Mediterranean hegemon

Chapter 20 Roman Holiday (2)

Contini said with a guilty conscience: "You are new and old, she is still a child!"

Adriana said bitterly: "The child will grow up eventually. At that time, you were in your prime, but we were old..."


"Stop talking, we all understand!" Adriana smiled, "This is fate, it is not something you and I can resist easily, and you can't refuse easily, right? Otherwise, you would waste your busy time and not work hard on your career. But playing with a 13-year-old girl just because she is the leader’s daughter?”

Contini was speechless!

"Don't cry sadly, be happy, the little girl is very sensitive." Adriana comforted Contini in turn, "It's okay if you have us in your heart, we don't value that status - there is no feeling in the heart, there is a status It’s no use, it doesn’t matter if you have feelings in your heart! Do you feel the same way about her as you do about us?”

"No, no, no!" Contini thought, how could it be the same? Ada is still a child...

"It's over now! Who can say what will happen in the future?" Adriana covered her mouth and smiled, "So we have to build a good relationship with her. Maybe talking to her will be more effective than talking to you in the future. This is foresight. I believe we still have it. We understand your ideals and goals, and we can sacrifice for everything in the end!”

"You call me so cold."

"I've seen this happen before. Not to mention the prime minister and ministers, it's the same with the mayor and director... All the people in the officialdom who can stick to love are dead!"

Contini shook his head helplessly: A woman's thoughts and emotions are too complicated. This is not something he can analyze thoroughly. He should just pretend to be stupid. At least the idea he came to the radio station on the first day was right, and it will save him a lot of trouble in the future. !

"Brother Calais, the radio station is really fun. Can I work in the radio station when I grow up?"

Contini touched his nose awkwardly, pointed at Vivian and Adriana, and said, "As long as they think you can do it, there's no problem!"

Vivian smiled secretly: How skilled does one have to be to lead three people without overturning the car? However, he said with a pun on his face: "No problem, you will be the best and most suitable person in the future!"

Ada blinked in confusion. She didn't know why this beautiful sister was so sure, but she still responded politely: "Thank you for your confirmation, I will work hard."

One and a half months passed by in a blink of an eye, and it was time to start school again. Contini sent Ada back to Mussolini. As for the school, there was no need for him to arrange it. The Minister of Education had already arranged it in a hurry. In order to deceive others, a series of identities were deliberately concealed.

"Baby, it looks like you had a lot of fun this summer?"

"Yes, Brother Calais took me to a lot of interesting places. In addition to the famous places of interest in Rome, he also took me to see many unusual things."

Mussolini raised his eyebrows: "For example?"

"He took me to the "Youth Daily" newspaper office and let me see how newspapers are edited, decided and published; he also took me to the national radio station and let me meet my two sisters Vivian and Adriana. ——No, they also gave me a gift," Ada said in an excited tone, "I also went to the United Group base outside Rome to visit paratrooper training and observe flying stunts. He also asked Brother Poti to take me. It circled in the sky, but he drove too hard, and I was a little scared. But Uncle Golin flew the plane very smoothly. He took my brother Calais and me to Milan, and even went around the place where I used to live. Three laps later, all the other friends were on the ground greeting me..."

Mussolini knew who Poti was, but he didn't know who Göring was, so he subconsciously asked: "Who is Göring?"

"A German is the fighter ace of the Luftwaffe in the last war. He has shot down many planes. But now he has switched to flying transport aircraft and is working for United Airlines. Apart from him, there are many Germans in the United Group, many of whom are even dragsters. Brother Calais likes to use the word German, whether Czech, Austrian or German. He says that they are more disciplined and serious than Italians, but they are a bit rigid. However, I think Italian workers are not as good as he said. Not bad. Everyone was very polite when they saw me, and I ate a lot of delicious food from all over the world. Well, I felt like I was getting fat..."

Mussolini nodded. He had heard that there were many Germans in the United Group. Now it seemed that they were not only Germans, but also Czechs and Austrians. This was in line with his usual expectations.

"I also visited the Roman Samurai Club and saw a lot of guns, but I was too timid to touch them... There were many people learning and playing around in the entire base, and some were learning to fly airplanes. Some of the techniques were really too good. It’s terrible, they are flying crookedly in the air like they are drunk. I am worried that they will fall while flying.” Ada tilted her head and recalled flying the plane again, “Brother Calais can also fly. But his skills are not as good as those of Bo Ji. Of course, I think they are pretty good. I took a lot of photos with airplanes, but they were all on the ground.”

"By the way, father, I also went to Milan and visited the Milan base of the United Group. Watching the assembled motorcycles continuously coming out from the conveyor belt, it felt so magical." Ada gestured excitedly , "I also tried to drive a motorcycle, but it was difficult to control. Brother Jia Lai drove the motorcycle superbly. He could even drive on one wheel and perform various stunts. This is better than Bo Brother Ji needs to be strong!”

“The electric train in Milan was just completed two days ago, and I was one of the first passengers to experience it. It was really fast and good. I never knew that trains could run so fast, and there was no unpleasant smell of soot at all. It was spotlessly clean, and the carriage I was traveling in was reserved for the management. It was not only equipped with leather sofas, but also had fragrant coffee and snacks served in the morning and evening. I thought it would be a pleasure to work there. Very strict, but sincere to the workers.”

The electric train Ada mentioned is actually the Milan Base Line invested and built by Contini. It starts at the Milan Railway Station and ends at the Milan Base. It is 27.8 kilometers long and is laid on standard tracks. However, it does not use traditional steam locomotives, but elevated ones. The electric locomotive technology for power transmission and the entire set of equipment are imported from Germany. The train has a total of 2 locomotives at one end and one at the end, driving 16 carriages. The average speed is as high as 76 kilometers per hour and the maximum speed can be 95 kilometers, which is far faster than ordinary passenger trains. and city trams.

These 16 carriages are usually a combination of 12 passenger carriages and 4 freight carriages. They are responsible for commuting and transportation between the Milan base and downtown Milan, and can basically achieve a round trip once an hour. In the city of Milan, we drive at three times every morning at 7, 8, and 9, and it takes about 20 minutes to arrive at the base for work. In the evening, we leave again at 5, 6, and 7 to pick up workers back to the city. In addition, there is another one at 10 p.m. An overtime bus corresponds to workers who work overtime. The departure frequency on holidays is generally the same as usual, but the morning and evening departures are slightly reduced, and the noon departures are increased.

The entire dedicated line has established a close connection between the Milan base and Milan city. According to Contini’s vision, this route can be extended in the future and connected with the Milan subway to become a dedicated transportation line for the Milan satellite city. United Group Milan The base will become the core of this satellite city - now the infrastructure of the entire town has begun to take shape, all kinds of living needs can basically be met, the population is also slowly increasing, and United Real Estate is even considering developing real estate projects For the citizens of Milan. As for the cost of building and operating the railway, it will be easily amortized in the future.

Mussolini really doted on Ada. He patiently listened to everything she said, and expressed his opinions from time to time. At the end, he interjected: "What do you think of Brother Calais?"

"Very good, he treats me really well!" Ada said innocently, "He also said that he hopes I will study hard in the new school. If I get good grades, he will take me to the United States next summer. ! Go on those luxury cruises! He also revealed to me that one day United Group will build a blue ribbon award-winning luxury cruise ship for Italy. If he succeeds, the ship will be named after me - I know he He was trying to make me happy, but I didn’t expose him!”

As she spoke, she couldn't help but giggle.

Mussolini also laughed: he believed that Contini was telling the truth. In terms of money-burning ability, no one in Italy could match this young man!

This sentence was enough for Mussolini. On September 11, the Prime Minister's Office issued an order that Dai Wiki became the governor-general of Somalia.

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