Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 11: Meeting with the Pope (1)

Matteotti and the Socialist Party lost momentum after being hit by the unconstitutional case because they privately contacted Donadoni, who had resigned and returned home. The latter told them angrily that the money transaction had been discovered. Now, the United Group has clear evidence, and he suspects that someone within the Socialist Party has leaked the news. This news scared the Socialist Party and did not dare to act rashly. After all, the evidence in the Constitutional Court trial is just general interference and administrative pressure. If this evidence is revealed, there is no guarantee that Mussolini will not use it as an article to launch an attack on the Socialist Party. Compared with the great purge of 2016, the current state and situation are slightly better.

The Socialist Party's refusal to boycott meant that the gap between Mussolini and the Holy See was beginning to be filled. However, due to Mussolini's radical anti-pope attitude when he was young, he had doubts about taking this step first. At this time Contini will do his part to act as a front-guard to meet the Pope.

The conflict between the Pope and the Italian government is not against Mussolini, but is actually a legacy of history from ancient times: in the 8th century AD, the leader of the Franks who ruled Italy at the time, Pepin the Short, captured the original Byzantium of Ravenna. The viceroyalty was handed over to the Pope in exchange for the Pope's support for the Frankish Empire. This measure was known as the "Pepin Donation" in history. This measure constituted the original source of the territory of the Papal States.

In the following thousands of years of history, these territories continued to change with the changing forces of religion, secularity, nobility, and imperialism. The peak period of the territory was the Middle Ages. With the awakening of modern national consciousness and the establishment of independent nation-states, the territory of the Papal States began. gradually shrink. However, no matter whether it is expanding or shrinking, the territory of the Papal States is not a political entity in the complete sense. It is just a collection of several territories headed by the Pope, including a series of fiefs, fiefs, city-states, free cities, etc. Instead, In other words, it does not have the national characteristics of a modern country.

With the rise of the Italian nationalist movement, especially the gradual unification of the Savoy dynasty, the contradiction between the Papal State and the Italian secular government intensified. The so-called Garibaldi Revolution actually revolutionized the life of the Papal State to a large extent. By 1870, since the territory of the Papal State had basically been integrated into the Kingdom of Savoy (Italy was unified in 1871), the Papal State's power existed in name only, with only the Vatican, Lateran and Castel Gundarfo remaining under its jurisdiction. However, the Pope at that time Pius IX refused to accept the agreement of the Italian government's Holy See Guarantee Law, that is, he did not recognize the status quo that the Papal State had lost all its territory, which limited the secular power of the Catholic Church in Rome, collectively known as the "Rome Question."

(ps: There are so many issues about the Papal States that one could write a monograph. The entanglement between political power and theocracy, religion and secularity constitutes a long picture of the entire European Middle Ages. Students who are not studying this period can easily be confused, because it contains There are many seemingly conclusive evidences and documents that are actually forged by later generations. It is difficult to distinguish them clearly. Even the classic "Cambridge History of the Middle Ages" has many wrong views and arguments. The original version is like this, and the mainland The translated version has more flaws. At least I have never seen an amateur history enthusiast who can completely understand the situation during this period. If you are confident in your historical research ability, I suggest you take the challenge. I solemnly remind you. : Learn a little Latin first, and then learn a little French and Greek. It may be easier to pass the test.)

This problem became a problem that every new pope had to face when he succeeded to the throne, and it remained unresolved for half a century. Pius XI succeeded to the throne as pope in 1922. Unlike previous popes, he was not only a native of Milan, but also served in the church for many years. He witnessed with his own eyes the development of Italy's unification and the aspirations of the people. He believed that the Papal State should be restored to its former glory. With authority and secular power out of the question, it hoped to normalize relations with the Italian government.

Mussolini also hoped that Fascist could merge the forces of the Italian Catholic Party, and at the same time normalize the relationship between the Italian government and the Holy See, which would help improve his prestige, so he also had the urge to take reform steps. A new pope and a new prime minister both want to gain personal capital from this "normalization of relations" agreement, and Contini happens to act as a communication bridge.

This bridge is not so easy to serve as. First of all, the person must have reputation and energy, but not have excessive political baggage. In the past, Italian politicians wanted to make breakthroughs, but they all worried about their own political future. If he dares to go too far, Contini already has national reputation after the outstanding performance of the United Group and the unconstitutional case of the Socialist Party, but he is not yet a political figure, and it is far from damaging public opinion and prestige - poor Socialist Party and Mateo Ti served as a stepping stone for Contini;

Secondly, this person must have a good relationship with the Pope and the Italian government in power. The Ciano family is a long-established noble family, considered a family in the Papal State circle. Now they serve as cabinet ministers in the Italian government and belong to Mussolini. Hardcore confidants, both parties can recognize this relationship;

The last and most important point is that a suitable opportunity is needed, and this opportunity happens to be provided by Contini. His article "Frustration and Inheritance" not only clarifies academically the integration between the Italian nation, history and the Pope, but also the secret of the integration. It is an inseparable relationship, and it also illuminates a new historical period politically. It is incorrect to continue to maintain this rigid inherent logic between the Pope and the Italian government. The last sentence of his article is quite the finishing touch - "The Pope and the Italian government The fact that the Italian government is so close geographically (all in Rome) and so far away emotionally does not meet the needs of historical inheritance nor the religious sentiments of the 40 million people in Italy. It is time for a complete change and solution!”

This sentence happens to be acceptable to both parties.

On July 15, Contini visited the Vatican as a temporary diplomatic representative of the government. In fact, the Vatican is located northwest of Rome. Going to the Vatican from the "Youth" newspaper office is closer than going to the Rome base in the suburbs, but the meaning is different. .

After arriving at the Vatican, the person who came to greet Contini was Peter Gaspari, Secretary of State of the Holy See. He first welcomed Contini's arrival in the manner of a formal meeting between sovereign states and introduced other acquaintances to him. Cardinal, and then there is the ceremony of formally visiting Pope Pius XI.

Contini was worried about what kind of trouble this ceremony would cause, because according to classical teachings, it is considered a great honor for believers to be allowed to kiss the dirt on the pope's shoes when they visit the pope, but Contini knew that this would be a great honor. It is absolutely impossible. Of course he believes in Catholicism, but it is impossible for him to accept it in his heart. Even if he accepts it, he cannot act because he is currently on a mission on behalf of the Italian government, even if this title is temporary. Nor can we kowtow to the Pope. Otherwise, where will the Italian government's face be?

However, Pius XI did not give Contini such great embarrassment. He laughed at the first sight: "Calais, I haven't seen you for a long time. The last time I saw you was after you were born. On the day you were baptized, you were crying and fussing, and your voice was very loud, but at the moment of baptism, you actually fell silent and showed a holy smile. I knew you would achieve extraordinary things in the future..."

Contini bowed: "Thank you for your great love to me, Your Majesty. I didn't know such a thing existed... Prime Minister Mussolini entrusted me to convey his respect to you!"

Seeing him bowing and saying "Your Majesty", the other popes were greatly relieved. If this young man shook hands directly or performed other courtesy, it would lose too much face. Bowing is a way to show respect after all, which means The talks between the two sides will get off to a good start...

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