Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 61: The Great Collapse (17)

In Marshal Chang's view, the Communist Party is no longer viable. The Communist Party's grassroots organizations and personnel have penetrated into every corner through the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Grassroots organizations everywhere have become supporters or sympathizers of the Communist Party, especially after the defeat of the Yangtze River Battle. , the war situation between the North and the South was basically stable, and there was no progress in the Northern Expedition for the time being, the Communist Party turned its energy to the inside. The peasant associations were everywhere fighting against the local tyrants to allocate their fields. Some military officers and upper classes expressed dissatisfaction, and the Zhejiang plutocrats also expressed dissatisfaction, which made Chang Chang What bothers the commander is that the United Kingdom, the United States, France and other countries behind him have also warned against this. You must know that a large part of the Guangzhou government's navy is counting on Britain and the United States! There is no small matter behind these warnings.

In order to safeguard his position and submit certificates of vote to the United Kingdom and the United States, Marshal Chang took advantage of the opportunity of the First Army to guard Guangzhou and divided the Communist Party by force. All armies immediately responded and killed 30,000 Communists in seven days. The city was known as Guangzhou in history. Coup or 612 counter-revolutionary coup! Marshal Chang was defined by the Soviet Union as a revolutionary traitor. His biological son, Nicholas Chiang, gave a speech at Sun Yat-sen University, severing the relationship between father and son and accusing Marshal Chang of his atrocities! It is said that it was highly praised by Comrade Mi Fu, director of the Eastern Department and Wang Ming's backstage boss.

One month after the Guangzhou coup, vigorous party purges were launched in various parts of the south. The slogan was "I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go." In fact, the real Communist Party only had 2-3 thousand, and most of them were leftists of the Kuomintang. But the situation was critical. Can you still take care of this? Kill him first. Marshal Zhang was happy to see the results of the Guangzhou government's move. He only asked Marshal Wu and Marshal Sun to train their troops well and leave the rest alone for the time being.

This coup was different from history. Since the Guangzhou government did not occupy Wuhan or Nanjing, Wang Jingwei and other Kuomintang leftists were also in Guangzhou. After Marshal Chang took action, Wang Jingwei did not dare to object but was unable to support it. In the end, he was forced to go abroad for inspection. Other leftists either established the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee and called for "removing Chang by force," or simply merged with Marshal Chang. As a faction, the leftists were basically eliminated. The Xishan Conference faction, which had been muttering all the time, strongly welcomed Marshal Chang because he had used force to eliminate the Communist Party, and many people joined him. Therefore, between July and August, Marshal Chang’s centrist faction became the mainstream faction.

On September 1st, Marshal Chang officially became the Chairman of the Military Commission of the National Government and concurrently the Commander-in-Chief of the National Revolutionary Army. He took over all the power. In order to cover it up with a hat, Lin Sen was elected as the Chairman of the National Government and was regarded as the head of state. However, everyone below him You know, Chairman Lin is just a decoration, the chairman or committee member is really effective.

Everything was going smoothly at first, but something went wrong on September 14. The Communist Party used its influence among the leftists to incite Zhang Fakui's 4th Army to launch an uprising in Nanchang. Almost all the remaining figures from the Ye Ting Independent Regiment were Among them, this uprising took away three divisions, almost turned Zhang Fakui into a bare commander, and established a revolutionary government in Nanchang.

The extremely anxious Marshal Chang sent the 7th Army led by Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi to cooperate with Zhu Peide's 3rd Army to eliminate them. The price was to hand over all the territory in Guangxi and Guizhou to Li and Bai. The two readily agreed to do it in 10 days. It was over, but one wave after another started. Mao Runzhi, who had been owed 11 months of salary and was the former deputy director of the Kuomintang Propaganda Department (the director was concurrently served as Wang Jingwei) launched the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and later met with the remnants of the Nanchang Uprising. , jointly raised the flag of righteousness in Jinggang Mountain and used force to defeat Chiang Kai-shek. However, they did not have many troops and weak force, so Marshal Chang did not take it seriously for the time being. His focus was still on internal consolidation.

The territory of Guangxi and Guizhou went to Li and Bai;

The territory of Hunan went to Tan Yankai and Cheng Qian;

The territory of Jiangxi went to Zhu Peide;

Hubei's territory was originally going to belong to Li Jishen and Zhang Fakui, but Li Jishen refused to obey, and Zhang Fakui's troops were taken away by the Communist Party and became the bare commander. So Marshal Chang took advantage of the situation and took Hubei back, making He Jian the provincial chairman, but mixed in With the men and horses of his own direct army, each side is in charge of half;

Fujian's territory is even weirder. Old Beiyang Sazhen Bing was actually invited to serve as provincial chairman. Then the Fujian Navy took control of Fuzhou, Xiamen and other key places, but other places were controlled by some Cantonese soldiers. It was agreed that in addition to appropriation, Taxes from Fujian were also used to support the navy - this was the source of the navy's loyalty to Marshal Chang;

Only Zhejiang, Anhui and Guangdong are really in the hands of Chang Dashuai, and Guangdong has to share it with a lot of veteran figures. However, Chang Dashuai thinks this doesn't matter. He has the opportunity to take it back step by step - these are all small problems. , the Communist Party is a serious problem.

The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone under construction was naturally affected by this incident. Ancelotti, Executive Deputy Director of the Management Committee, made a strong protest. In order to stabilize Italy as a great power and further improve relations, Marshal Chang did three things: Concessions:

First, an Italian will serve as the director of the management committee, and a Chinese will serve as his deputy;

Second, allow the Italian Navy and its affiliated forces to be permanently stationed - to put it bluntly, this means allowing marines and aircraft to be ashore and permanently stationed;

Third, it is agreed to establish a Chinese branch of the Blackwater Security Company, with a scale of no more than 3,000 people and capable of being equipped with artillery within 6 inches. It will be responsible for security patrols in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. It will be called a special zone guard but not an army. The Guangzhou government army will be responsible for the outside and borders of the special zone. law and order;

Fourth, judicial matters within the special zone are handled by the Ministry of Industry and Industry Bureau of the special zone and reported directly to the Ministry of Justice of the Guangzhou Government and are not subject to the jurisdiction of the Guangzhou provincial and county levels.

After receiving these concessions, Fatty An also repaid Marshal Chang in other ways after asking the United States for instructions:

First, support Chang Da-shuai as the chairman and take charge of the Guangzhou government, implying that they will not support other factions - those north of the Yangtze River do not count;

Second, modelly implement the regulations and laws of the Guangzhou government, and do not allow Communists to stay, but do not use force to eliminate the Communists, just send them out of the country;

Third, subsidize Chang Da-shuai's military expenses of 6 million oceans, which is considered as the special zone paying taxes in advance - the special zone's taxes are now calculated until 1938;

Fourth, do not sell scrap steel to the Communists and rebels.

After such adjustments and layouts, the relationship between the Shenzhen Special Zone and the Guangzhou government has stabilized, and the relationship with the Hong Kong British authorities has also taken a step forward - at least everyone has a common reason to support Chang Da-shuai.

At this time, the raw silk agreement with Japan has also reached the first year of implementation: the price of crude oil has fallen terribly, only half of the peak period, and is about to enter the critical line of purchase and storage; and raw silk is even worse, only one-third of the peak price, and it seems to be falling further. Because crude oil is a hard demand, it may decrease, but it will still be used, while silk is a dispensable soft demand. Japan is not a joint group that will support the market. On the one hand, they cannot support it, and on the other hand, it is meaningless to support it - these must be exported, and they cannot be held in their hands.

The silk weaving factories in Shenzhen began to operate at a high speed. In the hands of Chinese workers, Japanese raw silk was turned into silk raw materials, which would be further transported to Italy for processing. There were three key points in the processing:

The first key point was to manufacture parachutes. With the continuous expansion of the Italian Air Force and United Airlines, the demand was increasing;

The second key point was silk pajamas. In order to alleviate the crisis of the fashion industry in Italy, Contini called on everyone to support domestic pajamas. The company provided a 30% sales subsidy. For the first time, many ordinary Italian working families enjoyed silk pajamas that were previously only available to the middle class. The women were very happy and shouted "Long live the president". The Italian fashion industry also thanked the United Group. Although the profits were greatly reduced compared to before and exports were basically finished, at least domestic sales could maintain their livelihoods - being alive was a victory;

The third key point was to sell to Chinese families in Libya. Wearing silk clothes in China is a symbol of the wealthy class. Generally speaking, there will be more in summer, but the weather in Libya is hot, and silk clothes are very useful. Chinese workers have bulged their pockets and broadened their horizons. They also caught up with the price reduction of silk. Why not make some? There are nearly 300,000 Chinese workers and their families in Libya, and buying one piece for five is a big business.

So the problem that most troubled the Italian silk industry was solved. Although the United Group provided a 30% subsidy for some products, because all raw silk was obtained from the United Group in exchange for oil, the overall calculation was basically no loss. The industry's jobs were saved, the workers got benefits, the company established its image, and the Chinese workers upgraded and lived a good life that they had never dared to imagine before. All aspects were very satisfied.

When the Italian business community discussed how to deal with the economic crisis, representatives of the silk and fashion industries made a clear statement: "It has to be the president! We only support the president!"

Then, the shipping industry, whose tankers were almost emptied, made the second statement: "We firmly support the president!"

Needless to say, the heavy industry and construction industry have long been fans of the president. The remaining printing and dyeing, ceramics, food, and processing industries all said that they have to be the president. Even more exaggerated are the representatives of the animal husbandry industry, because Contini has another clause in the 9-year compulsory education bill, which requires the government to provide leader-caring meals during class. It stipulates that every Italian middle school, elementary school, and kindergarten student must have at least one bottle of milk every day. At the same time, the United Group will pay for free to provide leader-caring food (must be Italian-made baby milk powder) to families implementing family planning (more than 2 children), calling for "making 15 million Italian teenagers strong", which has made them excited and crazy - is it fair that the president does not sit in this position?

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