Meeting You Is My Simple Happiness

Chapter 432: He is the guest of award (1)

Chapter 432 He is the guest of honor (1)

"Qi Yi."

Ye Qiyi heard someone calling her name. She looked back and found that she was the producer of her new film. In front of everyone, Ye Qiyi nodded to Ye Mu politely, and evacuated Ye Mu's side.

Ye Mu's eyes quickly shifted. She looked at everything around her, as if looking for an acquaintance.

"We walked inside, standing here seems to be blocking the way." Ye Mu moved his hand in Mo Shen's palm and proposed.

Mo Shen nodded and led her to walk inside.

Not long after walking in, Ying Chen, who was talking with others, saw Ye Mu and walked over with a pleasant smile: "Sister Xiao Mu, you are here too."

"Yeah." Seeing Ying Chen, Ye Mu responded with a smile and nodded in response to him: "Where is Sister Ji, didn't Sister Ji come with you today?"

Ying Chen didn't care to answer Ye Mu immediately, his attention was placed on Mo Shen, and he greeted him politely.

"No, there seems to be something going on in the studio, she will come here later." Ying Chen turned his gaze back and told Ye Mu what he knew, and did not forget to congratulate Ye Mu: "I haven't had time to congratulate Xiao Mu this time. Congratulations to Sister Xiaomu for being nominated."

"Thank you, and congratulations." Ye Mu nodded and accepted Ying Chen's congratulations, and said naturally, "I heard Sister Ji said that you were also shortlisted for the best newcomer award."

Asking Ji An to tell Ye Mu the news, Ji An was very embarrassed and raised his hand and scratched his head: "I am not as good as Sister Xiao Mu, I may not get it."

"Everyone has opportunities, they are equal, and I have some confidence in myself." Ye Mu had no confidence in herself, but she persuaded Yingchen to have some confidence in herself.

Ying Chen just said hello to Ye Mu, and didn't delay Ye Mu's time much, saying a few words to leave first.

After Ying Chen left, Mo Shen asked, "Who is he?"

Hearing this big boy's tone, he seemed to be very familiar with Ji An.

"Sister Ji's son." Ye Mu carried Mo Shen on his back and continued walking inside, and she explained a few words in a steady tone.

Entering the venue, Ye Mu easily discovered the position of himself and Mo Shen. She didn't want to walk more, and she didn't want to stand more. In such a film festival, she knew very few people, rarely met acquaintances, and didn't need to stand up and say hello.

But Mo Shen sat next to her, which was destined to just sit there. Today, there are not only actors from various countries, but also celebrities from various countries, and many of these people have profound partners. From time to time, people came to say hello to Mo Shen, and Ye Mu sat beside Mo Shen, only smiling together.

"This film festival is quite suitable for Mr. Mo. There are Mr. Mo's acquaintances everywhere." When only two of them were left around, Ye Mu showed his white teeth and joked.

Mo Shen looked at Ye Mu and flicked her forehead: "They are all partners, you can also try to meet them."

It's not a bad thing to know more people who don't have a bad heart for Ye Mu.

Ye Mu didn't answer anything deep, and turned his eyes to the stage. Looking at the stage that hadn't started yet, Ye Mu suddenly realized that there was a question, and she hadn't asked it clearly.

"By the way, which award did my uncle give today?" Ye Mu only knew that he was the award-giving guest, and she didn't know what award was given.

"What are you asking this for?" Mo Shen didn't answer her immediately, but instead asked.

Ye Mu stared at Mo Shen with seriousness on his face: "Curious, is it possible that I can't know?"

Mo Shenqing shrugged, he thought that Ye Mu's memory would not have thought of asking this question. Originally, he was going to give Ye Mu a surprise, but now she took the initiative to ask, Mo Shen did not say, she should be able to guess.

"Best Actress." Mo Shenqing sighed, a little disappointed, but still spit out five words.

Ye Mu was taken aback. When Mo Shen asked her back, she felt a little strange, but she didn't expect that Mo Shen was actually giving this award. She looked at Mo Shen in surprise, and after hesitating for a while, she took the initiative to ask: "Really Is this award?"

"Yeah." Mo Shen didn't seem to be joking, and responded with a nasal sound.

Ye Mu's slightly widened eyes couldn't take it back. She rubbed her cheek with her hand, seeming to consume the news very hard: "What a coincidence..."

After she said these two words, she said nothing. The expression on his face was a bit dazed, as if thinking about something.

"Are you so surprised?" Ye Mu did not speak for a while, and Mo Shen raised his eyebrows to watch her ask.

"Yes..." Ye Mu answered honestly, but this was not the reason for her daze.

The space in the hall was filled one after another, the time was getting closer and closer to the award ceremony, and the number of invited people gradually increased. The whole hall was very lively.

After the award ceremony began, Gu Yiming looked around unconsciously. Ye Mu was sitting in the conspicuous first row, and Gu Yiming saw her easily.

Today's Ye Mu is very beautiful, whether it is clothing or makeup, there is an indescribable sense of freshness.

"What's the use of seeing? Even if you spend all your thoughts on her, she will not stay by your side." Ye Qiyi glanced at Gu Yiming. She didn't need to look more because she knew which direction Gu Yiming was looking in.

At the beginning, Gu Yiming focused on other women, and Ye Qiyi would be a little crazy. But gradually, there was a big deviation between the two getting along, and Ye Qiyi seemed to have become accustomed to the current way of getting along, even a little numb. For her and Gu Yiming's marriage, there is no expectation for them. Ye Qiyi may not get anything else in this marriage, but even if she makes herself painful like this, she is unwilling to fulfill Gu Yiming and others.

Gu Yiming heard Ye Qiyi's voice beside him, and glanced at her with a faint voice: "It's my wish to not look."

"Hehe." Ye Qiyi sneered twice, and Gu Yiming's remarks made her feel a little sarcasm.

His adaptability is really strong. In his heart, apart from the two marriage certificates, they should have nothing to do with each other. Even their lives are separate and have nothing to do with each other.

Ye Qiyi turned her head and stopped paying attention to Gu Yiming. She just said: "It doesn't matter to me what you think, but in front of other people, we are still husbands and wives. Please pretend to be a little bit like you."

Gu Yiming has other women outside, she can bear it without divorce, just look at other women more, she is angry on the spot before she is impulsive.

Ye Qiyi didn't watch the award ceremony seriously at all, and ended the dialogue with Gu Yiming. Her mind was buzzing, and countless unpleasant pictures played back like movies in her mind.

Ye Mu had been sitting in his own position, his eyes never deflected. She just sat there for a long time, her abdomen curled up there, a little uncomfortable, changing her posture from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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