Mediterranean hegemon

Italy, here I come Chapter 36 Small Team (2)

After getting Antonio's full help and relieving other worries, Contini was in a good mood. He went to the newspaper office early the next morning. Everyone cheered. Even Poti, who had not been seen for a long time, rushed over sleepily after hearing the news. The newspaper office was immediately packed to capacity.

After a round of greetings, looking at Poti's playful smile, Contini asked the others with a straight face: "I have been away for more than a month. How many times has the deputy president who is in charge of the daily work of the newspaper office come here?"

The people around looked at Contini and then at Poti. They wanted to say but didn't dare to say it, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh: To be honest, it's okay to ask Poti to do anything, but you can count on this young man to do it every day. Don't even think about staying at the newspaper office and not going out... When Contini first left, Poti would come around every day, but then he slacked off. By December, he didn't even show up for a day. It was a big deal to make a phone call to ask about the situation. .

When Bo Ji saw something was wrong, he quickly defended himself: "Well, I'm here almost all the time. Work has not been delayed. You can see that the newspaper is publishing normally, the distribution is also normal, and the sales volume has increased significantly. This..."

"Do you know who wrote yesterday's editorial and what was written?"

Now Bo Ji is gone. How can he remember what the editorial was yesterday? He hasn’t read Youth Daily in five days! According to the specifications set by Contini, after all the samples have been submitted, the president must sign for approval. Basically, the review and signature cannot be entered until 10 pm every day. In Contini's absence, the vice president Bo Ji will naturally be in charge, but during this time Poti didn't know where to go to have fun for a long time, so how could he have the heart to sign? Besides, with his brain, he doesn't know how to review it if he is asked to sign it. He just writes his name in a hurry and leaves, which doesn't play a role in checking at all.

So Poti also knew what was going on and simply delegated all the signing power to deputy editor Verratti (Editor-in-Chief is concurrently served by Contini), and delegated financial signing power to Leo, who was only responsible for solving the newspaper situation. He doesn't know about the actual operation of the problem and doesn't care about it at all.

When he heard others talking about these situations, Contini's face darkened and he yelled at Poti: "You bastard! I'll beat you to death for this ignorant guy... How did you promise me in the first place?"

"Boss! Big brother! I was wrong, I was wrong..." Poti said that he was one year older than Contini, but in his heart he regarded Contini as his eldest brother. When he saw that he was angry, he quickly begged for mercy and said Get on the horse and surrender.

"Today is Christmas Eve. I'm going to punish you by decorating the joint party tonight and preparing the Christmas gifts. If even one person here is dissatisfied, I will blame you later! By the way, you have to pay for it yourself, and you are not allowed to go to the public account of the newspaper!"

Poti looked sad and didn't dare to mutter anything. In fact, he had just rushed over because he hadn't seen Contini for a long time and wanted to chat. Secondly, he wanted to ask what happened to the 400,000 lire he had paid out. Now he has not seen the money. , he was immediately scolded, which made him look disgraced, and the girls next to him couldn't help but laugh.

Just as he turned around, Contini stopped him again and threw a check into his hand: "Hurry up and be serious!"

Poti was originally crying, but suddenly he looked at the long string of zeros after the lira number on the check. He thought he was dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes and counted carefully, it was a full 1 million! His eyes immediately shone with excitement, and he jumped up happily and shouted: "Brother, you are great, you are really my dear brother!" Then he ran away in a flash, and when he looked back he did not forget to say: "Dear classmates, at 6 p.m. It’s the same spot, I’ll definitely come! See you there!”

A bunch of people laughed again. This is Poti's virtue, that is, the president manages him obediently and doesn't dare to have any temper.

Deputy editor Verrati said something fair after Poti left: "Actually, Mr. Poti is not a bad person. He has done a lot of other things. He never shirks when we need help. In fact, the matter of reviewing samples is actually He’s not good at it, let alone managing finances, we all know that.”

"Actually, I also know that he is not good at it, but since I decided to let him take charge of it, he also vowed to be responsible. Even if he is not good at it, he must work hard. Dear students, although the newspaper office is a temporary one during our time in the alliance, The stage, but I still hope to develop and manage him for a long time as a souvenir of our youth after graduation." Contini smiled, "Besides, this kid Poti is habitually naughty. If you don't hit him, it will be a big deal."

The logistics provided by Bo Ji are quite good. Not only was the banquet beautifully decorated, but all high-end goods were used. The dishes and snacks were even more dizzying. Each participant received a gift. The male student received a three-piece men's suit - a tie, a belt, and a wallet. The female students also received a gift, including a silk scarf and a sterling silver gold-plated The brooch and a bottle of perfume are all from the Prada brand. Although they are not customized, they can be considered mid-range goods among the upper class.

Contini teased him: "You're wearing Prada, how much kickback did you get?"

"I'm just familiar with this brand. It's not easy to buy everything in bulk. Not only did they have the goods, they also gave me a 20% discount. Who would I choose if I didn't choose Prada? As for the rebates..." Poti said bitterly, "Brother, it's all mine. It’s okay to pay for it out of your own pocket, is it interesting to get a kickback?”

Contini patted him on the shoulder: "Well done, I think expensive work is best for you."

Poti looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Then his expression returned to normal. He smiled and went back to arrange the party program - Contini had made him 600,000 lire in one month. It didn't matter if he got scolded a few times and got some blood. ? He still has this magnanimity.

Oliver on the side laughed and said, "You made him spend a lot of money this time. I estimate that the party and gifts will cost at least 100,000 lire."

Contini smiled and said, "You have to make him bleed... Otherwise, this kid doesn't know what's good for him. Mr. Grandini asked him to follow me, not to let him play with me, but to hope that I can guide him. I have to pretend to be a disciplined person."

"It seems that you made a lot of money in Germany?"

Contini nodded, "Indeed, a lot. I took nearly 800,000 US dollars with me. I made about 2 million by speculating with others. Before Boti left, he partnered with 400,000 lire, and I paid him 1 million..."

Oliver took a breath of cold air, and his heart was really itchy: he took care of the whole process of speculation last time, and this time he felt empty in his heart when he was watching from the sidelines. However, he knew that such a large sum of money would definitely go through Contini's family, and it would be impossible for him to take care of it. He was not jealous of the other party's money, but regretted that he did not participate in this speculative feast.

Contini saw his disappointment and said with a smile: "I want to introduce a job to you. I wonder if you are willing?"

"You said..."

"My family has opened United Motors, and then we plan to open a civil aviation company in a while. I would like to ask you to sort out the industrial planning, business plan and capital operation. Your talent cannot be wasted in the speculative market."

"Okay!" Oliver's eyes lit up and he agreed, but then he was a little nervous, "The responsibility is so big, I'm afraid I can't do it."

"It doesn't matter, learn more and watch more. No one can do it when they are born. You are a top student in finance. I believe there is nothing you can't learn."

"I will definitely do my best."

"I forgot to tell you that since it is inconvenient for my father to come forward, I will hold the title of chairman of these two companies. The general manager will select professional managers from the family. I will arrange the title of assistant general manager for you, so you don't have to be too stressed."

"Thank you, thank you!" Oliver was overjoyed. The position of assistant general manager is generally considered a senior level. Contini directly gave it to him. It can be seen that he values ​​him very much.

But he thought about it and added: "Can those two companies arrange for someone else?"

"Do you have any classmates to recommend?"

"No, I mean..." Oliver looked around and saw that no one heard him, and whispered, "I mean Verratti, he is also looking for a job. I think he is very capable and down-to-earth."

Contini was surprised: "He doesn't want to work in the newspaper?"

"Yes, of course, but he also has difficulties. His family is not well off, and his family expects him to support the family immediately after graduation."

"It's okay to work in the newspaper. I will pay them a salary after graduation."

"But he doesn't think so. He knows that the newspaper is not only not making money but also losing money. He thinks that it is all dug out from you. If he accepts your salary again, it will bring greater financial pressure to the newspaper. He knows that you may not care about this because you are rich, but this feeling may not be good for him..."

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