Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 128 The Demon Miles

And just after Margaux was swallowed by the White Queen and disintegrated by herself, in a luxury building in the center of San Francisco, a handsome young man was enjoying classical music with his eyes closed, but the next moment, the mobile phone in his pocket Suddenly there was a low humming sound of "didi-didi".

The man opened his eyes suddenly and quickly took out his mobile phone. When he found that the red "missing" alert was flashing on the screen of his mobile phone, a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face.

"Wow!" The man almost jumped up from the chair and strode towards the door. But when his hand had already grasped the handle, he suddenly stopped. His expression kept changing. After thinking for a long time, He sat back in his chair and dialed a number from the landline on the table.

"There is a situation at the vacation home. Find out the situation within two days!" After the man answered the phone, he gave the order in a serious tone.

Then he stood up a little irritably, looking down at the technologically advanced international metropolis below him, with an incomprehensible expression!

"Ahem!" On the other side, Chris and the others woke up one by one after being unconscious for half an hour. Several people touched their aching heads and looked at the surrounding mountains and forests that were approaching dusk. They felt a little confused for a while. Can't react to what happened.

After a few minutes, Drew picked up the wine bottles scattered around everyone and said with a somewhat uncomfortable expression, "Didn't we agree to go hiking? Why did you drink so much wine! Clay, are you? He made us suck dama together while we were drunk!"

Clay and Chris also felt a fragmentation in their brains. Clay looked at the homemade cigarettes on the ground, rubbed his eyes, yawned, and picked out one of the cigarettes on the ground with more than half of it left. cigarette, lit it for myself and started puffing away.

When Chris and the others were in a coma, Levi used mental power to modify each other's memories, erasing the memories about Margaux and the holiday home, and at the same time compiled the purpose of their camping trip.

"Let's go! It's getting late. We should go down the mountain and find a hotel in the town!" Drew packed up the garbage on the ground and threw it into the trunk.

The few people did not notice the slightest abnormality and got into the car listlessly and sat down. They did not notice that Drew and Hannah looked at each other with incomprehensible eyes.

But just a few days later, a gas explosion occurred in the apartment where Drew lived. Drew died on the spot, leaving no trace of his body.

However, Hannah postponed her graduate school enrollment and successfully passed the interview with Barbary Network Technology Company with excellent performance and became an algorithm engineer affiliated with the core department.

And just after Levi finished everything, he left directly. Although he knew that the mastermind behind the scenes would soon send someone to check the situation, he had no intention of staying there.

First of all, the man behind the scenes is very familiar with monitoring through various channels. The people he sends are most likely just peripheral pawns. Even if they are caught, they probably won’t be able to ask anything!

Secondly, the mastermind behind the scenes can use the power of demigods, which shows that the opponent's background and strength are not something that Li Wei can provoke at will!

"Huh? So today is Halloween already?" It was getting dark, and Levi drove dozens of kilometers to a small town called Haddonfield.

When he looked at the southern lights on both sides of the town's streets and the many children dressed in strange costumes, going in groups to beg for candies, he suddenly realized that today was already November 1st. It's Halloween!

Levi was not just wandering around, but under the guidance of the loom's soul, Miles was nearby in this direction, maybe even in this town!

"Michael Myers." Levi thought about the name and was quite confident that this person should be an aberration. Therefore, he had searched for this name around the world through the White Queen, looking for people who might have abnormal phenomena. people.

In the end, Li Wei discovered that there were only three people with this name worthy of attention.

First of all, the first one is a national congressman who is a lawyer, but the other person is over 70 years old and is often active on the TV screen, so it should be ruled out.

The second one was a 22-year-old NBA player. Although the opponent's body looked very strong, Levi didn't think that an aberrant body would play basketball.

The third one is the most suspect because his records were actually encrypted by the police! According to relevant records, this Michael Myers is a very perverted murderer.

When he was 6 years old, he killed his sister, sister's boyfriend and stepfather with a table knife!

It is said that when his parents found him, he was holding the bloody murder weapon and staring at the sky. The bloody and silent scene was strange and terrifying.

Although Miles committed a brutal murder, he was only a child of nearly 6 years old after all, and the police department and the government really didn't know how to deal with it.

After a long discussion, Miles was sent to a mental hospital. Despite the doctors' best efforts, the treatment had no effect at all. Miles just sat, still staring at the sky, for a full 15 years!

But on Halloween 15 years later, Miles, who had always been quiet, suddenly became violent and escaped from the hospital, going to hunt down his only relative in the world - his sister Laurie!

Although later, with the cooperation of many parties, it was confirmed that Myers was shot dead and his body was burned to ashes by the fire, but in the process, 106 people died at the hands of Myers! Two-thirds of them are police officers!

Therefore, this case was called the "Halloween Massacre" by the police department, and Michael Myers was called the "Man-Devil"!

"Could it be him?" Looking at the files showing that the case had been closed, and the case had been closed 40 years ago, Li Wei was very sure that the name woven by the loom was referring to this one. The devil Michael Myers!

Because the seemingly warm and peaceful town of Haddonfield in front of Levi is the hometown of Michael Myers!

"Stop! Detour!" After Levi drove along the road for a while, he found that on the edge of the town, in front of a house that had almost been burned to rubble, there were police cars and fire vehicles parked, and several police officers stood in front of it. Signal all passing vehicles on the side of the road to make a detour.

"Huh?" Although it was night and dozens of meters away, Levi still smelled a strong smell of blood from the burnt smell. He turned his head and looked towards the door of the burned-in ruins house. The ground was actually full of It’s the mangled body of a firefighter!

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