Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 226 Mountain Monster

"Mountain monster? What is that?" Levi asked curiously.

"My Lord, mountain monsters are a kind of strange life born in mountain copper!" Yalvette replied, "They are made of rocks and are huge in size. When they grow up, they are generally about 100 meters tall! And as long as the mountain monsters reach adulthood, they can grow to the level of a level 4 life form!"

"Mountain monsters have a very long lifespan. When they are dormant, they can integrate their bodies into the mountains, which not only increases their strength, but also greatly slows down the passage of life!" Yalvette said.

"So powerful?" Levi raised his eyebrows. This kind of life race with special bloodline is much stronger than humans in terms of combat power and potential!

Some people have said before that although humans have a shorter lifespan than these intelligent races, the time required to grow into advanced life forms is much shorter!

For example, mountain monsters may take hundreds of years from birth to adolescence to gradually grow into a level 3 life form.

And a human cultivator with superior qualifications may have reached a level 4 life form after hundreds of years of cultivation!

From the perspective of life level, the growth rate of humans can indeed crush mountain monsters in adolescence, but if the actual combat power between the two is compared, then the level 3 mountain monster can easily defeat or even kill most level 4 humans!

This is the power of life forms with special bloodlines, because most humans are just "blank slates" after birth, while special bloodline life forms have many powerful talents!

"But except for gods, all races in the world must have defects. The mountain monsters cannot walk in the sun, and they will be petrified when the sun shines."

"Petrified in the sun? This is somewhat similar to the night dragon clan!" Levi asked immediately, "But what is the connection between mountain monsters and mountain copper?"

"Although the mountain copper mines on the earth have been mined out, as long as there are living mountain monsters in the world, mountain copper can be found!" Yarvette explained, "Because the reproduction between mountain monsters is very peculiar, a piece of mountain copper is needed as the core to breed new mountain monsters! So every mountain monster has a mountain copper in its body. , there is a piece of mountain copper! "

"Then the question now is, where to find mountain monsters?" Levi frowned, "Or, are there still mountain monsters in this world? After all, the mountain copper on the earth has been mined out tens of thousands of years ago, and the mountain monsters can no longer reproduce without mountain copper! Moreover, didn't the gods kill all the mountain monsters and take away the mountain copper in their bodies? "

Since Levi knew about the evolution of life, he didn't think that the gods were really as wise and loving as recorded in the scriptures. On the contrary, the gods were very selfish and could not consider human feelings!

This is like when humans accidentally dug up a nest of insects when digging the foundation of a house. Humans can't change the address of the house for these insects. They will just throw it aside without caring about the life and death of the nest of insects!

Similarly, because the gods have powerful power, they will have more terrible effects and consequences on races such as humans!

If the earth does not have mountain copper, which has very strict mining conditions, but another precious material, then the gods are likely to take action directly, extracting materials from the planet and instantly destroying the entire planet!

"My Lord, in the Hall of Heroes, there was a demigod from the mountain monster clan, who was very powerful!" Yalvette sighed, "Because of the mountain copper in his body, he had a great chance and potential to evolve into a true god, but unfortunately he eventually fell in the battle between gods and evil!"

"After the death of that demigod, the mountain monster clan retreated to the depths of the mountains, isolating themselves from the world to protect themselves!" Yalvette said, "If the mountain monsters merged into the mountains and fell asleep, the existence below the demigods could not find them at all!"

"So that's it!" Levi nodded. The choice of the mountain monster clan was indeed wise. Although there were many powerful masters in their race, the mountain copper in their bodies was the biggest original sin. Facing the greedy eyes of the whole world, they had to disappear in time to survive!

Even if these mountain coppers were obtained by other life forms, there was no way to make them into a god base!

"Then do you know where the mountain monsters went?"

"I don't know!" Alvette shook her head. As a maid of the Lord Odin, she spent most of her time in the temple, and was somewhat isolated from the information in the human world.

"White Queen! Search for information about mountain monsters!" Fortunately, Levi had a helper who could browse the human network.

"Master, I found many legends about mountain monsters on the Internet." A few seconds later, the White Queen replied, "And the most relevant one is Norway!"

"Norway?" Levi's heart moved. Norway is one of the countries with the most and widest mountains in Europe. The geographical environment is indeed suitable for the survival and sleep of mountain monsters!

"The troll is made of stone and soil, a heart covered with ice and snow, and bones of ice. It awakens from the darkness and petrifies in the sun!" The White Queen projected a photo of an ancient book that looked very old in front of Levi, "Master, this is a nursery rhyme that is very popular in Norway. It tells a mythical creature called a troll!"

"Huh? Petrified in the sun?" Levi and Alvette looked at each other. Isn't this the flaw of the troll family?

"But Norway is a country with mountains of all sizes almost everywhere. The mountain monsters can find a mountain range at random, blend into it and fall asleep. How should I find them?" I finally determined the approximate location of the mountain monsters. Location, Levi encountered a new problem!

"This?" Arvette shook her head. She didn't have any good ideas. If she was at her peak and her huge spiritual thoughts enveloped the earth, she would naturally be able to instantly find where the mountain monsters were sleeping. But now she is only fragile. The next trace of origin can't help much.

"Master, I have investigated the changes in the mountains in Norway in the past two hundred years, and I have not found any abnormalities!" The White Queen said, if there are mountain monsters coming in and out of the mountains, then the mountain terrain should change accordingly.

"Forget it! If the mountain monster could be found so easily, it would have been exterminated long ago!" Levi shook his head. He was very open-minded. Anyway, he is still at the level of a third-level life form. Even if he can get orichalcum and use it, The secret fire has created a divine foundation, but I can’t use it!

"Speaking of how to build a divine base, the requirements for forging skills should be quite high!" Levi thought of other requirements for forging a divine base. "It seems that we need to evolve to level 4 as soon as possible and go to the church to obtain further inheritance from the Dwarf King. !”

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