Meeting The Ceo In The Future

Chapter 14 - The agreement

He lifted her chin up and looked in her eyes and asked

' Didn't you loved me?'

That's when Itsumi's senses came back to reality.

'Oh hahaha, t..the wrong p...person, You got the wrong person, I'm s....s..sorry but I..I t...think I n....need to leave', she said, stammering as she pushed herself out of the washroom.

Jeng gazed after her and smiled and smirked,

'Her nervous stammering habit is still the same'

Itsumi stumbled out of the bathroom , huffing and just recollecting what happened in the washroom.

' I'm sure he got the wrong person, but..', she couldn't help but blush a little bit when she thought about it.

How Jeng's fingers touched her cheeks and how he looked in her eyes.

Her eyes twinkled when she thought about it but snapped as soon as she saw him coming out of the bathroom.

She ran down the stairs in her long black pencil heels and went in the ballroom and acted like nothing had happened as she went and sat on the one of the bar stools again.

She looked out on the entry as she saw Jeng coming in, not looking her way and just walked up to his Father, Ren and to Tsuki. He started talking to them and she saw Ren and Tsuki smiling to each other and then shaking hands. Ren patted his son on the back and Tsuki gave him a one arm hug as he had a whiskey glass in his hand. Jeng looked over at Itsumi and then proceeded over to one of the lavishly decorated tables and took out his phone and started typing something with his long fingers.

Itsumi blinked her eyes and looked back at her father and Ren and walked over to her father and stood near him, looking down and pouting.

Tsuki turned around to look at her and laughed,

' Why are you here with the old folks Itsumi, Go and talk to the people and get to know them.'

As he said this, Tsuki slurred a little and Itsumi understood that her father had already taken quite a lot of drinks.

She framed an awkward smile and said with a calm voice, ' Easy On the drinks old man, You don't want a headache tomorrow morning now do you?,It's a week day Dad.'

Itsumi squinted her eyes in surprise and said , ' Wait What? I didn't agree on anything yet Dad'

Tsuki frowned for a minute and then started chuckling,

' Don't pull my leg now Sweetheart, We all know what happened between You and Jeng, he came over and told us everything'

' What happened between me and who?! Nothing happened between us Dad! What are you saying? What did he tell you?' Itsumi exclaimed in horror.

' Jeng did say that you would act like this, That's why he told me not to tell you anything ' , Tsuki started laughing again , and lifted his glass of whiskey up and turned around and started chatting with his group again.

Itsumi visibly looked uncomfortable and bit her lips in frustration.

Her eyes were gazing on every person in the room to find the one she seeked for.

And there he was.

Standing, looking agitated as the younger ladies circled around him as vultures.

' Show offs ', Itsumi thought.

She pondered upon the options she had.

Either to confront Jeng right there or to talk to him in private.

She shaked her head and she took a deep breath and walked towards Jeng, trying hard and not thinking about what happened between them in the washroom a while ago.

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