Meeting The Ceo In The Future

Chapter 2 - The Day It All Started

Dizzy And Tired, Shini Tore slightly opened her eyes and placed her hand on her nightstand, feeling about for her phone.

'Okay, so this is unusual, Where is my phone?', She thought. 'I know that I keep it on my nightstand every single night.'

She rubbed her eyes and then opened them wide.

When she realised what was happening, she opened her mouth, dumbstruck.

'Oh my god...WHERE THE HELL AM I?!!', she screeched.

She scanned the room with her wide perplexed eyes and the bed she was sitting on.

A large king-size bed, with a red silk mattress on it that Shini, was grasping tightly with her hands as she felt insecure and unsafe.

The bed was surrounded with dazzling blue orchids and bright white and yellow daisies.

There were 2 doors, a cream coloured, facing towards the left and another, a deep maroon coloured, facing towards the right. There was a small yellow sofa on the left side of the room and a curvilinear armchair along with a beautiful veneer brown, floral and foliate coffee table alongside it. On the other side was a gleaming dressing table, stacked with perfumes and expensive accessories. Out front was A massive window, Outlooking dozens of The tallest buildings Shini had never seen.

Cautiously, Shini stood up from the bed and slowly walked toward the window, her eyes still scanning the room and her head-turning into every direction like a rabbit being afraid of the prey detecting of its existence.

'What is this place? Am I not in Japan Anymore? Was I abducted?', She wondered.

When she looked out of the window, She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

There were translucent lanes, and some automobiles with panels and antennas were hovering on top of it, They were hundreds to thousands of trees surrounding the buildings all around and the sky was a brilliant pink and blue.

But That's When Shini saw it.

The reflection on the glass looking back at her wasn't her's.

'This is a dream, this is a dream, This is just some foolish, brainless dream, And It's Not real.', She said.

She pinched herself and shrieked.

'THIS IS REAL! AM I POSSESSED??!', Shini exclaimed, panicking more than ever.

Suddenly, she heard something from behind the light cream coloured door.

She crept over to the door and again heard something.

It felt like water gushing and hitting to an object.

As she was standing in front of the door, the noise stopped and th door suddenly opened and a tremendously handsome young man stepped out.

He had no shirt on with just a towel wrapped around his legs.

Shini couldn't take it anymore and be about to scream. but suddenly the man covered her mouth with his large hands and pinned her on the wall.

Shini's spine got a shiver when he whispered in her eyes.

'Who is this?', was all that came in her mind.

She couldn't help but flush bright red as she looked at him.

The man looked at her and chuckled.

' All women are the same. Just a couple of Whores. ', And by saying this, he pushed her on the bed and walked out of the maroon door, leaving Shini to lay aghast on the bed.

' What just happened right now? Did this man just abuse me?.' She gritted her teeth in anger.

' But... Where am I? Was I kidnapped by that person? And Why am I in someone else's body? How is this possible? .' She pondered upon.

She looked over to the desk and saw a magenta diary kept on it.

Shini picked up the diary and flipped through the pages and then she saw something written on one of the pages.

I can't handle it anymore.

I wish I was never born.

I hate Him and I would rather die than live with him."



//To be continued

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