Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 142 The Box and the Clown

"There are quite a lot of legends about this Night Dragon Stone Statue!" Li Wei was lying in the room, looking at the information about the Night Dragon Stone Statue that the White Queen had found.

It seems that the existence of this night dragon stone statue is very long, and the specific time of its appearance cannot be verified.

However, in many myths and legends, this night dragon stone statue is not only a symbol of England's aristocratic status, but also the guardian of the castle, capable of frightening and devouring invading ghosts and ghosts.

But at this time, Li Wei did not regard these as legends fabricated by the world. What could block Li Wei's mental exploration was definitely not as simple as an ordinary stone statue!

"Dr. Bruce, it's time to prescribe medicine!" At five o'clock in the afternoon, Sophie took Levi and Mary to Mrs. Marsdale's room on time.

After Levi continued to pretend to do a rough inspection, he found that although Mrs. Marsdale had tubes inserted all over her body and her eyes were slightly squinted, Levi could clearly perceive the actual situation in the other party's body, and it was not as bad as it seemed. .

Levi took out two pills from the medicine box and gave them to Mary to grind and help Mrs. Marsdale take them. These two pills were actually the vitamins that Levi had taken from the medicine box downstairs.

Levi's diagnosis and prescription of medicine seemed casual and perfunctory, but Mary, who was unaware of it, still tried her best to wipe Mrs. Marsdale's hands and face, and turned her over for a massage, perfecting the role of a family member. Nurse Responsibilities.

But Sophie didn't speak from the beginning to the end when she saw this. She just stood quietly at the end of the bed, staring at the three people's every move.

"Ah! This job is so good!" After returning to the first floor, Mary habitually took out her mobile phone that had no signal, took a look at it, and threw it on the sofa.

After dinner, Levi still insisted and went back to the room directly, which made Mary feel very bored, so she took Sophie and Thiel to play poker.

After all, the TV lines in the castle were temporarily cut off, and there was no entertainment at all, which made Mary, who was used to nightlife, feel a little bored.

"Huh!" After Rivera closed the curtains, the White Queen was responsible for monitoring the castle, especially Mrs. Marsdale's room, while he was sitting on the bed, practicing meditation.

"Master, we have discovered something!" As the time approached 12 o'clock in the morning, the White Queen's reminder suddenly rang in Li Wei's mind while he was practicing.

"Huh?" Levi looked at a set of surveillance images sent by the White Queen, and saw that in the stable not far from the annex building, the brass box that Levi was looking for suddenly appeared out of thin air!

Fortunately, Levi searched the annex, garage and stables together during the day, and the White Queen placed a mini camera inside. Otherwise, this discovery will really be missed!

As the camera kept getting closer, Levi could see the appearance of the box very clearly.

On the top of the box, a device similar to a 4-digit letter combination lock is made of brass-like metal, and on the front of the box, the original pattern composed of various lines and arcs seems to have been completed. Perfect, it turned into a weird clown look!

"Click!" But when the time came to 0 o'clock, the letter combination lock started to rotate on its own, forming the word "JOKE". Then the lid of the box was slowly pushed open, revealing a pitch black interior, as if through the To the bottomless abyss of another world.

"Crack!" Two gray palms with nails like claws suddenly emerged from the box and rested on top of the box! Then a rather scary-looking clown-like monster crawled out of the box!

This clown-like monster is very thin and tall, with a slightly hunched body, but its arms are very long, almost reaching the knees.

The clown was wearing a long gown made of some kind of gray and black linen. After standing there and waiting quietly for a few minutes, he seemed to have found his target and walked directly towards the outside of the stable!

This clown looks like he is walking and moving slowly, but he actually moves very quickly. He can reach four to five meters with each step, just like a ghost!

At this time, Barak, who had been running around at night, was sorting out the fodder for the next day outside the stables. He did not notice at all that he had been targeted by the clown!

"Huh!" Barak wiped the sweat from his head and breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to go back to the room to take a shower and rest, when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his back!

Barak, who was very experienced in combat, did not choose to look back. Instead, he jumped forward and rolled forward, hiding behind a pile of feed hay. At the same time, he took out the pistol that never left his body in mid-air, and looked at it without looking. Bullets poured out behind him.

In Barak's view, the sound of gunfire was enough to alarm everyone in this silent old castle manor!

But what is very strange is that although Levi could see the sparks from the muzzle of Barak's gun through the surveillance camera, he did not hear any gunshots!

It's like there is an invisible barrier around the clown, preventing any movement within a certain range from being transmitted out!

"Who are you!" Barak's head popped up from behind the haystack, and he looked at the scary-looking clown opposite with a shocked look, especially on his chest, where there were several holes with smoke constantly coming out!

However, no blood flowed out from the wound, nor did it cause any harm to the clown monster. He still opened his mouth wide, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth like sharks, and continued to walk towards Barak!

"Crack!" Although Barak was shocked, he was a veteran who had experienced hundreds of battles. After changing the magazine, he pointed the gun at the clown's head and shot!

"Bang bang bang!" There was less than two meters between the two sides. All of Barak's bullets hit the clown's head, and some of them even entered the clown's eyes!

"Who the hell are you!" But looking at the clown who was still walking towards him with his broken head, Barak was really scared now!

"Ah!" At this time, all the bullets in his hand were gone. Barak, who was full of fear, no longer had the courage to continue fighting this monster. After throwing the pistol at the opponent, he turned around and ran towards the main building of the castle!

"Wow!" But when Barak turned his back to the clown and ran away, the clown's movements sped up a lot, almost creating an afterimage. He took one step forward and came behind Barak, cutting off the opponent's spinal nerves with one claw!

"Plop!" Barak suddenly lost control of his body and fell heavily to the ground. He could only keep making cries for help that could not be heard at all.

"Help!" The clown walked up to Barak who couldn't move. After tilting his head and taking a look, he stretched out his tongue, which was nearly twenty centimeters long, and licked his lips. His eyes were full of greed and evil.

Then, with Barak's desperate eyes, he grabbed Barak's ankle and dragged him directly into the box, and the two disappeared together with the box!

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