but it requires unanimous cooperation from everyone." Contini said confidently, "When United Group issued convertible bonds, we received great help from friends in the banking industry, and now we will give some in return. Everyone takes it for granted that United Bank is not deeply involved in the stock field and we are willing to do some public welfare undertakings.”

An agreement was reached at the end of the day. Five major banks, including United Bank, collectively announced that they would allocate 100 million US dollars to provide people with loans. Among them, 50 million current loans have an interest rate of only 15%, and another 50 million have an interest rate of 17%. , for people to borrow money and pay margins - all lower than the Fed's window guidance rate. This move by major banks stabilized public sentiment and gave the Federal Reserve a resounding slap in the face, and people applauded it.

In fact, all the US$100 million was spent by United Bank, because only the bank did not lend to outsiders some time ago and had surplus funds. United Bank itself lent US$20 million, and the other US$80 million was given to major banks at interest rates. It’s 12%. It’s clear that in order for them to gain fame, they will also receive a 3% profit margin. However, this does not have to be given in vain. After a few weeks, United Group offset all the loans owed to various banks - it was nothing more than United Bank first repaying the money for United Group and then transferring the debt from other banks to United Group. It’s just a bank, but this operation still won unanimous praise from everyone.

Determining that United Bank is a collaborator rather than a destroyer, the Bankers Association voted unanimously to agree. Taking into account the size of the United Group and the importance of United Bank, it agreed to treat United Bank's U.S. branch the same as other U.S. head offices. Superficial logic The assets and credit scale of the United Bank of America branch have reached the standard. In fact, in order to repay the 80 million yuan for both fame and fortune, Contini used clever means to repay part of the loan in advance and unfreeze the pledged stocks, so that he could find Opportunity sold off.

This time United Bank took the lead, and the news that major banks were following up quickly spread in the market. All investors were rejoicing and regarded United Bank and the president as the patron saint and protector of the stock market. Industry and commerce also expressed their support for the president— - They are also dissatisfied with the 20% credit interest rate and think it is simply killing people. It is just that they dare not openly oppose the Federal Reserve and Contini does not care.

After the news spread, Contini was interviewed by many reporters on Wall Street. He made three points:

First, of course, it has passed that a large amount of credit funds have entered the stock market for speculation, but the bigger problem is the current high leverage of the stock market. He believes that it should be steadily reduced rather than frozen;

Second, the practice of freezing the stock market has not yet taken effect. The practice of freezing industry and commerce has already achieved great results. The companies that had just signed more than 4 billion US dollars in contracts with the United Group in the early stage quickly lost more than 10% of their net profits. Industry is the core of a country. The Federal Reserve’s high interest rates are digging into the country’s foundation. If there is a crisis in the future, the Federal Reserve will be responsible for it;

Third, since the Federal Reserve itself says it is a guide, then according to the rights of American democratic freedoms, it can do so without prohibition by law. Banks also have the right to lend to the market at appropriate interest rates based on their own judgment. This is not challenging the authority of the Federal Reserve, but defending it. In the tradition of democracy and freedom, the Federal Reserve may not agree with our actions, but it should stand up and defend our rights to the death. This last sentence won the favor of large financial groups. Spokespersons of various financial groups expressed their support, saying that Wall Street must contribute to the consolidation of democracy and freedom. , the implicit meaning is that the Fed is only a coordinating agency and cannot undermine the system itself.

These few words not only successfully put the blame on the Federal Reserve, but also earned him the reputation of a "freedom fighter". They made the Federal Reserve half angry to death, but they had no way to deal with Contini - he was as rich as the country, and his hands were There are also fleets and weapons, and they are not Americans, but diplomatic envoys have immunity.

In the end, the Fed could only issue a rebuttal statement: It means that the Fed is based on the actual policies formulated by the United States, and certain foreign forces should not dictate the internal affairs of the United States. This statement aroused widespread dissatisfaction among investors - the president, a foreigner, said that the stock market should be taken good care of, To safeguard the American system and promote the development of the American economy, the Federal Reserve, an American institution, actually refuses to listen to good opinions?

Even Hoover made an intriguing statement: The government will listen more to multiple opinions and achieve a more prosperous four years. On the surface, this sentence is impartial, but it actually expresses support for Contini.

Adriana's interview team also visited a lot of places during this period. In the evening, she was reporting to Contini on today's investigation. She said it was a report, but in fact the sexy anchor with a graceful figure was already curled up in the hole like a kitten. In Tiny's arms, the domineering president's hands were also placed in some indescribable positions irregularly.

"Dear, both ordinary investors and industrial and commercial capitalists in the market agree with you. There are even radical people who say that all the bureaucrats at the Federal Reserve who don't know shit should be killed and you should be in charge of the Federal Reserve!" Adria Na smiled and said, "It seems that your argument is very convincing."

"Transmit the news to Europe as soon as possible, and give everyone the impression that it was the Federal Reserve that ruined the whole thing! I will not take the blame." Contini emphasized, "We must repeatedly publicize that you will be in subsequent radio programs China must also guide industrial and commercial people to say so, and these recordings must be preserved intact.”

"you mean?"

"The stock market will cause a tragic decline in the near future. I will sell stocks soon, which will intensify market pressure. However, I cannot bear the moral hazard of being the first to burst the bubble. I have to find a successor. The Federal Reserve is very suitable for this!"

"You are so bad!"

Contini intensified his hand movements and joked: "What's wrong with me?"

Adriana snorted softly and gasped: "You are bad at everything... um... um... I want you to want me..."

The 5,000 words of "Boundless Spring" are omitted below...

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