Mediterranean hegemon

Italy, here I come Chapter 38 The Leader Invites (1)

On the last day of 1922, Contini was writing a New Year's greeting for the Youth newspaper in the newspaper office. Suddenly, old Ciano called and said that the leader wanted to see him and asked him to go to the Prime Minister's office immediately.

"The leader wants to see me?" Contini asked suspiciously, "What does he want?"

"He didn't say it clearly, but it seems that he wants you to write an article."

"Doesn't he have a secretary? Why did he come to me? Besides, the leader's writing skills are not bad?"

Old Ciano smiled bitterly: "I don't know why, maybe the article you wrote last time is very much to his taste, this time I have to ask you to find a way. You go to see him quickly, do it if you can, and I will find a way to mediate if you can't. I have another meeting later, so I won't go with you."

Before 9:30, Contini appeared at the door of the Prime Minister's office. Cesare Rossi, Mussolini's confidant and director of the Prime Minister's Office, immediately ushered him into the office. Until then, Contini was still confused and didn't know why he was called. Although he was doubtful, when he met Mussolini, he not only saluted respectfully, but also specially sent New Year greetings - a Patek Philippe watch brought back from Switzerland.

Mussolini was not yet 40 years old, and was in the prime of his life. In addition, he had just gained power and was full of passion for work. He had endless energy and was far from being as lazy as he would be in the future. When he saw Contini coming, he poked his head out of the thick pile of documents, nodded to signal the other party to sit down, and then glanced at the watch, his eyes lit up, and said in an apologetic tone: "Wait for me for two minutes, let me finish reviewing this report first."

Two minutes later, Mussolini walked to Contini with a smile on his face. The latter was about to stand up, but was held down by the other party: "Sit down, we shouldn't be so polite."

Before Contini could speak, Mussolini said in an approving tone: "I saw the report, it's very good! I don't I fully agree with your views on the Italian aviation industry and the independent air force, and I also require all departments to learn this down-to-earth work style. "

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, it is the report of the Ministry of Aviation. Mr. Douhet said that you wrote it all. I took a look at the writing style and it is also your usual style. So I think he has a good vision to hire you as the assistant to the Minister of Aviation."

"You are flattering, leader." Contini asked, "I heard that you have a job for me to do?"

"Don't worry about the work, let's chat..." Mussolini put on his signature smile, "I heard that you opened a motorcycle factory? Are you also planning to start civil aviation?"

"I personally like motorcycles, and I think there is a market for promoting motorcycles in Italy at present I mainly inspected aviation enterprises in Germany this time. I also inspected vehicle enterprises for the Ministry of Transport and introduced a good vehicle design from BMW. I plan to enter the motorcycle industry based on this. As for civil aviation... "Contini smiled, "First, I was inspired by the establishment of civil aviation in Britain, France and Germany. Second, it can be regarded as a political achievement project in transportation. Third, it is an explanation to my teacher. I am also a supporter of air supremacy. "

Mussolini nodded: "It is always good for young people to be willing to take risks and work hard. You impressed me deeply. My achievements at your age were far worse than yours. "

"No, no, if I can achieve one percent of the leader's achievements in the future, I will be very happy. "

"Why do you learn from those political leaders? Why do you say such insincere words? Your father is a minister, so you can't be a minister? Maybe you can be prime minister in another 20 years... We will always be old! "

"No, no, no, the leader can at least lead Italy for 50 years... I plan to follow the leader to seek some development for the country and myself, and make some contributions to the Italian people. I dare not hope to be the prime minister. I will be satisfied to be a minister and serve the people. "

Mussolini laughed. He didn't believe that he would continue to lead for 50 years. He would be 90 years old at that time. He doubted whether he could live to such an old age. However, it seemed too early for him to hand over power in 20 years - he was only 60 years old at that time, which was still the golden age for politics. But anyway, Contini's flattery was very good. He was very happy to hear it and thought it was much better than those cheap flattery and praise.

"I will come to support your motorcycle company and civil aviation company when they open. In addition, I have also approved the report on purchasing idle air force aircraft as civil aviation equipment. Considering that you have not only found a place for retired military equipment, but also found a way out for some officers and soldiers, I, as the prime minister, naturally have to express my gratitude. I agree to give you all those old fighter jets and training planes. The machine guns on them do not need to be removed. I will also give you a batch of other infantry light weapons for internal guards... In addition, you just gave me a New Year's gift, so I will give you one too. The army sold the abandoned airport in the suburbs of Rome to You are all good. "

The report on purchasing idle aircraft of the army and absorbing some retired soldiers to join the civil aviation was submitted together with the German inspection report. Contini considered using more than 10 million liras to take back all the nearly 300 obsolete bombers currently idle in the army. In addition, he also applied for a large number of fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, training aircraft and infantry light weapons (mainly rifles and pistols, no machine guns) on the grounds of establishing an aviation club, a youth aviation training school, and internal security. The army readily agreed to the first request. They were also worried about how to deal with this batch of junk. Of course, they were overjoyed when they heard that someone was willing to accept it.

As for the latter request, the Minister of War fully agreed, but there was no precedent for selling weapons and equipment to civilians. Although the Fascists and the Blackshirts were equipped with weapons, that was a special case. Now it was theoretically reasonable for United Airlines and its affiliated agencies to apply for weapons, and old Ciano's face had to be given, but it was still a precedent of some size, so he wrote a note on the report: Agree to the purchase, please let the Prime Minister make the final decision.

Seeing that Mussolini's intention now was to give it away without even paying the money. As for the airport, Contini was still thinking about how to ask for it - whether to rent or buy, there must be a foothold. This piece of land, not to mention the buildings attached to it, even a piece of white land starts at 5 million lire. Unexpectedly, Mussolini easily dismissed it with 1 million lire in one sentence, and he immediately became alert.

First, he agreed to support the event, then agreed to the request for establishment, and also gave away a batch of equipment for free - although it was tattered, arms were arms after all, and not just anyone could get them. In addition, he added an airport at a nearly bargain price - although the land in the suburbs of Rome was not expensive, it was not cheap either. Contini had visited the airport, which covered an area of ​​40 hectares, enough for the needs of civil aviation in the next 20 years. There must be something fishy behind such a good thing!

However, he had to admit that Mussolini was powerful, and he saw the key to civil aviation: the airport! In addition to the airport facilities that actually undertake aircraft takeoffs and landings, the corresponding supporting logistics bases and aviation towns all rely on airports. Without an airport or if the airport is not under the control of the company, it would be too difficult to run civil aviation, which would be equivalent to working for the airport continuously. In the future, there may be many civil aviation companies in Italy, but there cannot be many airports. Whoever controls the airport controls the routes and the future.

To this end, Ciano Sr. enclosed more than 100 hectares of land in Milan, saying that it was for the use of the motorcycle industry. In fact, motorcycles don't need so much, and the rest is all needed to build the Milan airport. In addition to Rome and Milan, Contini also plans to enclose land to build airports in Turin, Naples, Florence, Venice, Genoa, Catania, and Cagliari - these are all heavy assets!

Contini is not afraid of the remote location of the airport. What does the old man do in the Ministry of Transportation? When the time comes, just open up roads and public transportation - of course, in the first 10 years, as long as there are roads, almost all customers who can take a plane will have a car!

Sure enough, Mussolini spoke soon...

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