"Then I'd rather die!" Tris looked at her brother who was sucking hard with her eyes full of shock, but a look of determination appeared on her face. She would be scared and wanted to live, but no one could make her give up her bottom line to survive, and the monster also no!

"Roar!" Looking at Tris who turned her head away, the monster became more and more angry. The arm holding Tris began to slowly exert force, making the bones of Tris's shoulders make a friction sound, as if it was planning to strangle Tris to death. !

"You idiot!" Daley was furious when he saw this, but he was very aware of Tris's stubborn temper. His thoughts quickly turned around in his mind, and then he grabbed the other breast and stuffed it into her. In his own mouth, it was like he was fighting for milk!

Sure enough, when Daley made this action, the monster slowly calmed down, and his expression when he looked at Daley was actually a little gentle, and then he threw Tris to the corner.

Looking at Tris who looked in pain but luckily not injured, Daley could only feel grateful that he usually loved watching the animal world!

In the world view of animals, especially beasts, it is not about feeding every cub, but about which cub is the most energetic and competitive. This kind of cub has a high survival rate!

In order to save Tris, Daley can only pretend to be the wild and energetic cub to please the monster!

"WTF! What the hell is this!" Just as Daley was crying for his life with tears in his eyes, Marcin's shocked voice came from the aisle.

"Roar!" When he noticed that there were other humans coming behind him, the monster who was enjoying breastfeeding suddenly became furious. After gently putting Daley on the ground, he stood up and rushed towards Marcin and the two!

"Shoot! Shoot quickly!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" Marcin, who was walking in front, raised his pistol and poured bullets at the charging monster with a look of horror.

However, the corridor was very narrow, and two strong men, Marcin and Harry, could not walk side by side. At this time, Marcin was blocking the front, and Harry behind him did not dare to shoot randomly for fear of accidentally injuring Marcin in front of him. Can yell, "Marcin, fall back!"

And this monster seemed to have seen human thermal weapons. It raised its huge palm to block its eyes and let the bullets hit its body. Although it splashed with blood, it was unable to cause fatal damage to the monster!

"Roar!" But the pain caused by the bullet made the monster start to run rampant. After letting out a roar, it suddenly accelerated its speed and stepped in front of Marcin in two steps. Then another sharp claw that almost reached the calf moved toward Marcin. He swung it away hard from his chest!

"Tsk!" Marcin felt a huge force coming, and his body flew backwards, hitting the floor heavily.

"Marsin!" Harry, who had retreated to the door of another house, grabbed the unconscious Marcin by the back of his collar and dragged him over.

"Poof!" Using the light of a flashlight, we could see that the clothing on Marcin's chest and abdomen, as well as the Kevlar fiber body armor he wore close to his body, had been slashed with three huge gaps, and blood spurted out from the gaps.

But fortunately, the bulletproof vest partially damaged the crotch, allowing Marcin to avoid being disemboweled, and his life is not in danger for the time being.

"Run!" On the other side, seeing the monster being led away by two gunmen, Tris quickly grabbed Daley who was vomiting crazily and fled towards the passage from where he came.

"Hurry up!" Tris pulled Daley and quickly ran to the basement. Just as she was about to go up, Tris with sharp ears suddenly heard heavy footsteps coming from upstairs again!

"No way! Is there anyone else?" Sister Tris wailed in their hearts, but they could only suppress the fear and fear in their hearts and hid in the basement. Daley found a wrench and prayed for the other party to leave quickly.

"Crunch! Crunch!" But contrary to expectations, the other party's footsteps walked around the upstairs and walked directly to the basement!

And just as a burly black figure walked out of the basement stairs, Daley, who was standing aside, swung the iron wrench with all his strength and hit the opponent on the head!

"Boom!" But the figure was too tall for Daley. The iron rod only hit the opponent's shoulder, making a metal collision sound, and the wrench was shaken and flew out.

"Huh?" Tris, who was about to throw a glass jar at the other party, suddenly found that the strong man in front of him, covered in black combat uniforms, looked familiar. Then he looked behind him and saw Levi's face. !

"Mr. Levi!" Tris squeezed away the ogre standing at the top of the stairs, rushed up and hugged Levi tightly, "Mr. Levi, I didn't expect you to come to save me again!"

"It's okay!" Levi looked at the emotional Tris and patted her on the back. He never expected that the two Tris siblings were so lucky. They had just escaped from Merlin's prey with their front feet, and their back feet He actually picked another hotel room with aberrations!

"Hannibal, please send them up first!" Levi used his mental strength to calm Tris's excited and complicated emotions, but the extremely tense Tris fell asleep directly in Levi's arms and had to let the food go. The human demon took the two siblings away first, and then walked inward along the passage.

After entering the house, Levi felt a very weak distortion of radiation energy. Going down the passage, Levi soon heard a clear sound of tearing and chewing.

"Poof!" Harry was lying in a pool of blood, with blood flowing from his mouth and nose. His chest had been torn apart by the monster in front of him, and it was constantly devouring his internal organs.

And the most frightening thing is that even though he has suffered such serious injuries, he cannot die immediately. Instead, he is conscious and feels the pain of his internal organs being eaten continuously!

Harry didn't know what was going on in the world. He thought it was a great achievement, but he encountered such a terrifying monster in front of him. His heart was filled with anger, regret, and infinite nostalgia for his wife and children.

"Huh?" But at this moment, Harry, whose eyes were covered with blood, vaguely saw a figure appearing behind the eating monster.

"Hi!" followed by the sound of skin and bones tearing. Before the monster could react, its head and spine were forcefully pulled out by the figure, and blood spattered!

"Boom!" Then, the head, which still maintained a terrifying expression, suddenly ignited with black and red high-temperature flames and merged into a ferocious bone axe, making Harry doubt the authenticity of this world again.

"Bang! Bang!" Under the influence of the mental force field, Harry and Marcin's heads were instantly crushed by Levi, which was considered a pleasure to them!

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