Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 46: The Great Collapse (2)

Contini talked nonstop for two and a half hours, and the audience burst into warm applause from time to time. But in the end, the reporters woke up and realized that they had been deceived: their original focus was on the economy, and they wanted to ask the president how to deal with a stock market meltdown. The situation and how he views the market outlook, who would have thought that the president downplayed these issues, but talked about the reform of the political system, and categorically believed that there would be no economic stability without political reform. This made many young reporters excited and made them excited. The older reporter sighed.

After the meeting, when I went out and was blown by the cold October wind, everyone suddenly woke up: Damn, how can we talk about political system reform so easily? This is a topic that no presidential candidate dares to talk about. The United States is so unique and free that it is criticized by a 26-year-old president. It is incredible to think about it. If this gets bigger, the State Department and Secretary of State Stimson will tomorrow issued a statement of protest.

But everyone also knows that protests have no effect on the president. The president speaks the truth in Italy. Except for the leader's words, which he takes as his letter, no one else seems to be able to control the president. How was the Italian ambassador driven back in despair last time? Everyone knows that his career was ruined by just "making irresponsible remarks about the Central Committee"! There is no opposition party in Italy! Everyone must follow a unified tone, and the president’s speech will never be in line with this tone, so who should I protest to?

Here Contini is making nonsense, and over there Hoover is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, because he has just received the news that all the famous investors and consortia on Wall Street have turned back and shorted. Ask them why, and they will Put it on the United Group - the president said that he would run regardless of whether they ran or not, but Contini's statement was also very interesting. That's just what I said. In fact, I haven't run yet.

But no one dares to bet that the president will not run away - what if you don't run and he really does run away? Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether the United Group runs or not, it’s up to you to start running first.

In Hoover's view, this is a typical prisoner's dilemma. There is obviously a better choice, but once the two sides lose mutual trust, this choice cannot be made. He also understands why Contini did this - he was Take revenge on these capitalists who refused to sell to him at a reduced price. But others also have grievances and have given you a reduced price. How should I quote the price to others? Are you still doing this business?

Well, everyone is running to see when it will stabilize - that is, there is a high probability that the stock market will plummet again tomorrow. As for whether there will be a circuit breaker, it is almost certain that it is close to ten.

Hoover also summoned Mellon and wanted the exchange to cancel this damn circuit breaker and even wanted the Federal Reserve to release money, but Mellon told him that he couldn't do it because according to their observations, speculative funds from Europe were coming one after another. Retreat through various channels. If it is relaxed, more funds will escape from the United States, and the stock market will fall even more sharply; but what if the flow of funds is restricted? Does that mean that the United States has encountered a huge crisis, and even its freedom is gone? How can it still maintain its system?

Hoover finally said angrily: "In this case, let's just cancel the circuit breaker mechanism and let the stock market fall completely, and then it can rebound..."

Mellon looked at Hoover from head to toe as if he wanted to see an alien, and said solemnly: "Sir, this is impossible. In this case, the financial system that accepted a large number of securities as collateral will go bankrupt, even if it rebounds later. There is no doubt that the circuit breaker system has some advantages. It allows institutions, especially large institutions, to have a little priority. This priority can ensure that they can selectively run first... Besides, the circuit breaker system has just been launched. If it is abolished after just one day of implementation, the authority and scientific nature of government management will be lost. This will shake the foundation of rule, and you will have to bite the bullet and make mistakes for a week. "

Hoover was speechless and finally said: "Then how do you explain it to the market?"

"Is there any explanation... Investment is risky, you must be cautious when entering the market, and the government must investigate and punish all violations."

"Then let's take another look. If the circuit breaker is still broken tomorrow, I think..." Hoover looked at Mellon meaningfully, "it is necessary to suspend short selling!"

Hoover nodded unnaturally, and then ended the conversation. Both parties understood what this sentence meant. The president expressed his dissatisfaction with Wall Street for not turning the tide but instead adding insult to injury and following short selling. If only United Group was short selling today, all others would maintain stability. He would strike with his big stick without hesitation, but the real situation is that Wall Street is selling the circuit breaker today, and United Group has introduced a management fund of 15 million US dollars to increase its holdings. This makes Hoover's The stick can no longer be wielded - no one is a fool!

This day was Saturday, and the stock market was closed. Hoover, who felt exhausted mentally and physically, did not go to work but rested at home. After reading the remarks made by Contini at the press conference yesterday, he could only smile bitterly but could not say anything. To put it bluntly - on the surface, he has a higher position than Contini, with a stronger country behind him and more strength. In fact, he knows that the power in his hands is far less than that of Contini. Although being the president has advantages over some wealthy people, he can only succumb to the overall power of Wall Street. However, the United Group can shoulder the entire Italian business community.

He had never paid much attention to the United Group before, but he was suddenly awakened after paying attention to it recently. The figures collected by his men proved how terrible Contini was behind the scenes - the United Group controlled 52% of Italy's steel production, 99% of oil production, 85% of aluminum ingot production, 63% of electricity generation, more than 75% of oil products, 70% of passenger car production, more than 55% of trucks and other special vehicles, 25% of small car production, 45% of aircraft production, 27% of shipbuilding tonnage (if the scale is limited to more than 5,000 tons, it is 47%), more than 50% of tank production, more than 80% of rifle and machine gun production, and more than 75% of the shares of Italy's high-speed railway. This level in the United States is the sum of dozens of companies such as General Motors + General Electric + Standard Oil + US Steel + Alcoa + Curtiss Wright (proportion, not scale), and the United Group also has more than 10,000 oil guards and a small fleet, known as the fourth largest armed group in the Mediterranean. What's more frightening is that this was developed in just 7 years with the help of American loans.

That's why he had to call Contini many times, because he knew that having a good relationship with Contini was equivalent to having a good relationship with more than half of Italy's industry and commerce, and more than two-thirds of Italy's heavy industry. Is it worth it for ordinary American companies to always condescend to communicate and coordinate?

"Have you seen Galle's speech? He really dares to say that he wants to create fascism in the United States?" The lady's voice suddenly rang, "But... if you can really do it, it should be very satisfying, right?"

"Madam, you..." Hoover was stunned.

"Look at your surprised look, I'm just joking." The lady sighed, "I know it's impossible. The United States doesn't have this tradition, nor does it have this soil. You don't have such strength. If you really have it, Wall Street may not be able to sleep peacefully at night. But I think his idea is good. In this extraordinary period, there is nothing wrong with strengthening the government's power..."

Hoover complained to his wife Luo Henry about the soft nail he encountered last night.

"You are paying too much attention. As the president, you should be the final arbitrator of these matters instead of an impatient mediator. Once you join the mediation, your dignity and power will be gone. You should let Wall Street and the United Group fight each other. What's the point of helping Wall Street to suppress Calais every time?"

"But I am anxious... If they continue to fight like this, the American people will suffer..."

"Do the American people appreciate it? Has anyone appreciated your kindness in the past 8 years of stock market growth? Even if someone appreciated your kindness, after the recent 8 weeks of decline, does anyone still appreciate your kindness?" Luo Henry laughed, "Yes, you can become president, and the people will return In the end, you still voted, but it is complicated to be re-elected. It cannot be achieved by relying on the present. You should be bolder, let the bubble burst, and then save it, so that everyone will talk about your goodness again... If you do a little today and coordinate a little tomorrow, you can only let the valve slowly deflate. On the surface, you have done a lot of work, but in fact, the bubble will still burst. If your efforts delay the bubble for another 2 years and it bursts in the third year, do you still have a chance? "

"Dear, where do you get these ideas from?"

"Galai taught me!"

"Did he call you?"

"No, I can read, I can read..." Luo Henry said while holding the newspaper, "Are you reading the same news as me? He said that the United Group launched an initiative to prevent the top 50 companies in Italy from laying off workers due to the economic crisis."

"Yes, that's right, I saw this too."

"That's it! What you are doing now is trying to avoid the thankless task of the economic crisis, while Calais is trying to win back the hearts of the people in case of an economic crisis..."

"This?" Hoover smiled bitterly, "He and I are in different positions. He is not responsible for the economic crisis in Italy, but I am responsible for the economic crisis in the United States."

"Really? Then do you still want to run for re-election?" Luo Henry smiled slightly, "I thought you would blame the Federal Reserve, Wall Street or someone else, but I didn't expect you to take it on yourself - I am so happy to marry the most courageous and fearless politician in the world!"

The irony of this statement is clearly heard by even a 5-year-old child: when a young girl says that a young man is "brave and fearless", it is mostly a compliment. When Luo Henry, at this age and with this experience, compliments a politician who is about to enter the threshold of old age (Hoover is exactly 55 years old), especially when this politician is still in a high position, it is almost a naked mockery!

Hoover's old face was a little embarrassed to hear this, but he turned around and thought that his wife was right. Instead of preventing the disaster that was bound to happen, it is better to invest in disaster prevention, disaster reduction and post-disaster reconstruction. How many fewer deaths and how much economic losses were reduced are also merits - don't you understand the principle of treating funerals as happy events?

Hoover remained silent and did not respond. He just picked up the phone and called the White House Chief of Staff: "Convene a cabinet meeting at 4 o'clock on Monday to discuss the current economic situation! If the stock market circuit breaker is triggered and forced to liquidate early, the meeting will be moved forward to 2 o'clock in the afternoon."

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