Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 138 Black Market Merchant and Baron

Tracey's father is named Huxley, who is engaged in transnational trade on the surface, but only his wife Ellie knows that Huxley's true identity is actually a black marketeer who specializes in serving wealthy groups!

The job of Huxley's black market merchants is actually to use various methods and means to satisfy the needs of wealthy people who are willing to spend a lot of money.

For example, if a rich man is willing to pay 100 million U.S. dollars to collect the Mona Lisa's smile, then the black market businessman who receives the demand will outsource the task for 20 million U.S. dollars. No matter whether the outsourcer steals or robs, as long as the task is completed, the black market Not only did the businessman earn 80 million US dollars in the middleman's price difference, he was also able to gain the friendship and trust of the rich man!

And Huxley himself started out as a black marketeer. He has been in this industry for almost 30 years. His strength, resources and reputation in the circle are very good, so there are many rich people looking for him!

Of course, being a black marketeer is also a pretty dangerous job.

First of all, most of the needs met by black market merchants are illegal in themselves. Not only is it easy to offend people, but if they are involved in some major events, they may be silenced by the buyers after the event is completed!

So every time he went out to deliver goods, Huxley would carry a very secretive and advanced signal transmitter with him. If he encountered an irresistible danger, he would send a special signal to Ellie to warn her to flee with her children. The safe house has been prepared long ago!

And just this afternoon, after Ellie received her children, she actually received the text message on her phone that she least wanted to see!

Therefore, Ellie did not return to her villa, but took Tris and Daley directly to the nearest apartment that Ellie had never been to.

What worries Ellie most is that the special nature of Huxley's work and identity prevent them from calling the police for help!

Tris, who also felt something was wrong, kept asking Ellie what happened and why the three of them hid in this apartment building instead of going home.

After learning the truth, Tris panicked and immediately thought of Levi and called him for help!

"Ms. Ellie, do you know Mr. Huxley's transaction partner and address?" Levi asked, knowing the ins and outs.

"In order to protect us, Huxley never told me the specific transaction objects and contents. I only know that he went to England this time!" Ellie shook her head.

"England?" Levi's heart moved. He happened to be traveling to England during this period, and the itinerary was very coincidental.

"Right!" Ellie seemed to remember something, opened the surveillance software on her phone, kept scrolling and rummaging, and soon found a video from her garage a week ago, and handed it to Levi, "But I guess The content of the transaction should be the box in the video! ”

In the video, I saw a black car driving into the garage, and the garage rolling shutter door closed on its own. A strong man wearing a peaked cap stepped out of the car, took out a half-person-high box from the trunk, and handed it to someone waiting nearby. of Huxley.

Levi paused the video. The box seemed to be made of brass, with various symbols engraved on it. There were also strange-looking human face patterns engraved on the front, back, left, and right sides. The overall look was exquisite and retro.

Moreover, there is a protruding accessory on the upper cover of the wooden box, which seems to be the box's opening device.

"Is this an antique?" Tris came over and took a look, wondering.

"It's possible!" Ellie herself was a little unsure, but the box looked old, and most wealthy people were also keen on collecting antiques, especially those that cannot be circulated privately by law!

Because it was in the video, Levi couldn't be sure whether the box was an antique or whether it involved extraordinary power.

And after the White Queen searched the Internet, she found no records similar or related to that box.

"Mr. Levi, I have no one else I can trust now!" Ellie sighed, her eyes firm, "If you are willing to help me, I am willing to give everything!"

In fact, Huxley had already said a long time ago that if something went wrong that day, Ellie must not think about rescue or revenge, but should hide herself and her family well and live in a low-key manner!

But no matter how many instructions Huxley gave, when things happen, people's emotional side will still make many irrational choices.

It’s just that as a housewife, Ellie doesn’t know who to ask for help!

"Ms. Ellie, don't worry! I happen to be going to England in the next two days, and I will definitely help you find out!"

"White Queen, have you found any clues about Huxley's itinerary?" After leaving Cuisi's house, Levi handed Huxley's relevant information to the White Queen.

"Master, at 12:30 yesterday afternoon, Huxley drove to Mullen's private parking lot 30 kilometers away, and at 1:45 pm, he boarded a Cessna X The private jet flew to England and inquiries revealed the plane was registered to a shell company."

"At 10:53 that night, the plane landed at a private airport in the southwestern suburbs of North Yorkshire, England; at exactly 11 o'clock, two black SUVs came to pick up Huxley, and their final destination was the airport. A private castle called Knox 55 kilometers away!”

"Private castle?" Levi frowned slightly. England has a long history, and those who are still eligible to live in private castles are mostly hereditary English nobles. These people are rich, powerful and well-established, and many of them have their own inheritance. Extraordinary family!

"Can you find out the identity of the owner of Fort Knox?"

"The owner of Fort Knox is a hereditary baron in England, and the contemporary baronet is Lady Marsdale." The White Queen posted a photo of a woman wearing a long dress, looking very elegant.

In England, if a noble with a hereditary title has no son, his or her daughter can inherit the title. This is not uncommon.

"Baron?" What made Li Wei frown was the other party's title.

Although almost everyone knows that the nobility in England include dukes, marquises, earls, viscounts and barons, the five levels are not awarded to members outside the royal family. The only ones that can be awarded to outsiders are barons, knights and lords!

In other words, Mrs. Marsdale is a royal noble!

"And this, Mrs. Marsdale's body has some serious problems that modern medicine cannot cure or even detect." The White Queen called out dozens of confidential test reports from the Royal Hospital of England. The earliest one The first report was from July last year, and all the values ​​were very abnormal.

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